Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania

Breaking the rules

I felt my heart stop then. Did the boss say they were going to kill Gaara?

"I'm sorry I can't let you kill Gaara! I don't care who you are he's our Kazekage."

The boss scoffed.

"Sorry little girl but he has what we need. We have to kill him."

I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"No! Don't do it!"

I saw Deidara looking uneasy. Either he hated people getting upset or this was bothering him too. I figured the answer was number one.

"Boss.." He started.

The boss arched an eyebrow.

"Yes, what is it?"

Deidara cleared his throat. "Can't we make an exception?"

I sensed the boss's anger before I saw it.

"What are you saying Deidara? That we break our promise to collect all the biju just for this one girl?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

I heard the boss sigh. "I'm sorry but this is too important for all of us. If you want the Kazekage returned in one piece then you'll have to defeat me."

I heard Deidara gasp. "But boss you know that's impossible!"

The boss shrugged, "Then how about you and the girl try to defeat Itachi."

I saw Deidara relax a little. "That's doable."

Something clicked into place then when I heard the name Itachi. He was the guy who had wiped out the entire Uchiha clan. I shuddered. We were going to have to fight him? Deidara turned on me then.

"Can you fight?"

I laughed, "Of course. I was fighting you wasn't I?"

Deidara nodded. "That's true enough. What's your specialty?"

"Fire." I said simply.

Deidara grinned. "We might stand a chance after all."

I saw the guy with the black hair in a ponytail approach us then.

"You two will be fighting me." He said.

I nodded. I was nervous about facing an opponent with the sharigan though.

"Are you two ready?" The boss said looking in our direction.

W e both nodded.

"Then begin!" He said.

I took the left side of Itachi while Deidara took the right. I focused on Itachi's feet because I knew you shouldn't look into an opponent"s eyes when they possessed the sharigan. Might Guy had taught me this trick when he had come to our village looking for a worthy opponent. I had been chosen to be his opponent and boy was he strong. I ended up tying with him in the battle. Might Guy had been impressed with me saying I had a fiery spirit. Which to be honest I guess I did. I knew this opponent would be ten times tougher than Might Guy,however. He had all kinds of tricks up his sleeves.

I saw Deidara throwing a bird explosive at Itachi. It hit Itachi right in the face. Nice. He isn't so tough I think. Then Itachi does something I wasn't expecting. He started rushing towards us with a kunai in his hand and a murderous intent in his eyes. I gasp as he starts running towards me. I brace myself. I have to focus or we'll lose for sure. Just as Itachi starts to throw the kunai at me I warm my body up and form a magma shield. His kunai bounces off harmless now. I grin. Itachi scowls and starts making a hand sign. In two seconds I am surrounded by two clones. I gasp. The clones rush at me and all I can do is project another barrier.

They fly off in different directions, poofing away. Itachi growls at me while Deidara looks impressed. It's as if he thought just because I was a girl I couldn't fight as well or something. I see Itachi racing towards Deidara. He points a finger at Deidara and suddenly he's just standing there mesmerized. I suddenly realize he's caught in a genjustsu. I run at Deidara and smack him on the head. He looks around then settles his gaze on me. He nods as if he understands what just went down and we resume fighting.

Now Itachi is using just standing there. I shrug at Deidara and he nods. I start warming up my body and suddenly unleash a magma wave at Itachi. It splashes into him. I look to see if he's down. I sigh it was just a clone. He's stronger than I thought he would be. I decide it's time to summon Tsumino, my giant panther. I take out a kunai and cut my hand. Blood starts to gush out of the wound. I then start making the appropriate hand signs. I slam my hand on the ground and out comes Tsumino. She purrs at me as soon as she sees me. she is all black and has a crescent moon on her forehead.

I tell her to attack Itachi and and she obeys. With Deidara's explosives we corner Itachi and Tsumino manages to knock Itachi down. We think we've won and start jumping up and down when suddenly we see an explosive behind us headed our way. Itachi somehow managed to copy Deidara's jutsu. I throw up an magma barrier and when the explosive hits it, it dissipates harmlessly. Itachi is now very angry. For all his attempts to strike us down he's only once managed to catch Deidara in his genjutsu.

It looks like this fight is ours. I manage to knock Itachi down again this time with a magma wave. It seems to be the real Itachi because no clones appear behind us this time. We jump up and down waiting to be told we've won.

The boss appears before us and says, "Well done. You two have defeated Itachi. I'm really surprised at how the girl did. She is a remarkable fighter."

I blush. "You know I have a name."

I say a little peeved at how he keeps calling me the girl. "It's Eya." I say.

The boss nods. "Well Eya it looks like you're going to get to leave with your Kazekage in one piece after all."
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Fighting scene! Exciting, huh?