Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania


In the morning I woke up feeling refreshed. I got up and stretched, yawning. I was just shaking off sleep when I heard a crash. I jumped and turned towards the sound. It was coming from the window. Glass lay shattered on the ground and I saw Deidara standing there looking smug.

“Hey Eya. We’re here to bust you out.”

I looked around him. “We who?” I said.

He smiled, “The rest of us are outside. We decided only one of us would be necessary to retrieve you.”

I nodded, “Can I ask you something first?”

He looked wary, “Be quick about it.”

“Have the Akatsuki really been killing these people?”

Deidara looked at me for a second. “No. We don’t get into it with the lightning village.”

I gasped, this was the lightning village? The same village that we had made a pact with not to fight? How dare they kidnap me! The sand was definitely going to hear about this.

“Then who has been killing off their people?” I said.

Deidara sighed, “Most likely imposters. They’re always soiling our name. We don’t kill unless we have to.”

I nodded, at least the Akatsuki weren’t the bad guys here. We were just about to get out of the shattered window when the door burst open. I gasped, it was the two men who had kidnapped me. “Attack the guy in black!” I heard the boss say.

“Crap. We have to do this the hard way I guess.”

Deidara got in front of me and yelled, “Go find the others I’ll hold them off.”

I nodded, but I was worried. What if he got hurt?


I said and was interrupted curtly by Deidara, “Just do it!”

I nodded, jumped out of the window and landed outside. I ran across the desert to where I saw Sakura and Naruto standing.

“Hey guys.” I said as I ran up to them.

They nodded. “Is Deidara taking care of it?”

I nodded.

“How come you’re hanging out with the Akatsuki?” Naruto said coldly.

It felt like he had stabbed me. “They’re the ones who kidnapped Gaara aren’t they?”

I felt another stab.

“Naruto don’t be so inconsiderate.” I heard Sakura say.

Naruto sighed, “All right but if she wants to hang out with bad guys let her.”

I watched Sakura slap Naruto across the face. It sounded hard and painful. I winced, I knew how strong Sakura was.

“We’ve been over this before Naruto. Eya might be hanging out with the bad guys but right now she needs us so stop being selfish and let’s help her.”

I blinked my eyes. That was the greatest comeback I had ever heard.

“I’m sorry Eya. I know you like the Akatsuki. Naruto’s just being Naruto.”

I nodded. Naruto sighed then looked at me.

“Sorry Eya. I know I was harsh earlier.”

“Yeah you can say that again.”

Naruto threw his head back, “So does that mean your mad at me now?”

I sighed, “Yes. But let’s try to work together and hopefully no one will get hurt.”

“All right.” Naruto said.

I smiled, “It looks like we’re getting somewhere.”

We found the other Akatsuki members hiding behind the building, moving around impatiently. I could tell they were ready to rumble. I took an account of who had come. All of the Akatsuki members including the boss and Sakura and Naruto. I felt loved. I smiled but tried to concentrate. The Akatsuki were supposed to create a diversion while Sakura, Naruto and me got away.

I thought it was risky because something could happen to the Akatsuki. I was worried about them. I tried to concentrate though. The Akatsuki weren’t sacrificing themselves for nothing. Sakura, Naruto and me were in front of the building now and the area was almost empty. There were a couple of men surrounding us.

We waited until we heard an explosion and saw water engulfing the building to run. The men ran away heading in the same direction as us. We quickly passed them and headed towards home.