Status: Slow updates due to soccer and school.

These Lights Are Much Too Bright

Damn It Just Tell Me Already!

“God damn it! Just tell me already!” I yelled at Taylor as I flicked a hand full toward him. He quickly shook as much as possible out of his hair as I chuckled a little amusing myself ever so slightly.

“No!” he replied firmly turning his face toward me, and even with the blinding sun I knew he was serious.

“Alright I see how it is, you don’t trust me enough to tell past relationship crap of yours, but just so you know I’m a girl and I like listening to this sort of stuff,” I urged on probably pushing my luck, but it didn’t really matter. Taylor just rolled his eyes at me and sent me an earth-shattering, beautiful smile that went straight to my heart and melted it. I was definitely not going to deny the fact that slowly I might just be falling for him, but he certainly has no need to know. Not yet at least.

“How come you don’t date?” he directed the conversation towards me.

“I’m training to be a nun,” I said with the straightest face as I looked at him. His face was priceless as he stared at me with a shocked and confused look.


“Yes, it’s been my life long dream. I mean what girl doesn’t dream of becoming a nun, the outfits are very stylish you know.” This time the straight face disintegrated as I burst into a fit of laughter.

“But seriously, how come?”

“I don’t know, I just never really cared for you boys too much. You’re all just gay, still hiding in the closet though from some damn reason.”

I may have been comfortable with him by now, but truth be told there was still something holding me back as always from coming out with the whole uncensored truth. The truth was that I just never wanted to let myself fall completely and become so vulnerable to another. There were plenty of times when Jill came to my house to eat ice cream and cry as she talked about the latest guy who had torn her apart. That was not going to be me, ever. I would beat the sucker to the punch!

“Haha, funny. Tell the truth.”

“You won’t, why should I?”

“Touché.” He sat there thinking for a bit. “Okay what if I tell you the answer to a question of yours.”

“Fine, you answer first.”


“Is it true that you cheated on Selena Gomez?” I asked the question that had been a thing to pound my mind for a really long time. There were nights where I would site and wonder if the reason I tried to keep myself as far as possible from him was because he might have hurt her and I would end up in the same way. Sure I have admitted I’m falling for him, but since no one, not even Jill knows, I can always end up doing my best to ignore the feelings until they fade away. It was true that in these cases I wasn’t always fair to myself, but where does the stupidity of blind love ever get you?

“You honestly believe tabloids?”

“No, but they made it seem pretty real, her crying and all that crap.”

“Well I’m not that sort of guy. I’ve been raised better than that. Chivalry may be dead, but I try to bring it back to life for the most part.”

I nodded my head while pursing my lips. Part of me said that he still could be lying to save his own ass, but then the sincerity on his face said he spoke the truth. This was one of those times where you can never be sure to believe things, but it might make me a cynic to say that you should never trust anyone.

“Your turn to answer my question, it’s still the same one.” I arched an eyebrow as I looked at him sideways.

“I’m having a private affair.” I smiled a wide smile as I put a finger to my lips signaling that it was a secret in a playful manner.

“You suck! That was so not true,” he said laughing a little as he got up. He picked me up before I could even compose myself I was over his shoulder as he ran towards the water.

“You know I’m not going to screech and yell like all the other stupid girls you know, I like the water.” Unconsciously a smirk got plastered on face as I waited for him to dunk me in the water.

It wasn’t long before I felt myself splash into a cool, blue ocean. I opened my eyes as a I curved lower into the water only to swim to the surface again as the sun made the water sparkle underneath.

“Told you.”

“You’re no fun,” Taylor said with a smile.

“Well then, find a better friend, huh?” I grinned.
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Sorry! Gosh I'm such a slow updater.
Sorry if you are impatient with me, but my life is so hectic lately with trying to balance school, soccer, homework, and friends. It's just insane-o!
Anyway if I don't fall asleep there might be another update tonight, if not another one tomorrow for sure!
My apologies again.