Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania

Heading Home

We flew through areas at unnatural speed, leaving the men far behind us in the first mile. We are all skilled ninja who are in top shape. I am a jonin, Sakura is a chunin and sadly Naruto is only a genin. It was true he had been gone for two years training with Jiraiya so he hadn’t had much time to become a chunin when he came back. Besides the chunin participants were already signed up and there were no spots open.

This is why Naruto is still only a genin. I jumped over a tree trunk covering the ground and continued to run. Naruto was beside me and Sakura was on my other side.

“How much longer do you think this is going to take Sakura?”

Sakura looked at me, thought for a second and ended up telling me, “About two to three days.”

I nodded, continued running and tried focusing all my energy on getting home instead of worrying about the Akatsuki. We all decided to stop for the night in a small clearing. Naruto gathered the wood, while Sakura and me went fishing. We hadn’t had dinner yet. There was a river nearby and the water was running slowly.

I pulled my pants up and Sakura just walked in. She had a skirt on after all. I glanced down at the crystal clear water trying to spot a fish. I saw one darting around like crazy. I bent over and attempted to catch it. I missed, coming up with nothing. I growled, trying again to catch a darting fish. It just swam away again and I came up with nothing but air. I sighed, glancing over at Sakura.

I couldn’t believe my eyes she had actually caught two fish and not just any fish, these fish looked like they was five pounds. I gasped, feeling jealous. Sakura grinned at me oblivous to my inner feelings.

“Hey Eya. We only need one more. Let’s see who catches it first.”

I was going to catch it first and that was that. I ran after a fish I saw and managed to grab it by its tail. It kept flopping everywhere but I had it under control. I had actually caught one!

Sakura came over to me with her two fish in her hands and grinned, “All right you caught one Eya. Let’s go back and cook these babies.”

I nodded, got up and followed behind Sakura. We made it back to camp and noticed that Naruto had found some wood. It wasn’t lit yet. That was my job. I did control fire after all.

“Sweet you two caught some fish. Eya can you light this?”

I nodded, handed my fish to Sakura and made the hand signs that summoned fire. It came to me at once and I shot my finger in the direction of the wood. It crackled and steamed catching on fire. I grinned and took my fish back.

“Can you gut these guys Naruto?”

Naruto nodded, pulling out a kuani. Sakura and me handed him our fish. Naruto took them and put them on the ground. He picked one up and began to gut it. Sakura and me walked over to a log and sat down on it.

“Can I ask you something Eya?” Sakura said as soon as we had sat down.

“Shoot.” I said.

“I don’t mean to pry but why are you friends with the bad guys? Being friends with them is dangerous as you’ve already seen.”

I sighed, “Look I didn’t mean to become friends with them and I sure as hell didn’t mean to start falling in love with one of their members.”

Sakura gasped, “You’re falling in love with one?! Who is it? Wait,” Sakura said looking mischievous.

“I know who it is. It’s that Deidara guy isn’t it?”

I laughed, “Yeah, how did you know?”

Sakura grinned, “He’s the one who came to us when the messanger came to your village.”

I gasped, “Really?”

Sakura nodded, “I think he likes you too, you just need to tell him.”

I frowned, “What if he doesn’t like me though?”

Sakura groaned, “Look I tell guys I like them even if I know I don’t stand a chance with them.”

“Why?” I said.

“Because, then you know if they like you or not. Simple as that.”

I sighed.

Sakura looked me square in the eye. “Trust me tell him.”

I squirmed under her scrutinty but she didn’t break her gaze.

“Okay I’ll do it.” I said after what felt like forever.

“That’s my girl!” Sakura said.

Naruto yelled, “Fish are ready!”

Sakura looked at me then, “Ready to eat?”

I nodded and followed her to the camp fire.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yum fish.