Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania

After thoughts

The next morning the thought of yesterday felt like a crazy dream I had made up. I had met the Akatsuki and they had wanted me to join them. I was still undecided on whether or not I wanted to join their enigmatic group or not. Of course the thought of spending more time with Deidara was a pleasant thought.

Still I couldn’t make up my mind on the issue. I decided to take out my sketch journal and draw in it some. Maybe drawing would take my mind off the issue pressing against me. Just as I was about to leave the house I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, wondering who it could be at this hour. A smiling Temari greeted me.

“Hey want to train with me?” She said.

I sighed; I wasn’t really in the mood for training. My heart was more set on drawing at the moment.

“Sorry Temari. I was just about to draw some of the village. I’m not in the mood to train.”

She frowned. “All right if that’s what you want to do I won’t stop you. I’ll get Kankuro to train with me instead.”

I nodded.

“See you Eya.”

Temari said as I walked toward a hill overlooking the village. I had just settled down to draw when I noticed a white spider staring at me. I shrieked, nearly dropping my sketch journal.

“I guess you don’t like spiders, hmm?” The voice sounded familiar and when I looked up I noticed Deidara on his clay bird.

“I hate spiders.” I said plainly.

He nodded then jumped off his bird.

“So what would you like me to make?”

“Um. How about a cat?”

He grinned. “All right then one cat coming up.”

I saw him dig into his clay bag and it was only a moment until he brought a miniature cat resting on his palm. He threw it on the ground and made a hand sign. It grew bigger and in front of me there now stood a clay cat.

“So how do you make your clay creations?” I asked him.

“You really want to know?” I nodded, genuinely curious.

He brought his hand close to my eyes. “Well the first of all I have mouths on my hands.”

I gasped, “Oh my god!” I said shrieking as I saw the tongue on his hand moving.

I grabbed his hand. I touched the mouth and it licked me! I shrieked again.

He laughed, “Your squeamish around me hmm?

“You could say that.” I said.

“So it’s actually real..” I said trailing off.

“The mouths on my hands? Yeah they’re real.”

I felt my heart pounding in my chest a million miles an hour.

“So what do you do next?” I said, still curious if not more than a little freaked out.

“I put my hand in my clay and it chews the clay. I use my chakra to make the clay mold for me.”

I nodded, surprised at the process. “So not trying to be rude but why are you here?” I said curious.

“Maybe I just wanted to see you again?”

I smiled, “I wanted to see you too. But were you sent here on business?”

He nodded, “Just to tell you that you can take your time on deciding whether or not you want to join us.”

I nodded glad I could take my time. “Want to see some of my sketches?” I said.

He nodded, “I’d love to.”

I smiled, handing him my sketch journal. He took his time looking through my sketches and stopped on one sketch for a while. The expression on his face seemed content.

“I love this one.”

He said, showing it to me. It was the sketch of the village in a bird’s eye view.

“Your village is very artistic hmm.”

I smiled, “I think so too. The architecture is just so perfectly planned out.”

We continued to talk until it was noon.

“Well I think it’s about time I left. I’ll see you later Eya.”

I nodded, watching him leave. There was a strange longing in my heart as I saw him leaving my village. What was I thinking? I couldn’t like an Akatsuki member. They were destined for badness. I shook my head, hoping to clear it and went back towards my house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter! Yeah! I hope you enjoy it. If you have any suggestions as to what should happen next comment me.