Status: If you want to be a part of this, message me [Kitty Starr] and i'll add you. =D


Secret 2.

Secrets ruined my life.
They tore my family apart, slowly, like they were ripping all our limbs
I find it funny that I can't tell the people who i'm closest too, yet I can write it for you to see. All you strangers.
And so, a secret i've never told anyone, ever, I will say right here, on this website, for anyone to read, because I don't know what else to do.
I hate a lot of people.
I know, that doesn't sound like much of a secret right?
But, it is to me. Sure, i've been raped before, and abused, but for some reason, they just don't compare to any of this.
I am just a bitch.
I am mean to people who don't deserve it, my friends and family, and I don't know what's wrong with me.
Nothing physical, I'll just ignore them, or tell them off. Or eventually, punch them in the face.
My mother; hate her, One of my best friends; can't stand her. My pervert uncle, I glare daggers at.
Those people, I have very good reasons to hate.
But what about the girl walking in the hallway, who laughs all fake and makes fun of that one kid, I hate her too.
Is that wrong?
I don't know, I don't even care.
I hate her.
Hate is a strong word, and this is probably one of my biggest secrets. I have a lot more, and you'll probably read about those too, but this kills me inside, because even I know, that I'm a bitch.
And the sadest thing is, I couldn't even care less.
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Yeah, one of many.