Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania

Truth or dare

“So how old were you when you first started drawing?” I said.

Deidara thought for a while. “I think I was about three years old, you?”

I smiled, “I was about two.”

Deidara smiled, “I can’t believe you beat me!”

I laughed, for the past hour we had been telling each other secrets and our likes and dislikes. I was just about to tell Deidara something when I heard a knock on my window. I frowned at Deidara. He shrugged. I had no idea who it could be. I went over to my window and pulled it open. Sasori came sprawling in my room. I gasped, I hope he wasn’t hurt.

“Are you okay, Sasori?”

Sasori grunted, got up and grinned. “Course I am, why wouldn’t I be?”

I frowned, “You just crashed into my room, I hope you didn’t hurt yourself.”

Sasori grinned, “Don’t worry I’m not hurt easily.”

I smiled, he seemed okay. “Anyway what are you doing here Sasori?” I said.

He shrugged, “I had nothing better to do today, so I decided to spend the day with you.”

Deidara glared at Sasori. “Why do you always follow me, hmm?”

Sasori glared back, “I don’t Deidara. I just wanted to see Eya.”

Deidara crossed his arms across his chest and sulked, “Whatever. I’ll put up with you but I won’t like it.”

I sighed, things were getting ugly fast. “Guys don’t fight. You know I like both of you.”

Deidara nodded but still was sulking. Sasori grinned, “Yeah I know.”

“Let’s play truth or dare.” Sasori said.

“Okay.” I said.

Deidara snorted, “I’m out.”

Sasori frowned, “Don’t be like that Deidara! I know you love this game.”

Deidara sent daggers at Sasori, “Do not, hmm.”

Sasori sighed, “Just because Itachi made you dress up like a girl doesn’t mean you hate the game.”

“That’s more reason to hate it, hmm.”

I started laughing, they were hysterical.

“You were pretty cute dressed up as a girl.”

I saw Deidara fuming, “Shut the hell up Sasori.”

I frowned, I really wanted to play.

“Can we play Deidara? If Sasori tries to make you do something embarassing, I’ll volunteer to do it instead.”

Deidara seemed to consider this. “Okay, but he better not pull anything funny.”

“I promise I won’t.” Sasori said.

“I’m so sure.”Deidara said.

He sat down on the ground, however. I sat down next to him and Sasori sat down next to me.

“Okay.” Sasori said.

“Truth or Dare Eya.”

I pondered this for a while. I wasn’t sure I was ready to do something crazy. Might as well do truth. “Truth.” I said. I saw Sasori grin mischeivously.

“How old were you when you had your first kiss?”

I felt myself turn red. “Why do you want to know?”

“Just answer the question Eya.”

I gulped, “I’ve never been kissed.”

I saw Sasori’s eyes widen. “Really? Why you’re adorable.”

I felt myself stiffen, “I don’t know why not. I just haven’t been kissed before.”

I felt Deidara’s eyes on me. I felt myself redden even further. I could not believe I had confessed that I had never been kissed in front of Deidara. I felt like I could die.

“All right Deidara it’s your turn.”

“Truth or dare?” I heard Deidara snort.

“I guess dare.” Sasori smiled mischievously.

“I dare you to kiss Eya.”

I felt myself stiffen and saw Deidara turn a shade of red.

“What’s wrong Deidara? Too chicken?”

“No!” I heard Deidara say.

“Then kiss her.”

I saw Deidara shoot daggers at Sasori.

“Fine.” Deidara got up.

He pulled me up off the floor and kept glancing everywhere but at me. What was wrong with him? I thought he liked me too? Why wouldn’t he look at me? Suddenly Deidara closed the gap between us and brushed his lips against mine. I felt my heart flutter.

His kiss was soft and sweet. He put his arms around my neck and pulled me closer. He smelled like the wild. His scent was musky and strong. I liked it. His kiss deepened and I felt myself becoming lost in him. By the time the kiss had ended both of our faces were red.

Sasori smiled, “That was hot.”

I felt myself blush even redder. I saw Deidara glare at Sasoi.

Deidara came up to me and I thought he was going to kiss me again but all he did was whisper into my ear, “I’ve never been kissed either, until now.”

I felt my heart pounding in my chest. He had never been kissed before? So this was his first kiss as well. Interesting.