Broken Open

Friday at last

Belladonna Arch sat at her desk head bent over a messy pile of papers from a file she had to finish organizing. As she got the last paper signed and put in Belle looked at her watch, 5:30. Her weekend had finally begun.

Belle closed the folder and stood up. She walked past Reid and Morgan's desks and mounted the stairs to Hotchner's office. She knocked on the open door and walked in, a smile on her face. Her happy voice sung out as she held her finished file in his face.

"Done!" she was smiling from ear to ear.

Hotch took the file and flipped through it quickly. Looking at her from under the hood of his forehead he nodded.

"Have a good weekend."

Belle did a happy dance as she left the office and shouted over her shoulder.

"Thank you Uncle Hotch!"

Knocking on the door of the office next to Hotch's she thought of where she would be in a few short hours. A gruff voice came from the room. Belle stuck her head in and smiled again, not able to hide her excitement.

"I'm leaving for the weekend Grampaw!"

Gideon didn't look up fro his desk.

"I'm not your grandfather Arch."

Belle looked at the older, balding, pudgy man. Her smile faded a little.

"No but you look like him, and act like him," she paused for a moment, then continued playfully, "and it gets on your nerves." Her smile turned mischievous.

"Since when did the newbies get weekends?" Gideon asked looking up and removing his glasses. A smile played on his usually stern face.

"Since I organized it with Uncle Hotch two weeks ago." she said smartly. "I'll be back on Monday to get back to work. Scouts honour."

Belle practically ran to her desk, almost knocking down Reid in the process.

"I'm sorry!"

She spun around and put her hands on his thin bony shoulders to try and steady his still swaying wiry frame. Spencer's face had a distinct look of worry and confusion.

"Sorry," she said again, blushing.

She took her hands away from Spencer then continued to charge toward her desk. She grabbed her coat and purse and ran out the door.

Spencer and Derek stared after the bubbly agent.

"Well that was..." Spencer cleared his throat, "different."

He sat down and fixed the papers on his desk, then pulled up a window on his computer. Derek chuckled and leaned back in his desk chair.

"Its just one of the weekends Arch gets to visit family," he sighed and added quietly, "lucky kid."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first try at a story so if you're reading this please comment and tell me how it is!!
I probably got some of the characterization wrong but I think its ok.

Belladonna Arch has a long history that i hope to expose in due time. The only reason i bring it up is people might get confused why she calls Hotchner "Uncle Hotch" and Gideon "Grampaw".
So, no confusion just keep reading.