Broken Open

A Cold Greeting Balanced With Love

Belladonna walked up to the familiar small two story house that loomed over the street like a vulture. Her blood ran cold and back aching chills ran pu her spine. She got up to the top of the stairs and took a deep breath. Slowly she grabbed the all too familiar knocker and tapped it to the door three times. The cherry wood door opened to reveal a slight woman in her mid forties. Her chin length blond hair was neat and showed a few white and grey strands that gave to the effect of her age. Her long slightly wrinkled face was cold like her ice blue eyes.

"Belladonna," the woman's voice dripped with contempt.

"Mother," Bell had to try hard not to growl the revoked title to the woman. The woman lifted an eyebrow at her daughter.

"He needs to be back by eight, no later." The stern voice made Belle's skin crawl. Uninvited memories pushed their way past her carefully built defensive bulwark and threatened to take her. With a bit of trouble she was able to push them back just enough to retain her cool appearance.

"I also get to see him tomorrow morning before i leave, we agreed to that over the phone." Belle's mom nodded and held up two fingers indicating her infamous two-hour rule.

They stood there in silence, each trying to stare the other down. Silly whimsical ideas started forming in Belle's mind. Staying for more than the two hours given, bringing the boy home late, escaping with him... Her mouth twitched at the idea, wanting to smile, but she quickly trashed them.

You're an agent, she thought, you need proof before you take him away...

"Mommy?" a small voice came from inside the house. "Is that Bellie?" the little voice grew excited.

The woman moved and allowed Belle access to the old miserable house. As soon as she was inside she was tackled by a small ball of energy. the force pushed her back a little, but she caught herself. Reaching down she picked up the small child who was trying feverishly to climb up her body.

"Jessie!" she exclaimed happily. She nuzzled her forehead against her little brother's.

"Bellie!" He gave Belle a strangling hug. "I missed you so much, sissa." Jessie was still for a second before wiggling and squirming out of Belle's grasp, "Come on, come on i gotta show you something!" He grabbed Belle's hand and dragged her through the house until they came to a door.

The door was painted white and it had little car and bug stickers all over it. Playful foam letters dotted the door surface and when put together they spelled 'Jessie'. Belladonna smiled as an image of a door flashed in her mind. 'Belle' and 'A' was written on it in sparkly pink and purple paints. Belle reached out an touched the solid wooden door and felt the grooves and remembered things she had long locked away in her memory.

"Bellie, what's wrong?" Jessie's concerned voice pulled her out of her hazy trance. She shook her head and smiled at her brother. Her mind slowly came back to reality.

Jessie opened the door and exposed a room full of bright colour and toys. The walls where covered in stick figures and murals of castles, dragons and fair maidens. The stick figures where all labeled either Jessie or Belle and they were done in bright yellow and green paint. Stepping over crumpled clothes and scattered papers Belle sighed, her mind back in her past.

Back when she was little her and Aurora's beds where on either side of the bright room. their toys had all been kept in one small toy chest that they loved to play in. She remembered when she got stuck inside of the chest and had to stay there for two hours because they where too scared to tell mom. Aurora had spent the better part of the first ten minutes laughing at her sister. Belle stifled a giggle at the memory.

She remembered that she wasn't back there anymore and that her little brother was now running around the room showing her things that she couldn't focus on. Pulling back to the present she smiled and wrapped her arms around the small amber haired boy.

"So you ready to go?"
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Yesss! i have successfully written my 3rd chapter of my Criminal Minds story.
i know that the team's only been mentioned in the first chapter but if you stay with it i promise they'll come back! i just have to get the just of the beginning set up.

enjoy and comment please!!