Status: Will be finished soon. Very soon.

Yours Truly


You enter the class like a sunbeam, light, fast and happy. You bound over to where I am. You say your hello breathlessly because you’ve got too much to say that you can’t even wait for my reply. But I don’t tell you that. You say that you got a surprise visit from your cousin. I can’t recall his name even though you often mention him. Faisal. Ah right that’s it. That’s what he is called. You tell me how you hate him. How annoying he is with his naïve and stupid questions. How he kept trying to start up a conversation with you and how you kept killing it every time, every single time. I realize that you were very rude but I don’t tell you this. You seem to be taking this odd pleasure in torturing your cousin just because you don’t think him handsome. And why should someone, who is no match for your beauty, be daring to even think about talking to you. I nod in agreement. After all it is you we are talking about, not me.

Class starts and you turn towards the teacher, your curls bouncing as you swish your head, a feat I could never accomplish. Not with my unruly, mousy brown, tangled tresses. A feat I admire you for. The light entering from the large window illuminates you in a way that is truly amazing. The most amazing of all is your rich dark brown hair with its soft texture, its gentle curls and its blinding shine. I stare in awe for another minute but then I realize that you are getting uncomfortable under my gaze even though you don’t say anything about it, I decide to look away, but in my minds’ eye I can still see you luxurious crowning beauty.

The linear Inequalities written on the board occupy my time and attention for a while. But when I am done with those I look towards you to see that you are still struggling with them. You never were very mathematically talented. Frustrated you lean closer to your desk, your face scrunched up in a frown. As you lean forward your hair falls gracefully over your shoulder, leading my train of thoughts back to your most attention-grabbing asset. Since I have nothing else to think about one thought leads to another and soon I am thinking of all the areas where you have me beaten or rather awed.

I ask you if you need any help but you refuse. I think that maybe you are too proud to ask for anyone’s’ help. But somewhere in my mind something says that maybe you think I can’t help you.
Sometime later the bell rings and bound out of class with a hurried good-bye, just as quickly as you came.