Status: Slow updates due to soccer and school.

These Lights Are Much Too Bright

Snap Crackle Pop

They were gone and I could breathe a little easier now, and by they I mean my parents.

Slowly I trudged through-out the rooms feeling drowsy and tired. My body was aching from being tired all the time because even though I knew how majority of days went I still slept late, especially during school days when I would procrastinate on homework to no limit.

I walked past the work-out room. The treadmill eyed me angrily making me feel horrible for not having stepped on it in weeks, but I was too tired to care. Right now my biggest goal in life was to get breakfast before anymore fans would be screaming across the street from me.

I looked in the cupboards and found a box of cereal. Win.

I began to sing to myself, “Milk and cereal, cereal, cereal … snap crackle pop, snap crackle pop.” That song never got old when eating cereal, okay maybe a little, but don’t judge me. I’m a teenager here about to have some fun …

Or I could just be a teenager who’s going to sit on the couch and watch Nickelodeon all day long.

To the living room I walked and plopped myself on the sofa in my Pjs holding my cereal bowl in one hand while holding the remote in another. Flipping through the channels I saw there was nothing so I selected previously recorded things that I had on my TV. Gilmore Girls was always a suitable choice. Just as it was about to begin the doorbell rang.

“Damn it!” I muttered to myself while getting up and going to answer the door.

“Nat!” Jill yelled with a bright smile on her face as I opened the door. She was much too bubbly for the early waking hours of the morning. I wouldn’t mind it if I slept until one in the afternoon and she became this bubbly. Okay, lie, I probably would mind it quite a little.

“Hey Jill,” I said turning and beginning to walk away letting her close the door behind her. Why the heck she would come here this early only God knows why.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Just watching Gilmore Girls,” I said sitting myself back down on the sofa beginning to eat my cereal for the first time today.

“Cool, which episode?”

“The one where she and Dean finally get together.”

“Oh cool,” was the final sentence Jill said before we hung around in a silence.

“Can I say something?” Jill asked in a whisper as if to not disturb my trance at staring at the TV.

“I don’t know … can you? Are you physically capable of doing so, but it appears that you are since you already asked one question, go try for a second,” I teased her lightly.

“Don’t you think Dean has a crappy hair cut?”

“Yeah, he might get more points in a girl’s book if he fixed that hat. Personally Rory can do so much better than Dean.”

“Right…like Taylor!” Jill screeched sharply.

“Are you retarded? He’s not even in this show, and gosh that’d be gross, he’d be too young for her anyway.”

“Right, anyway…when can I meet him? Because honestly Nat, I’ve been your friend forever, and you’ve lived here since before he moved in and yet you’ve never even introduced us.”

I rolled my eyes trying to tune out her continuous whining about and just kept trying to focus on the TV. It wasn’t really working, but I was doing my best. I should probably try harder, but when she turned the TV off was when I finally turned to her.

“Alright fine, we’ll go. Get your butt out the door now.”





“Come on…”

“Just shut up.”

We walked out of the house and crossed the street only to be greeted by one of those annoying gates that I’ve always despised so much. The ones that say, ‘look what a big shot I am that I have to lock my whole entire property from you.’ Gosh, I’ve seen much more famous people who had houses that were not gated and lived perfectly fine, but in a way I didn’t blame them. The fans were crazy, but I’d smarter, I’d set up alarms if they got near the block in order to keep them away.

Okay, that might not be realistic, but you know.

When we finally reached the entrance I punched in a code that I remembered from a while ago that was given to me by when he wasn’t as famous and we used to talk. It worked and the gates slowly opened as we stepped in. Jill was practically bouncing out of her shoes from excitement.
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©Copyrighted to iHeartYourHeartbeat in 2010. There is to be no usage of this in shape or form without my permission.