Broken Open


Belle hopped in her truck and headed to her small apartment to freshen up. When she got home she threw her stuff on the couch and took a shower. After the shower she grabbed some fresh clothes and went to the kitchen. She turned on her radio and grabbed all of her supplies from the cabinet and pantry. Belladonna laughed and danced around the cramped area to a mixed music CD she had burned during her last free time. She sang to the Scissor Sisters as she poured the flour and sugar into a bowl. Falling off track of the song but keeping with the tune she sang to her slowly forming batter.

"Eggs, milk, and choc-o-late, make me wanna eat you cookie."

She added chocolate chips to her gooey batter and formed large balls of dough. Belle dropped it on the thin metal cookie sheet until it was full. Still dancing she dropped the oven door and slid in the cookie sheet.

Turning around and singing to Big Bang, Belle started to work on a batch of cookies for the team. While she waited for the cookies to bake she waltzed into her small living room.

Belle spent her time reading a book that claimed to be the diary of a serial killer and watching Law & Order. She wrote little notes here and there in the margins of the book to get more in depth later and watched special detectives run across the screen after alleged criminals.

When the timer rang Belladonna ran into the kitchen to grab the cookies out of the oven. One of the sheets of cookies went into a Christmas tin left over from last year and the other went into a decorated Eeyore jar for her little boo.

Belle checked her watch again and when she saw the time she hurried out to her truck. She smiled widely again, with in four hours she'd be in her home town in Rolla, Missouri and wit what was left of her small family.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was an extremely boring and short chapter but it was essential to "building the suspense" or something like that.

Anyway, please, please, PLEASE comment. I can't get better if i don't know what I'm doing wrong.