Broken Open

Sunsets Are Like Kisses For Your Owies

Belle stopped at a grocery store to pick up food for a very late lunch. Jesse ended up getting pushed in the back of a cart and spewing out things he wanted, or as he explained, that would make the “picinc” better.

“Jelly donuts, fruit punch, takkas, “

“Tacos.” Belle corrected while grabbing a bag of chips and placing them next to her brother in the cart. Jesse gave his older sister a heated look, Belle tried not to laugh. After a minute, the little boy continued.

“Jell-o, pudding, marshmallows, Popity-tarts, cookie ice cream,” Belle rolled her eyes and made it to the check out station as Jess continued to list food. Jesse kept going all the way to the car and stopped only to play with the jar that his sister had given him earlier. When he was satisfied that the jar was unchanged, Jess continued his long list; oblivious that they were not at the store anymore.

By the time they had gotten to the park it was six o’clock. Belle looked over to her brother, who had finally stopped talking, and tousled his hair.

“Well, this will be a lupper meal.” She said checking her watch. Jesse gave his sister a puzzled look.

“Lupper?” he asked, giving the word a try. Belle laughed as her brother kept muttering the word to himself trying to get the word to click in his head.

“Lunch and dinner,” she said after Jesse had gotten himself confused. “To be creative and save time, people just combined the words.” Jess crossed his arms over his small chest.

“It’s stupid.” He pouted. Belle hopped out of the truck, food in hand.

“So, do you want some lupper?”

By the time they were both done with their well deserved meal it was only six-thirty. Belle looked over at Jess who was cradling the jar she had given him in his small hands.

“Do you wanna see what’s in it?” Belle asked while reaching for the jar. Jesse scowled and batted her hand away; he clutched the jar to his chest protectively.

“I wanna do it, Bellie!” He grabbed the knob on the top and pulled the lid of the jar off. A hollow popping sound resounded and a warm smell of chocolate filled the area. Jesse looked into the small container and squeaked with joy. “Cookies!” Almost immediately his hand was in the jar and shoveling the contents into his quickly filling mouth. Belle pulled out her phone and turned it onto the video camera.

“Are they good?” she asked almost falling over because she was laughing so hard. Her brother looked up at the shaking phone, nodded and mumbled the only response he could.

“Mufnufgum!” Jesse smiled at the camera and showed a mouth full of cookie and chocolate. Belle tousled his hair on camera.

“You’re such a goober.” Jess reached for the phone. “No way chocolate fingers!” Belle didn’t want to explain to Hotch that she needed a new phone because her brother wanted to play with it. Jesse got it anyway and turned the camera on his sister. She smiled. Without warning Belle grabbed her brother and wrapped him in her arms. Taking back the phone she turned it on both of them. “Smile at the camera baby.” They both smiled up, then she pressed the off button. She saved the video and named it Cookies.

Belle glanced at the horizon. Gasping she pointed at the sky. Jesse looked up with tired eyes. He swallowed his mouth full of cookies and mumbled something, but Belle couldn’t understand him. The sun was already over half past the horizon, and the usually blue sky was now bathed in rich pinks, purples and oranges. The sight lulled Belle gently back to the eve of her thirteenth birthday.

Belladonna sat in between her dad and her twin, Aurora, on a thick wool blanket on top of her dad’s large black truck. Belle and Aurora were pointing out random shapes in the cotton candy clouds.

“It’s a bunny A!” Belle pointed with her small childish hands. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Aurora give her a sneaky look. Her clover green eyes flashing mischievously as she turned her head back to the sky. Suddenly, she thrust her hand up in the air triumphantly.

“Well, dear sister, I found a dragon!” They both kept a straight faced glare until Aurora started tickling her sister. Belle shrieked with laughter and rolled all over the blanket trying to evade her sister’s attack.

Their dad watched his two girls take turns at tickling the other. He saw Belle suddenly whisper something into her twin’s ear; then braced himself as both girls rushed him and tickled him mercilessly. He boomed his deep barrel-chested laugh and tried to brush the two girls away. The girls tired soon enough and curled up together on the blanket. The dad looked over his daughters protectively as they slept. His heart swelled with love for the two girls. Somewhere in his clouded, tangled mind a small voice told him that taking the girls was only going to bring bad events. He silently reasoned with the little voice and kept the thought that what he was doing was for the girls, he was saving them.

The flashback dissolved into the light, warm evening air as the last ray of sunlight faded from view. Belle placed a hand on her forehead; she was surprised that that memory had wormed its way through her defenses. She didn’t mind too much though it was a good memory from a painful time.

Her pocket vibrated causing her to jump. Grabbing her phone she saw the time. It was already almost eight o’clock.

“Crap!” Belle grabbed her sleeping brother and carefully buckled him in to the truck. She ran back to the picnic sight and grabbed all of the supplies. She didn’t have time to go anywhere with it, so she tossed it all into the bed of her truck and headed out.

Belle pulled up to Jesse’s house at almost eight-thirty. Jesse’s mother was leaning on the doorframe and glaring at the street. The two locked eyes and it felt like her mother was boring holes into her. Belle shivered violently and looked away. Gently she woke up her sleeping brother. He jumped and looked around, startled.

“Hey,” she said soothingly, she combed her hand through his hair. “We’re home and mommy’s waiting.” Jesse looked sad. “What’s wrong?” Belle asked worriedly.

“You’re gonna leave now, aren’t you Sissa?” Belle smiled sadly.

“Yeah, but I’ll be here tomorrow morning.”

“Promise?” Jesse was still half asleep but he was determined.

“Scout’s honour.” Belle helped her little brother out of the truck and walked him up the narrow stairs. Without a word, his mother took him inside and the door was closed in her face. Shrugging, Belle walked down the stairs and hummed a happy tune to herself as she went to her truck for some much needed rest.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry it's been so long since I've added any chapters. This chapter is really heart warming in my opinion, I love it!
Thanks again for staying with the story for so far!
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