Status: Ramblings of a mixed opinion.

Field of Corpses


I took my chances and jumped into the river.

I automatically went under, and I almost wanted to panic because I couldn't breath, but I remembered it didn't matter. I came to the surface soon anyway, and I saw no zombies in sight. I turned around, as the river carried me north, and saw the zombie standing on the bridge I had just jumped from.

Before I died, I was terribly afraid of heights. I almost felt proud of myself for not feeling any more fear, but the sight of that zombie, just watching me float down the river could have sent a shiver down my cracking spine.

I turned back so I was facing north again, and I let the rive take me. I would get out soon, but I wanted to get far enough away from him. The blood was washed off of me, but he still wanted to kill. I knew how we got.

About a mile down, I finally got out to continue my journey through Utah. I was already so far, in about a few days, that I urged myself to keep going. As much hope as I had lost, I wanted to keep going forward. I wanted to at least fully-die trying, instead of just giving up.

I gained back hope though when I ran into the thing that would actually make me smile; A few feet ahead of me was a sign saying 'Welcome to Idaho'. It hadn't even felt long since I had taken that swim, but here I was in Idaho now. Something inside of me was wanting me to keep going in that same direction; I guess I had a 'good feeling' that something actually might come out of this, even if it was just a 'nice' trip to Idaho.

Hours later, I was near Kuna. I decided to run about a mile or two into Idaho. I never got tired, and I never stopped running. I was wanting so badly to make it now, that I would do anything; I would run until my legs fell off.

My favorite part about Idaho, though, was how empty of Zombies it seemed to be. All I could see for miles was trees and other green things. This was the kind of thing I used to find beautiful, back when I was alive. I could see why zombies wouldn't appreciate it though; there was too many trees to climb just for food. I could climb though, especially now that I wasn't afraid of heights.

The idea actually sounded good; I could already see a few bird nests here and there, and I knew damn well that I could get more food that way. I knew it would be more important to go on, but I was a turning zombie; I had to eat. It was who I was becoming now, and as much as I didn't want it to, I couldn't help it. It was like damnation.

I set my bag down against the bottom of the tree, and I started to climb my way up. I did this multiple times, and I never got tired of the sound the little birds would make as I put them into my mouth.

As a human, I would find this repulsive and wrong, but that Gloria was dead. I was no longer the girl who had a hard time eating meat because 'the poor animals', and I could do anything now. Sure, I missed being alive, but it was times like these that couldn't help but live in the moment. I could have sat in those trees and munched all night if I wanted, but there was something more important out there.

Somehow, I knew I had a reason to go on. So, I ran on through the night, no more stopping for the poor little animals to feast on.