Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania

Monka Blanka hill

“Naruto is in the south western hideout on Monka Blanka hill.” Orochimaru said.

I nodded, Monka Blanka was a about a three day walk from here.

“Come on Kabuto.” Orochimaru said.

As they were about to leave though I said, “Why did you want Naruto?”

Orochimaru smirked, “Because I thought he would make Sasuke cooperate but I was wrong. Sasuke is just as stubborn as ever.”

I nodded, it made sense. On that note they left.

“I hate that guy. He makes my skin crawl.” I heard Sakura say.

I nodded, he was rather creepy. “Are we ready?” I said.

Deidara, Sasori, Itachi and Sakura nodded. “Okay let’s go get Naruto then.”

We made it to Orochimaru’s hideout in about three days. The whole way Sasori kept complaining on how much we were having to walk. He was so lazy. Itachi was pretty quiet while Deidara and Sakura did most of the talking. Deidara kept talking to me, asking me how I was doing, was this too hard on me and ectera.

I answered him honestly saying I was doing good and that I usually walked a lot so it wasn’t hard on me. Deidara nodded, satisfyed. Sakura talked to me about boys and kept asking me if I liked anyone. I told her I wasn’t sure if I liked anyone. She kept prying though and I just ended up telling her Deidara had been on my mind lately. She gobbled this information up asking me why I kept thinking about him.

I told her that I didn’t know why I kept thinking about him. All these conversations with Sakura were done when Deidara was ahead of us or extremely behind. Thank God he didn’t hear them. I would have been beyond mortifyed.

I was the first one to spot Orochimaru’s hideout. I pointed it out to the others, proud that I had been the first one to find it. Deidara grinned at me. I smiled back. Things were looking bright so far. We walked into the hovel that was Orochimaru’s hideout and were welcomed by Naruto tied down on a bed wrapped in chains. This infuriated me. How dare Orochimaru do this to Naruto. I tried to melt the chains but when that proved useless I realized we would have to find the key.

I asked Naruto if he knew about a key and he said it was somewhere here. Rats just when we were so close. We rummaged through Orochimaru’s things at a crazed pace trying to locate the key. We overturned drawers, threw books all over the place and lifted up boards. It finally fell from off a bookshelf. I grabbed it, ran to Naruto and found the keyhole holding the chains together. I turned the key in the lock, watching the chains fall to the floor. Naruto stepped out of the chains and grinned at me.

“Thanks Eya. I owe you. I thought I was a goner.”

I grinned, “No problem but you should thank these guys as well.”

I said indicating Itachi, Deidara, Sasori and Sakura. Naruto nodded, “Thanks you guys.”

Everyone nodded and we were on our way back to the leaf village.It took us five days to get to the leaf village. This time Naruto was the one who mostly talked to me. Sasori, Deidara and Sakura talked amongst themselves while Itachi followed, talking to no one. He sure was quiet I thought. Naruto was the first one to spot the village. When we entered the village Kakashi sensei was standing there waiting for us.

“Hey Naruto glad you’re back.” He said.

Naruto grinned, “Thanks Kakashi sensei. I missed you.”

Kasashi sensei nodded, “So did I.”

Sakura joined them and waved goodbye to us.

“Well bye guys.” I said.

Deidara nodded looking sad.

“Don’t forget you can always join us.” He said.

I nodded, “I won’t.” I then headed in the direction of my village and saw the Akatsuki head towards their hideout.