Love is Etched in the Ice

Chapter Seven

“What are you doing?”
Apolo had his tongue out, a centimeter away from my nose.
He pulled it back in quickly and got up, holding a hand out for me. I took it gladly, standing up.
“Okay, now it’s your turn to lay on the bed. Like I did five minutes ago.” I pushes him towards the bed.
“Ohno! She has an idea… Ha, that was punny.” Iris giggled, following us.
Apolo got up on the bed and lay down, his legs straight out in front of him. I put my hands on my hips and looked at him, raising my eyebrow.
“What?” He lifted his hands in innocence. Yeah, that’s a strange way to put it.
“Cross your legs, please.”
He did as he was told. I crawled up and got in the same position he was in. I kissed his abs and looked up at him, smiling.
“Wow, Ave.” Iris took a few pictures.
Through out the rest of the morning, she made us move in various areas of the room and in various different positions.
Finally, at one, we stopped for lunch. Iris left to go shoot some pictures of Shaun.
“I’m craving pasta,” I pulled on some jeans over my black leggings. I tucked them into my boots and put on a pink shirt.
“Well, then, let’s get some pasta.”
“How? There’s no Olive Garden here,” I pulled our jackets out of the closet and put one on. I held the other one out to Apolo.
“Um, Ave? That’s your jacket. You’re wearing my jacket.”
I shook my head. “Nu-huh. This one’s mine. This one’s yours.” I shoved ‘my’ jacket into his chest.
“Fine.” He took the jacket and put it on. “It’s a little small, don’t you think?” He tried zipping it up but it didn’t work.
I giggled.
“Come on.” He grabbed the keys and walked out the door, closing and locking it behind us. He held out his arm, and I took it with both hands, laying my head on his bicep.
We got outside to be greeted by the sun. I sighed happily.
“Uh, Apolo? I think you’re wearing the wrong jacket.” J.R. Celski walked up to us.
“Nah, he just grew. A lot. And I shrunk. A lot.” I nodded matter-of-factly.
“Oh, I see. Alright, well, I’ll see you guys later,” he smiled and ‘bro-hug-shake’-ed with Apolo before walking off.
“Oh, I see how it is! Don’t even say bye to me. I understand. Completely. Thanks, J.R.”
He chuckled and waved, “Bye, Avery.”
“Bye.” I cheerily waved back.
Apolo looked at me and shook his head, smiling.
“Nothing. You’re just.” He smiled again. “Too cute.”
“I know,” I fluffed my hair up and looked up at the sky.
We got to the car, a black Cadillac with license plates saying ‘OhnoUDt’. I laughed at my creativity.
Apolo opened the door for me and waited till I got in before shutting the door. He walked over to the other side and got in, starting the car and driving off.
It was quiet so I turned on the radio. A song with lots of screaming blasted my ears. I turned down the volume and chose a more mellow radio station.
We made it to downtown Vancouver, and found an Olive Garden. He pulled in and we got out of the car and hurried into the resaraunt, snow was too cold.
It was busy inside, but there was almost no one waiting.
“Mommy, look, it’s that one guy with the skates.” A little boy pointed at Apolo.
“Now, honey, it’s not polite to point.” She couldn’t help but stare. I agreed, he’s hot.
“Table for two, please,” he smiled politely at the short girl behind the counter.
“Alright, we’ll get that as soon we can.” She handed us a black round disk with red lights on it.
We’d been there before. We knew the drill.
We turned around, “Can I please have my jacket back? This one isn’t warm enough.” He took off my jacket and held it out to me.
I sighed, “Fine.” I took his off and handed it to him.
The lady’s eyes got wide, “Oh, congratulations. Do you know what it is?” She looked at my baby bump.
I smiled and sat down, “Yeah, twins. One of each.”
“They’re a blessing,” she rubbed her son’s head.
I nodded and took out my phone. “Smile, Poli.”
He looked at me, “Poli?”
I nodded. “Yeah, it’s your new nickname. Now smile.” I held my phone out, on camera. He smiled. I smiled. I posted the picture on Twitter. ‘At Olive Garden for lunch. Mmmmm. :)’
The woman’s disc went off.
“Mommy, I want a picture,” he refused to get up.
She let go of his hand and looked at us, “Could we get a picture, please?” She looked at Apolo, “He loves you.”
Apolo smiled warmly, “Sure.” He moved over on the bench so there was room for the little boy to sit down.
He sat down and his mom got a picture.
A few minutes later, they went and sat down. We found out the boys name was Tanner and his mother’s name was Terri. We also found out Tanner had cancer. Leukemia. We hugged him and got Terri’s number. We promised to call later.
Ten minutes later, we were seated and eating breadsticks. Life was good.
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Sorry this one was kinda short. It took forever to type...