Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania


I was waiting for Deidara at Shukaku’s at twelve fifty five. I decided to be a little early just in case. It never hurt to be early. I saw a figure in the distance coming towards me. It was Deidara. He was in a white t-shirt and blue jeans. He looked good.

“Hi.” I said.

He nodded at me, grinning.

“You look cute today.”

I blushed. After I had shown Sasori the sights in the sand villge he insisted I wear a skirt and a nice shirt. I felt a little embrassed because I usually didn’t wear skirts. I wasn’t a tomboy but I liked wearing pants most of the time. They were easier to move in, especially when you were fighting.

“Thanks.” I said.

“Want to go inside?” He said.

I nodded. He let me go first, holding the door open like a gentleman. I was thrilled. I loved when guys were respectful to girls. The inside of Shukaku’s was really nice looking. It had sand floors and a fountain in the middle of the resturant that flowed sand through a sand demon’s mouth. The sand demon was Gaara’s inner biju, Shukaku. I let Deidara choose a place for us to sit. We sat near a window that overlooked the village. I sat down and straightened my skirt before I sat down.

“So why did you choose this resturant?” I said, curious.

Deidara smiled, “I heard it was nice, I wanted to treat you to some place that was cool.”

I nodded, he must really like me like Sasori had said.

“I’m glad you agreed to go out with me.” Deidara said.

I smiled, “It’s not a big deal besides I like you.”

Deidara smiled, “Do you like like me?”

I smiled, “I don’t know. Maybe you can help me make my mind up?”

Deidara nodded, “Will do.”

“So what do you want to order Eya?”

I frowned, I had never been to this resturant before so I would need to look at the menu.

“I’m not sure. I need to look at a menu first.”

Deidara nodded. At that moment a waiter came to our table and handed us menus.

“What would you two like to drink?”

“Water.” I said.

“Coke.” Deidara said.

“Your drinks will be ready soon.” The waiter said. He smiled and walked off. “Have you drawn anything new Eya?”

“Actually I was thinking of doing a new drawing.”

“Oh?” Deidara said, arching an eyebrow.

“Yes.” I said.
“I want to do a portrait of you You don’t mind do you?”

I heard Deidara laugh loud and hard.

“Are you kidding me?” He said.

“I’d love to!”

I smiled then took a look at my menu. Deidara did the same thing. I found something that sounded appealing. It was called, “Sand chicken.” It sounded appealing. I was sure they were going to coat the chicken in bread and put a special sauce on it that looked gritty.

Deidara decided to order “Shukaku’s innards.” It sounded gross but it was actually just meat that Deidara said tasted like frog’s legs. I had never tasted frog’s legs before but I was sure they would be good. Our date ended faster than I thought it would and before I knew it Deidara was saying goodbye to me outside of Shukaku’s.

“See you soon Eya.” Deidara said.

He kissed my forehead and I felt myself blush.

“You’ll come back soon for my portrait right?” I said.

He nodded. Then he came up close to me and gave me a hug. It felt warm and good. I smiled, then we broke apart. He put his hand in his clay bag and waited a while while his hand morphed his clay.

He brought his clay creation out on his hand and threw it on the ground. It exploded into a large bird. He hopped on it, gave me a wink and took off into the sky.