Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania

Duking it out

I blocked Kabuto’s attack and managed to get a punch through. It hit him in the face and he went flying. He fell against a rock and I heard a crunching noise. Kabuto got back up in a second, enraged. I shrugged, he shouldn’t get so mad, one of us would win and it might be me. He would have to deal with getting a little scraped up.

I rushed at Kabuto this time, charging my hands up with fire. I smacked him in the stomach but it was just a substution jutsu. There was a log in his place. I growled, looking around for him. He appeared behind me, smacking me on the neck. I nearly fell but caught myself in time.

“She’s pretty good, hmm?” I heard Deidara say.

I felt myself blush but in that moment of hesitation Kabuto smacked at my leg. I went down. I groaned, clutching it. That had really hurt. I picked myself up again and threw a kunai that had fire in it. It scraped Kabuto’s shoulder and suddenly I heard his shoulder sizzling. I grinned, I had got him. He gasped, trying to beat the flame out. When he had finally succeeded I was already behind him and using my magma wave. It splashed over him, consuming him.

I heard Orochimaru sigh, “Kabuto concentrate.”

I saw Kabuto unscathed. How was that possible? Then I noticed the log on the ground and cursed at my luck.. I watched Kabuto allowing him to make the next move. He came rushing at me with a blue hand. He was a medical ninja if memory served me correctly. Sasori had filled me in on our enemies in case this happened. He was always so methodical unlike Deidara who do everything on the spur of the moment.

What was Kabuto going to do? I never found out because I blocked his attack with a magma shield. It made Kabuto back up a little and rethink his strategy. As soon as my barrier was down Kabuto threw a kunai at me. I dodged it smoothly and started throwing fire balls at Kabuto. He dodged most of them except for three. One on his shoulder, the other on his stomach and the last one on his thigh. I rejoiced, maybe I would win this after all. His clothes were on fire by this point and he kept patting at them frantically.

I laughed out loud. This was hysterical. Kabuto glared at me then took a pill out of his bag and swallowed it. I wondered what that did. Kabuto suddenly grew a bunch of muscles and I felt my eyes widen. He ran at me, muscles bulging. I shrieked, put up a magma barrier and sent him flying again. This time he didn’t go very far and he definitely didn’t crash into anything. I frowned, this would be harder than I thought it would be.

Kabuto thrust a fist down on the ground and sent rocks flying everyewhere. I gasped. One of the rocks hit me. It was rather big and I almost lost conciousness. But no way was I going to lose to this guy so I shook off the pain. I bounced on the balls of my feet, pumped. I would find a way to beat him. Just as he rushed me I dodged him and then grabbed one of his arms attempting to throw him on the ground.

I was stronger than I looked but his massive strength overcame me and I was sent flying. I got up after awhile, wipped the blood off my mouth and was back on my feet. I would have to use my magma waves for him. I got ready, channeling my power. A wave formed and I let it sweep across the ground. It caught Kabuto.

I knew he would use a substiution jutsu, though so I jumped in the air immediately and when he appeared beside me I smacked him down with everything I had. He barely went down. I growled. I then threw a fire kunai at him and used my magma wave in the air. It was tricky but I did it. By the time I landed on the ground Kabuto was beaten all the way to hell. I grinned.

Orochimaru sighed, “All right since you beat Kabuto I’ll tell you where I’m keeping Naruto.”

Yes! I silently thought. We would finally be able to rescue Naruto.