Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania


I felt the truck moving across hilly areas. The truck kept bouncing up and down tossing me all over the place. I groaned, trying not to be sick; I got car sick easily. I noticed a window up above to my right. It was sort of low so I decided to try to see out of it. I sort of hobbled over to the window. It was hard to get over to the window but I did it somehow. I wanted to see outside because it bothered me not knowing where I was at.

I looked out the window and was greeted by a vast desert. It looked like it stretched on forever. I sighed, we were in the middle of nowhere. I suddenly saw a bird flitting outside. I looked again and noticed it was a messanger bird. I gasped, this could be my ticket out of here. I tried untying my wrists but it was all futile. I couldn’t seem to undo my hands. I sighed, this was hopeless. I then remembered I had a knife in my back pocket. I tried grabbing at it but the same problem occurred I just couldn’t seem to do it.

I sighed, sitting back down and staring outside the window. I couldn’t see the bird anymore. I scooted back to the middle of the truck and lay my head down and rested. I dreamt of Sakura and Naruto. They were trying to free me. They kept trying to get me to wake up but I was out cold.

They kept saying over and over again, “Wake up Eya. We don’t have much time.”

I just kept on sleeping though oblivious to them. Then when I opened my eyes I found myself alone. I sighed, it must have really been only a dream. If only it were true then I could leave this place and be with my friends. I leaned against the truck’s wall and thought of plans to escape. So far all of my plans had gone wrong. I groaned, I was going to be a captive forever.
We arrived at the hideout in three days. The two men gave me food occasionally which made me feel better but didn’t sate me like I thought it would.

It was usually stale bread with some kind of soup. They would stop the truck so we could all eat. The two men would sit near me eating as well. They had the same food as me so I didn’t feel jealous. They would talk to each other like I wasn’t there, which annoyed me. Who did these guys thinl they were? As soon as we had finished eating the two men would go back to the front and resume driving. I would go back in the dark and sigh wanting to be home desperately. I didn’t see the hideout at first because I was still in the dark pondering for the hundreth time how to get out of this predicament.

I felt the truck stop and I felt my heart jump.I was relieved when the two men untied my hands and legs and let me walk outside for the first time. The sun was shining outside. It was noon, I could tell by the position of the sun. Kaskashi had taught me how to calcualte what time it was. He had told me that it was important to know what time it was when you were out in the wild. It could depend on your survival. I was glad he had taught me. I knew I wasn’t exactly out in the wild but it comforted me to know what time it was.

The two men forced me to walk ahead of them to a big, fat, white building in the distance. It was at least a mile away. Why had they stopped so soon? I shrugged and continued to walk. It didn’t really concern me either way. I stopped when I had made it to the building, glanced behind me and went on ahead into the building when the two men told me to go on in. The doors were automatic so I just walked through with no problems. I entered the building and was greeted by a woman in a green tank top and blue jeans.

“Welcome Eya. Follow me.”

I wondered how she knew my name but then remembered they had been spying on the Akatsuki. I followed behind her wondering who this woman was. We came to a room to the right. She let me go in first. It looked like a hospital room. I glanced behind me and the woman nodded at me and came inside the room.

As she walked in she said, “You’ll be staying in this room until the Akatsuki come for you. I’m the boss of this operation.”

I gasped, I didn’t think the boss would be a woman. The woman smiled at me coldy.

“Make yourself comfortable Eya because you’ll be staying here for a while.”