Love is Etched in the Ice

Chapter Six

The two US flags rose, along side a Korean one. Apolo sang along quietly to the National Anthem. He had his hand over his heart, holding on to the bouquet, a proud smile on his face.
The song ended and the crowd stood up, cheering. Apolo posed for a few pictures with the other medal winners and stepped off the podium.
I smiled and hugged Yuki before moving down to the floor, almost tackling Apolo as he walked up.
He chuckled, “Seven. Can you believe it?”
I pulled back, “I can, because you are just that awesome.”
“Apolo, could I get an interview?” A blonde lady walked up, followed by a camera that said MSNBC on it.
“Sure,” he put his arm around my waist.
“This is Mary Fletcher with MSNBC Olympic Games coverage, we’re here with Apolo Ohno and his wife Avery. So, Apolo, how does it feel to be one medal away from being the most decorated?”
“Well, it feels really good. I mean, I’ve got a lot of support from my dad and the fans, and my biggest supporter,” he looked at me, “Avery. She’s my everything. I’m doing this for them, the fans.”
“How about being a father? How does that feel?” She smiled, and held the mike out to him.
He chuckled and looked down. “Well, they’re twins and,” he exhaled. “It’s impossible to put into words. The feeling is just overwhelming sometimes, but I’m really excited. I’m gonna share it with my best friend so, it’s the best feeling in the world. I love it.”
“Twins? When’s the due date?”
“June fourth.” I love that big toothy smile.
“Wow, thanks, and congratulations. Good luck on Monday.”
“Thank you,” he turned away as Mary signed off and sent it back to Jerry at the studio.
“Apolo!” We looked up to see Yuki waving us down.
We climbed the stairs to where he was waiting. There was someone else there, his back turned to us, talking to some people in the stands.
“Hey, what’s up?” Apolo looked at his dad.
“There’s someone here for Avery.” He tapped the guys shoulder.
A tall man with thick black glasses, graying hair and a mole on his chin turned around.
“Daddy!” I ran to him and hugged him hard. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
He set me down, “Yeah. Yuki sent me a ticket a few days ago. I was so excited when I got it that I had to call you. And I was gonna tell you, but I decided it would be better if I waited.”
“Thanks, Dad,” I smiled at Yuki and looked back at Daddy. “Sorry I couldn’t compete.”
“What are you talking about? I’m gonna be a Grandfather in four months! That’s enough from my baby.”
Apolo turned to talk to Yuki as I continued talking to Daddy.
We talked and talked, until eight. Then Apolo decided it was late so we needed to head back to the dorms.
“I’ll talk to you later, Sweetie. Love you.”
“Love you, too, Daddy. Drive safely.”
“Always.” He hugged me again and waved as Apolo and I walked down the stairs and through the snow, trudging our way back to the dorms.
We finally got there, fifteen minutes later.
“It feels good to lay down.” He lay down, kicking off his shoes.
“Now you gotta take off your jacket. You’re gonna get overheated.” I repeated.
“You can do it.” He turned on his back and spread his arms out.
I hung my jacket off, put our shoes in the closet and changed before I went over and sat on the bed, falling into him. I unzipped the jacket and slid it off his shoulders, forcing him to sit up.
“All done.”
“Not quite. Your not ready for bed, yet, Mister.”
“Right.” He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, slipping them over his butt. I crawled to the end of the bed and tugged on the ends, getting about eleven inches off before flipping over the end of the bed.
He rushed over to me, “Are you okay?”
“That was so fun.” I held up my trophy, his pants.
“Uh, huh.” He took them from me and threw them in the corner, along with his socks and shirt. “Now it’s time for bed.” He picked me up and carried me to the edge, setting me down.
“Okay. But you get to come, too,” I patted the empty pillow next to me.
“Fine.” He trudged over and lay down, pulling the blankets over us.
I got closer and snuggled up, linking our fingers and legs.
I fell asleep a few minutes later, listening to his heartbeat, slow and steady.

~Apolo’s POV~
She was so peaceful.
A knock came at the door, Saf. It was 6:58.
“Come on in, it’s open.”
The door opened to her carrying her stuff. The lights, camera, and backdrops.
“Aww… Perfect.” She put her camera up to her face.
I stared straight up at the ceiling. She set it down again, and looked at me.
“You gotta be natural,” she sounded as if I should already know this.
I looked down at Ave, her hand resting on my chest, a smile on her lips. I kissed her head.
“Yeah, like that.”
I lifted my hand and brushed a few pieces of stray hair away from her face, smiling down at her.
She stirred and woke up, looking up at me, “Morning.”
I kissed her in response, not caring about morning breath. Her lips were so soft, so firm, she was… Absolutely perfect.
“Out of bed, now,” Saf instructed.
I climbed out of bed, putting my arms under Ave, picking her up bridal style. I walked over to the window and looked out. It was a sunny day. It looked as if some one had started a snowball fight.

~Avery’s POV~
He was so warm, I wanted to stay there forever and, luckily, I could. I looked up into his eyes, cupping his face with my hand and stroking his face with my thumb. I bit my lip, smiling.
“I want some nude pictures now.” Iris sounded serious.
Apolo turned quickly, “What?”
“Calm yourself. I’m just kidding. But I want Ave on the bed, with her shirt up and you kissing her belly, looking at her.”
He set me on the bed, propping a few pillows up for me to lean on. I pulled up my tank top, crossing my legs. He got on his knees and put his hands by my hips. He kissed my stomach, looking at me.
“Aw. That’s perfect. Just a few more.” She clicked. And clicked. And clicked.
She finally put her camera down. Now it was my turn to be forceful. I grabbed Apolo’s shoulders and lifted him up, above me. I brought him slowly down and stretched my legs out.
“Yes,” she clicked. “Now,” she walked over, putting my tank top strap down to where it was the middle of my upper arm.
She stepped away and clicked.
“Kiss her. Passionately.”
He did as he was told, tracing my bottom lip with his tongue.
This was all oddly familiar… Oh, yeah. Our wedding night.
Before it could go any farther, I put my hand on his chest and pushed. He moved obediently. I rushed into the bathroom and puked my guts into the toilet.
Damned morning sickness. I hated this.
Apolo followed me, taking my hair from around my face, holding it up so it wouldn’t get all gross.
“Thank—” I didn’t have time to finish, I hurled again.
“Well, don’t puke again, that’s a good picture, put your hand on your belly.”
I did as I was instructed and tried not to puke.
I nodded. “I think so.”
“Alright. Come on.” He put his hand on my elbow and helped me up.
“Well, I can get just pictures of Apolo while you get back together. If you want.”
I nodded again, crawling up onto the bed and laying down.
He got down in the push up position and smiled at the camera.
He had his back to the bed so I got up silently and straddled him, without him knowing.
Right before Iris took the picture, I sat down, making Apolo fall with an ‘oof’.
He rolled over quickly, taking me down, laying on top of me again. I laughed with him. He put his forehead down on mine and gave me Eskimo kisses.
“Perfect. You guys are so cute.”
“We can only try.” Apolo turned to her, “I told you she gets it from me.”
And that point, he was right. He was the only influence I needed.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my favourite chapter so far!