Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania


I got out of bed, glanced outside and shivered. I saw a shady figure outside. I wondered who it could be. I walked over to my window and opened it. A cool draft came in through the window. I scanned outside and saw a figure slowly coming towards me. I gulped. Before I could even react to what happened I was hit sharply in the stomach. I gagged and fell to the floor. I felt everything going black.

“Hehe I got her.” I heard a strange gruff voice say.

I blacked out and soon everything had gone peaceful. I felt myself floating in and out of conciousness. I heard voices sometimes but couldn’t discern anything. At other times everything was quiet and I let myself sleep. I didn’t know what I was expecting to see when I first opened my eyes but I didn’t expect there to be a tall man towering over me, examining me like a piece of meat.

“Who are you?” I growled.

“Me? Don’t concern yourself with me. How are you feeling?”

I growled again, “Terrible. Where am I?”

The man smiled, “You’re in a warehouse in the mountains.”

“Why am I here?” I said geninuely confused.

“You’re here because of your alliance with the Akatsuki.”

I frowned. “What does that have anything to do with me?”

The man laughed. “That little girl has to do with everything.”

I felt myself fuming. What was this man talking about? I felt so confused.

“I’m still confused.” I said.

The man laughed again.

“The Akatsuki have been killing off our people. We figure if we captured you their members they will come running here and we can get our revenge on them.”

I was steamed now.

“They won’t come!” I said practically shrieking.

The man laughed again, “You are dead wrong on that. I know for a fact that you are important to them. One of my spies has been watching the Akatsuki for a weakness. You are their weakness.”

I hung my head. He had me there. I knew once the Akatsuki heard I was missing they would come rushing to rescue me. I hoped they wouldn’t but I knew for a fact that they would come. The sun set and I was thrown in a cabin, hands and legs tied. They had carried me into the cabin, which was embarrassing. I could walk perfectly fine.

They fed me soup and bread. They untied my hands for this but kept my legs tied up to prevent me from running away. I sighed, ate my soup and bread and sulked. At night I saw the tall man who had talked to me talking to his accomplice. They were talking about what they were going to do the Akatsuki once they came rushing here. It wasn’t a pleasant talk. I ended up falling asleep still tied up on the bed they had tossed me on. They had picked me up and thrown me on the bed like a sack of potatoes.

I knew I barely weighed anything but I didn’t think they could toss me around like nothing. I wished I could fight my way home but I was tied up at the moment. There was nothing I could do at the moment. I slept on and off waking up at the weirdest times. I would wake up and stare at the ceiling wishing I was home. I hated this.

I wasn’t used to being pampered but I wasn’t used to being abused either and this would count as abuse. It only got worse once morning came. I was sore and cranky when I woke up. I had hardly gotten any sleep. When the two men picked me up and put me down to the table to eat I tried to bite them. They gasped but got a whip and beat me with it. I screamed trying not to cry. I hated these people. It had only been a day and I was already sick of this. I knew I couldn’t survive a week of this.

I wanted the Akatsuki to hurry up and come but at the same time I didn’t want them to come and get me. What was up with what that man had said? The Akatsuki have been killing off our people. Did the Akatsuki really kill people? I knew they were bad guys but I had grown attached to them. I wondered if the Akatsuki actually were the ones at fault and I should have just forgot about them after I had gotten Gaara. But no I had to befriend them.

God I was an idiot. I ate my toast and cereal that the two men had given me thinking if I had made a mistake trusting the Akatsuki. As soon as I had finished my toast the two men got up and retied my wrists. They picked me up and tossed me in the back of a truck. Were we on the move again? How stupid. Shouldn’t they stay in one place to let the Akatsuki come and rescue me?

“Where are we going?” I said as the two men were about to close the truck up.

“Our hideout. We’ll send a person to tell the Akatsuki where we are. Don’t worry as long as you cooperate we won’t hurt you.”

They closed the truck up then leaving me in the darkness to think.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no! What will happen to Eya?