Status: ACTIVE

Love Bites


"Clyde, why do you go out with him? All he does is hurt you like this."
Scott knelt down beside me with worried eyes.
"I love him," I whimpered through sobs and crawled deeper into the corner of the stall. We were in the largest stall of the boys bathroom, but I didn't want him to come any closer to me. Then there was the possibility of him seeing the bruises.
"CLYDE! Do you not hear any of the words we say to you? We all tell you to leave him, but you don't listen, now do you?" Scott just rolled his eyes and got back up, brushing his pants off.
"I-I don't c-c-care what y-you say." I took a deep breath and continued. "I love him. Why are you trying to take that away from me?"
I thought he was going to leave. I wanted him to. But, he came closer to me and sat down beside me. He looked down at the glassy tiles and sighed before he spoke again. "We won't take anything away from you. We're trying to get you better."
"But, nothing can be BETTER than him. He's my love."
He snorted. "Some love you chose, huh? Or maybe he chose you, and you went along with it." He looked up at me. "Clyde, just consider what you're doing to your future. Think about where this is going to bring you. Are you seriously going to find happiness with him forever?"
"Yes," I lied. I looked down so he wouldn't notice my new tears taking the place of the fallen.
I felt Scott's arms wrap around me. "Okay, but please consider it for me...for the whole team."
I nodded and just left the tears that had fallen as I tried to get up. Scott helped pull me up. "I'm going to go talk to him."
Scott smiled at me. "That sounds like a good idea to me."
I shakily made my way to the stall door with my trembling legs. Within about a minute I had regained balance and I walked through the halls. I walked through the hallway to where he usually was, in the back of the school chilling near the trees.
The truth was there was really nothing to talk about. We had been together for a couple of years. So, all the questions went through my mind: Should I break up with him?
If I did, he would hate me for it. And I knew he was going to get revenge one way or another. He might hurt somebody I care about.
If I stayed with him: I would get hurt plenty more times, but at least I would be the one in pain, not the people I really care about.
Anthony looked up at me, a smirk spreading across his face. "So, hun, what you up to?"
I smiled a little back at him. "C-can I talk to you?" I asked, choking on my stutters.
A frown replaced the smirk. "What about?" he asked impatiently.
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I already started writing chapter three, so tell me if you want me to finish it and then post it! :)