Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania


When I woke up the next morning I pulled out my dream journal and started sketching my dream. Instead of writing down dreams I found it was easier to remember them if you drew them out. So today I was sketching out my dream about my family being vampires and trying to suck my blood out.

I had no idea what this dream meant but I thought it was important so I decided to sketch it out. I heard a knock on my window and saw a familiar face. It was Deidara. What was he doing here? I wondered.

I opened my window for him and frowned, “No offense Deidara but what are you doing here? I was sketching out my dream.”

Deidara’s eyes lit up then.

“Really? What did you dream about?”

I was debating wheather to tell him or not when he said, “Never mind that didn’t you say you wanted to draw me?”

I nodded, I had said that. I didn’t think Deidara would actually want to be sketched though. It was kind of boring posing for people. I knew personally. My friend, Sai from the leaf village always wanted me to pose for him. He said I had strong features but I think the reason he wanted to sketch me so much was because he had a creepy crush on me.

“Well where do you want me to pose?”

I shrugged, pointing my chair near my desk.

“In that chair is fine.” I said.

He nodded and sat down gracefully in the chair. I giggled, this wasn’t a fashion runway.

“What’s so funny?”He said.

I giggled again, “You.”

He looked puzzled.

I decided to clarify what I meant.

“You sat down in that chair like you were supposed to be a runway model.”

Deidara grinned, “I’ll be a runway model for you if you want, baby.”

I felt myself blush. Why was he acting so sexy and what was up with that baby part. We had only gone on one date. He must be the a hopeless romantic. I rummaged through my drawers and finally managed to find my sketch journal. I pulled it open to a new page, grabbed a pencil, grabbed a spare chair in my room and sat down in it. Deidara was sitting down with his arms crossed a smile plastered on his face. I felt myself blush again.

He really was cute. I shook my head, what was I thinking? I needed to concentrate on my drawing. I clenched my pencil and began drawing his long bang that covered his eye. I always started out with the hair. I felt my hand sweeping across the page, sometimes having a mind of its own. Once I had finished the sketch I began shading it. I colored his hair lightly with dark shading in it where the light struck it. I shaded in his eye that I could see and shaded the camera in his other eye.

I could actually see it today as opposed to most days where it was covered up by his long bang. I felt my pencil racing across the page, shading in just the right places like a professional. I knew I was good at art but I think I had out done myself in this portrait. I liked doing portraits of my friends and family and had a ton of them in my sketch journal.

I had drawn Temari, Gaara, Kankuro, Sakura, Naruto, Sai, Guy, Kakashi, Rock Lee, Hinata and a bunch more. Everyone who was my friend knew sooner or later that I would want to draw them and eventually caved in early, which sated me. I finished the portrait of Deidara and grinned up at him. This entire time he had been the perfect subject, not moving too much except to stretch, which was fine with me.

“Done already?” He said.

I nodded and showed it to him.

He stared intently at it and then said, “This is fantastic, you keep getting better at art Eya.”

I felt myself blush again. These compliments kept making me feel flustered.

“I’ll see you later.” He said about to leave.

I grabbed his wrist and he looked at me.

“Can you stay for a little while?” I said.

He smiled at me.

“I don’t have much to do, so what the hell.”

I smiled. He sat down on my bed and we began to talk.