Best Friends, Worst Death

Tears, Cancer, Stalkers, and Hugs

** Maegan’sPOV**
His tears were falling freely now, like drops of rain, falling into my hair. He made no attempts to escape from the hug I was forcing upon him. So I hugged Mat harder. The other side of me was urging to give him a kiss. Wow could my romantic side kick in when I least needed it. But that side had never hindered our friendship. Not that I was the only one, Mat was really popular. He could give almost anyone a kiss, and they would probably faint with joy. Sometimes I wondered why he had even bothered talking to me that wonderful day, 5 years ago.
Science had just ended and I was sitting around waiting for everyone to leave. I couldn’t shake off the feeling I was being watched, but every time I turned around, No one would be looking at me. Just then, I heard a great smash. Books were suddenly spread around me. I rushed to help pick them up. After we were done, he stood up and dusted his coat.
“I’m mat. Thanks for helping me!” he said, clearly happy that someone had bothered.
“I’m Maegan. Nice to meet you.”
The next day, he sat down next to me at lunch. We didn’t talk, but his friends would come by and say “are you sure you want to talk to her?” Mat would smile, and reply “Why cant I talk to a friend>” that usually scared them away. After a while, we started talking online. Then we met each other at the library. I went to his house. Too bad I stunk at video games, it seemed that that was all he did. Well, until I found a large stack of fantasy novels next to his bed. You can see were it went from there. Now we are best friends.

**Mat’s POV**

She looked like she was remembering something, so after my tears had dried, I just sat there. Eventually she snapped to the present, and removed her arms from me.
“I’ll ditch school. If you’re going to die before the end of the week, I want to be with you.”
I didn’t need to say anything else. No point in mentioning that I would flunk out of school if I did this. That would only upset her. Just then, I realized that there was someone at my door. I spun around to see Lily, my stalker. She stood there gaping.
“Go away!” I yelled. “This is none of your business. And you can’t just walk into my house like that! At least knock!” She dashed away without saying anything. Good. Maybe I would have less stalkers. I turned to Maegan.
“That movie you wanted to see is playing.” I said. “Would you like to see it?”
“I would love to. Thanks for doing this for me!” she said, her voice a mix of sorrow and joy.5 minutes later, we were on a bus to the theater. I looked at Maegan and smiled. I would make this the best week of her life.
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It's my first chapter on this story :) Hope you like it :) AND (as usual) comments are ALWAYS appreciated. It's a bit short though > <