Sequel: An Artist's Love
Status: complete

Ninja Mania


The next day passed quickly and before I knew it it was time for Sasori to meet Orochimaru’s lackey. Sasori was in his puppet, the one that was short and rather wide. It had a mask on and spikes jutting out of its head. Deidara, Itachi, Sakura and I were hiding in some nearby bushes, waiting for Orochimaru’s lackey to show up.

We waited for five minutes before we finally saw a shape moving towards Sasori. It was a young man with silver hair pulled back in a ponytail. He had glasses and looked about twenty two. He approached Sasori.

“Hello Sasori.” He said.


“It’s hard to hear.” I said trying to get in a better position.

“Shush.” Deidara said.

I nodded, trying to concentrate. “Where is Uchiha Sasuke?”

“There are several hideouts but they change periodically. There is no set location. We’re going to a safehouse on a small island in the northern lake in three days. Uchiha Sasuke is there.”

I saw Sasori nod.

“You know if Orochimaru catches me conversing with you I’ll be in big trouble.”

Sasori nodded again.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind and Orochimaru was there. “Why hello Sasori.”

Sasori growled, “What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to say hello.”

Sasori snorted. Suddenly I saw Kabuto slash at Sasori. A piece of his puppet went flying. Oh no! Sasori was outnumbered.

“Your uniform brings back memories.” Orochimaru said to Sasori.

Sasori snorted again, “Yeah memories I’d rather forget.”

Orochimaru scowled, “Come on those were good times.”

He threw a kuani in the bushes where we were hiding.

“Come out now or else!” I heard Orochimaru.

I nodded at Deidara and we sprung out of the bushes. “Ah Itachi, Deidara. And who’s this cute chick and her friend?”

I knew he was talking about me because he pointed at me when he said this. Uh. What a creep.

“My name’s Eya! Where’s Naruto?”

I said, shrieking. Orochimaru laughed.

“Like I’d ever tell you.”

I growled, “Tell us now!”

Orochimaru laughed, “If you can beat Kabuto I’ll tell you.”

“All right.” I said stepping forward.

As soon as Deidara, Itachi and Sakura stepped forward, however, Orochimaru wagged a finger.

“No can do. Only one fighter against Kabuto. Who will it be?”

I went up to Deidara, Itachi and Sasori.

“Who should it be?” I said, curious.

Everyone pointed a finger at me. “What!” I said, enraged.

“How could you pick me Deidara?” I said, annoyed.

Deidara shrugged, “You’re strong. We need to win.”

I growled, “Fine. But I don’t like it.”

Deidara winked at me, “Goodluck.”

If I wasn’t so mad I would have blushed at that wink Deidara had given me. He was pretty cute. What was I saying? I couldn’t fall in love with a bad guy. I shook my head, trying to clear it.

“Ready?” I heard Orochimaru say.

I nodded, getting ready to fight. “All right let’s move.”

“Huh?” I said.

“We have to move to a different location to fight. A bridge is no place for a fight.” Orochimaru said.

“Oh.” I said, feeling stupid.

We took off to some mountainy area. It was a perfect ground to fight on. The ground was a little rocky but that was okay. Maybe if I got lucky Kabuto would slip and fall. On second thought I might be the one to slip and fall. I laughed out loud. “Something funny?” Kabuto said.

“No. Just thinking about something.” Kabuto nodded.

“Ready?” I heard Orochimaru yell.

I nodded. Kabuto started to rush at me. I got ready to block. This would be one tough battle.