Status: ACTIVE

Love Bites


"Hello, buddy." Zeke high-fived me in the halls as I passed and continued down the halls the opposite way.
"Okay, where do you think you're going?" I asked, turning around to follow him.
"Where else, class? My doom center. The place where the monsters keep us prisoner," he joked.
"That's not like you. Why are you even at school today?" I was bewildered. Usually, he would just skip to go...well, wherever cool guys like him go. The skating park?
"What, do you not want me here?" he asked, shocked, placing a hand over his heart momentarily as if he were hurt.
"No, I do. It's just that you're usually at home."
"Well, today I am not. And I am here to stay."
I rolled my eyes. "Knowing you, you won't be here any other day of the year? What's the holiday?"
He chuckled darkly. "You know me well then. I just came here because my sister said something about college. And I decided that I might want to go. With you, of course." He placed an arm around my shoulder, which felt really nice.
"Haha, very funny. You're not sharing a dorm with me in Stanford." I shrugged his arm off.
"Ah, come on. Can't you sneak me in?"
"Not in a million years. I, unlike you, have a future."
"Well, I too have a future."
I scoffed at that. "How?"
"Just got to find myself the right girl. A rich babe."
", good luck with that."
He glared. "Fine then, if you think this is ugly," he told me as he swiped a hand over his face, "then I am going to go ask out that girl over there. You just watch and mope when she says yes."
"Man," I punched his arm, "that girl doesn't count. That's the school slut."
Zeke winked at me. "Exactly my point."
I rolled my eyes again. "You can't make a point with THAT!" I motioned toward her low skirt and reveling top. I wondered how her parents felt when they had a daughter like that.
"Be that way. Then, I will go ask out the school nerd."
"You're going to get a no," I sang as I approached my first class. Math.
He scrunched up his nose. "You have no belief in me." He continued down the hall as I ditched him.
I heard him mutter, "Ditcher," as he passed.
When I entered the lunch room that day, I looked around for Zeke. I couldn't find him though.
"Hey," I called to Luke, "you seen Zeke?"
Luke scrunched up his nose as I said Zeke's name. "Really, I have no idea why you hang out with that jerk. He's a meanie, even to you sometimes."
"No, he's not," I lied. I didn't tell anyone what Zeke was really like, though. Especially when he got drunk...
♠ ♠ ♠
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It's back up again! I had to repost it because this story got reported for tags in the title! All fixed now!