‹ Prequel: From Nerd to Hottie
Status: Sequel!

Love, Forever and Always, I Hoped


*Unknown POV*

We've been watching them for days now. They don't know, of course. We watch there every move. It's amazing that they haven't noticed us yet.



Just sitting there. Looking.

I walked outside, and she followed me out.

"We've waited for long enough," she said.

"We have to be careful. Everything in our plan has to go smoothly. One mistake and it could change everything," I replied.

"But how much longer?" she whined, but before I could reply, we bumped into them.

I overheard their conversation, for any new information I could get from it.

"I heard them say that everyone was going to come over. That will be the time," I announced.

She kept whining, which was making me angrier. I decided to tune her out.

Twenty minutes later, we tried to look for the key to their house. We couldn't find it, so we decided to go with the faster option. Breaking the window.

We quickly broke the window, and slipped inside. The mission was not to steal, but to make them worried. I quickly broke many dishes, and other fragile things.

"Hurry up!" she yelled at me, i quickly came down.

On my way out, I saw a picture of them. I took it out of the frame, ripped it in half, and pocketed it.

We quickly slipped out, and drove away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I haven't updated in forever and this update isn't very good. I know you guys must hate me...
I feel horrible.
I could come up with so many excuses, but what would the point be?
Just to let you know though, I have writer's block, and I really don't know where this is going.
Maybe I'll get an idea soon...
I'm sorry you guys. Hopefully I'll start a regular update schedule.
Freshmen year in high school is easy and yet sort of difficult. It's nothing to special.
I have a question for you guys, how was your freshmen year, or 9th grade, or how is whatever grade you're in now?