Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania

Birthday Party

When I got home later that day I saw Sakura and Naruto waiting for me. Sakura smiled at me as I got closer.

“Hey Eya!” Naruto said, beaming.

“Hey guys, what are you doing here?”

Naruto’s grin got wider. “Don’t you remember your own birthday?”

I gasped, I had completely forgotten about my birthday in all the fun I was having.

“I remember know.” I said abashed.

Naruto grinned, “It’s just like you to forget your own birthday Eya.”

I felt myself blush.

“Want to go inside now?”

Sakura said. I nodded. I opened the door, walked into the living room and was assualted by my mom and dad, Temari, Gaara, Kankuro, Sai, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Kakashi, Guy, Rock Lee, Tenten, Neji, Choji, Shikamaru and Ino.

“Happy birthday Eya!” They all said, overwhelming me.

I smiled, glad that all of my friends had made it to my party. I then remembered that not all of my friends were here after all. I had made friends with the akatsuki whether I had wanted to or not. I felt myself sigh but when Kiba wrapped me into an energetic hug I forgot all about my sadness.

“Hey Eya! You’re finally eighteen woo!”

I smiled at him. He made me feel so happy.

“Yup and you’re still only fourteen right Kiba?”

I saw Kiba fume, “Fifteen. My birthday was last month, you’re so forgetful Eya.”

I smiled, “That’s right. I keep forgetting. Sorry.”

Kiba grinned at me, “That’s okay.”

Sai came up to me then.

“Yes?” I said.

“Um.. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to do this.”

“Do what?” I said.

“Do what Kiba just did. I hear friends do that sort of thing.”

I grinned, he was talking about a hug.

“Yeah friends do that.”

Sai smiled. His smile seemed genuine. When I had first met him he had pretended to smile all the time and it was totally creepy. Now his smiles seemed geninue. I think I had some factor in why he decided to smile more geninue now. Sai came up to me, wrapped me in a bear hug and I smiled. He wasn’t as totally lifeless feeling like I had imagined.

“I have your gift on the table.” He said.

I glanced over his shoulder, which was pretty hard to see over because I am really short.

“Um. Can you disentagle yourself from me?”

“Oh! Sorry!” Sai said.

He unwrapped himself from me and I finally got a closer look at the birthday presents. There were so many! I couldn’t believe I was blessed with such great friends.

“Want to open them Eya?” Sakura said.

“Shouldn’t we eat cake first?”

Sakura looked surprised, “Oh! Right cake. You’re right that makes much more sense.”

I smiled. Sakura hurried in my kitchen and came out a minute later with a pink cake. There were green words on it.

They said, “Happy birthday Eya!”

I grinned, I loved my friends.

“Me, Hinata, Tenten and Ino picked this cake out.” Sakura said beaming.

“I love it you guys!” I said.

I saw Sakura, Hinata, Tenten and Ino grin. Sakura came to a table in the middle of the room and stuck the cake on it. I walked up to the cake and smiled at everyone. Everyone started singing happy birthday to me. I smiled as my mom and dad took pictures of me. When the singing ended Sakura offered to cut everyone a slice.

She got a knife from the kitchen and started cutting the cake up. I decided to be useful and get everyone a plate. I got the plastic plates that were on the table in the kitchen. I returned into the living room and handed Sakura the plates. She took them from me, smiling. She plopped a slice of cake on the plate and handed it back to me. I handed it to the person nearest to me, Kiba. He took it, grinning. This process went on for a while until I was the last person to be served. We all trailed into the kitchen with our plates.

We couldn’t eat in the living room. Parent’s rules. I took a bit into my cake gasping as the flavor burst in my mouth.

“Something wrong Eya?” Kiba said.

I shook my head. “This cake is amazing!” I said.

Kiba smiled, “It is pretty good.”

I devoured the rest of my cake and waited for everyone to do the same. When everyone had finished their cake we all trailed back into the living room where my presents were. I waited for everyone patiently. They came walking in soon so I didn’t have to wait that long. I walked up to the table where my presents were sitting on.

“Present time!” I heard Naruto shout.

I smiled grabbed a present from Temari, Gaara and Kankuro. It was wrapped in pretty blue paper. I ripped into it and pulled out a beautiful necklace. It had a heart hanging off it’s chain. I smiled at Temari, Gaara and Kankuro.

“Thank you. I love it.”

Temari, Gaara and Kankuro grinned, “You’re welcome.”

They all said at the same time. Each present got better in my opinion. I didn’t know how they all knew what I liked. From Sai I had gotten a new sketch pad and from Guy and Kakashi I had got a vampire book. It was titled, “My secert life.” From my mom and dad I had gotten a digital camera. I got blue contacts from Hinata, Kiba and Shino. From Shikamaru, Ino and Choji I got a box of Prisma Colors. Prisma Colors are really cool colored pencils that artists use. I was thrilled. I was practically out of my old Prisma Colors.

And lastly but not least from Rock Lee, Tenten and Neji I got a t-shirt that said, “Art is more than just a pleasant image.” On the back it said, “It needs to be understood and appreciated.” I squealed with joy when I had finished unwrapping all of my presents. I had been spoiled beyond belief.

I grinned at everyone and said“Let’s party!”

I heard a chrous of excited yells. We spent my birthday playing board games and playing dare I say it “Truth and dare.” All in all my birthday party had been a blast. As I hit my head on my pillow I sighed a breath of relief.

I had enjoyed today but it had really worn me out. Just as I was snuggling in the covers I saw something move outside.