Status: Slow updates due to soccer and school.

These Lights Are Much Too Bright

Standing in the Dark

Thunder and lightening.

All alone at home with no one to really talk to was how I was at the moment. I sat alone in my bed in my Pjs reading a book as the lightening struck and light up the night sky, which lit up my room even more than the little lamp by my bedside had done.

More lightening struck as I flipped through the pages.


My mind froze and became perplexed as to why the hell a crackle of the thunderstorm would sound like a bell. I sat there in silence, ready to jump out of bed like a ninja at any given moment.


My face fell slightly as I heard the sound again, but then began to chuckle at my own stupidity. It had been the doorbell the whole time … No, I’m not stupid, it’s just that thunderstorms always made me freak out just a little bit was all that there was to it.

I shifted from underneath the covers, only to find my legs completely tangled within them. I kicked with one foot at htem in order to pull myself from them. The sheets ended up on the floor once I was out of them.

I trudged towards the door. Curiousity was seeping through me as to whome would be coming over at twelve at night when clearly I hadn’t really chatted much with anyone through-out the day; it had been more of a me day today. I had to admit that I was a little freaked out, and was beginning to sneak my towards the door more than actually going to open it. It was only later when I was practically trying to peak out the window next to the door to see who it is that I realized as to what kind of robber or murderer would politely ring the doorbell. I mean it never would go down like that.

A scenerio began to play out in my head, but then I finally shook myself out of it and decided that to finally answer the door.

“Who is it?” I yelled a little so the person could hear me over the rain and through th door that was separating us.

“It’s Taylor, mind opening up?”

“Sure,” I said as I began to fiddle with the little door lock and turned the knob. I swung the door open, but the wind pushed it at an even faster force and some light raindrops fell on my face.

“Hey,” he said casually as if this was the most normal thing in the world for him to be doing at twelve at night, inching towards one in the morning.

“Come on in,” I gestured, “but take off your wet shoes first, please.”

Taylor did as was pleaded and then walked in behind me a little. “So what’s up?”

“Oh you know.” I scrunched my eyebrow slightly in confusion.

“Um … no I don’t …”

“Well then, not much is up.”

“Cool.” I nodded my head and just kind of stared at him a little trying to make out his features in the darkness of the room. I hadn’t bothered to turn on a light yet so it was hard to see. I could clearly see his outline every time there was lightening, but that was about it.

“How about what are you doing here in the late hours of the night?”

“I just, I just wanted to say that …”

“Yes?” I urged on for him to say what he wanted to say.

No answer came, but I could clearly see his outline moving toward me and I could hear the shuffling of his feet against the living room carpet. There was not another word from him, but one more flash of light struck the sky and lit up the room with light, and that’s when I felt them. His lips. Soft on my lips and pressed there; the kiss was quick but it melted my right through my core. He pulled a way before I even had the chance to breathe because he knew that if he wasted more time I would push him away.

“Wh-what about your girlfriend?” I asked through the shock of the kiss from him.

“That’s what I came here to tell you about …”

“You came here to tell me about your girlfriend, but then decided that kissing me was a better idea?!” the sweetness of it all seemed to disappear as a weird sensation of anger raced through me. I was not the type of girl who let a guy cheat on his girl with: not the reputation I wanted.


“Then what?”

“I came to tell you we broke up,” he said monotonously and turned to leave.

“Oh,” I said now ready to kill myself for almost exploding and blowing things out of proportion. Taylor said nothing more, but opened the door and left after he had quickly dug his feet in his soggy flip flops.

I was left there in standing in the dark, stuck between the feelings of both happiness and remorse. Happy to reminisce the kiss, remorseful for acting like a complete bitch.
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Thanks to all of you who read and subscribed!
Next update is over the weekend.