Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania

Sasori's Plan

“So do you know where Orochimaru’s hideout is?” I said looking at Sasori.

He shook his head, “No idea.”

I sighed this was going to be harder than I thought.

“But I have a plan” he said.

“What is it?”

He smirked, “I’m supposed to meet Orochimaru’s lackey in two days. I’ll ask him then where his hideout is.”

I frowned, “Isn’t that making it tad bit obvious that we want to know where his hideout is?”

Sasori sighed, “Isn’t that the point?”

I glared at him, “Look we’ll just follow Orochimaru’s lackey when he leaves.”

Sasori pondered about this. “I guess that would be better.”

“Duh.” I said.

Sasori rolled his eyes.

“Anyway have you seen Deidara around lately?”

Sasori smirked, “Why? Miss your boyfriend?”

I growled, “He’s not my boyfriend!”

Suddenly Deidara appeared behind us.

"Who doesn’t have a boyfriend?"

I gasped, “No one!” I said, shrieking.

Deidara looked annoyed, “Ok don’t tell me.”

It felt awkward then and I tried to change the topic.

“So I hear you have some sketches Sasori. Can I see them?”

Sasori instantly lit up then. “Sure, follow me.”

I followed behind him. “Fine! Everyone leave me!” I heard Deidara say.

I felt bad then but before I could dwell on those feelings we were at Sasori’s room.

“Here we are.” He said, opening his door.

As soon as I walked in I was greeted by posters of Motzart and Bethoven. Sasori’s room wasn’t immaculate but it wasn’t dirty either. It was kind of in between messy and clean. Sasori had a cd player that was blue like the ocean. Like Deidara he also had a book shelf. On it were fantasy books and some manuals. I saw the entire Twilight series, puppets 101, dragon tales and mermaids 101.

His bed sheet was designed with an old oak tree, there was yellow as the background color and strange spheres of all colors surrounding the tree. I was impressed with his room. It wasn’t like Deidara’s but it was still pretty cool.

“Your room is cool Sasori.” I said, honestly meaning it.

He grinned, “Thanks. I’ll get my sketches hold on.”

Sasori rummaged through his drawer where his ipod was resting on. He pulled it out and haned it to me. It was a deep green color like a forest and the pages were colored brown. I opened it up and saw the Atlantis, the lost empire. I turned to the next page and saw a model of a puppet. It was a cross between a dragon and a lion.

It was pretty cool looking. I turned to the next page and saw a sketch of the ancient city of gold, El Dorado. I grinned, I liked Sasori’s sketches. They weren’t boring like Deidara had said. I figured Sasori’s art was a mix between fantasy and eternal beauty.

“These are very good.” I said, handing him back his sketch journal.

“Can we go meet the others?” I said.

Sasori nodded and we exited his room. In the main hall I saw the guy with the spiraled orange mask and the guy with gray hair.

I said hello and was greeted by the standard “Hey you’re the new girl.” I nodded.

“I have a name. It’s Eya.”

The guy in the orange mask nodded. “I’m Tobi.”

The guy with the gray hair said, “I’m Hidan.”

I nodded storing the information away for a later use.

“So want to play pool?”

“We don’t have a pool table.” Hidan said.

“Bummer.” I said.

“Do you have any board games?”

Tobi nodded, “We have Monopoly.”

“Cool. Let’s get everyone together and play.”

So for the next two hours we all played Monopoly and I even forgot about Orochimaru in the meanwhile.