Status: This story is basically completed. Thought of doing a sequel but decided not to. I may or may not come back to 'Out'. Time will tell though.



Basically its about this um 16 year old girl (age may change) who spends like a year hidding her sexuality slowing causing her to go downhill. She does get better but.....I'm already saying too much. And believe me this to be like a 10-20 page short story so spoiling wouldn't be hard. This is by NO MEANS homophobic and if you think it is, I apologize strongly.

For those of you who have read the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, I tried to follow the writing style for it.

So yeah probably cheesy but this is my first project. Cut me some slack.

*May change
  1. Morning Rush
    Chapter One. Sorry if its short. The second is MUCH longer (like 2 or 3 pages longer so far). So don't like Chappy One, give it a second chance
  2. Her-The Lovely Dreaded Creature
    So yeah this one's longer. One term in this chapter maybe offense to some readers. For that I apologize.
  3. Chance Encounter
  4. Sweet Talk
  5. Discovery
  6. Realization
    Jennifer's POV-To spice things up
  7. Together
    Billy's POV. Includes a suggestive scene.