Best Friends, Worst Death

Truth or Dare

***Maegan POV***

Matt and I had decided to go to the park like old times and hang out, to normal people this wouldn't seem to fun or exciting but to us it was totally different it was great I had shared many memories at the park with Matt good ones and bad ones but we just try not think of the bad ones.

It was a short walk from Matt's house to the park and it was a nice day out to which made me slightly happy even when in this un-happy situation. The park was nearly empty except for a few school children sitting under the playground in a circle probably playing truth or dare, now that brings back memories....

"Maegan truth or dare?" a girl named Lily asked. Lily was very small and she had short dirty blonde hair Matt and I didn't really like her but we didn't want to be rude and not let her come she kind of didn't have friends and she liked Matt so that was the only person she would really talk to.

I bit my lip before I answered these truth or dare games sometimes get pretty crazy and I wasn't sure what to pick, what if there was a kid from school in the bushes hiding and told all the other children at school? Or what if I got into a massive fight with Matt or Lily and they told everyone? I decided to take my chances and I answered "truth"

"Do you have a crush on Matt" Lily asked giggling, I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks and I looked over at Matt who had a weird unreadable look on his face.

I snapped back into reality and saw Matt waving his hand in my face and asking me if I was okay.

"Earth to Maegan are you there, are you okay?" Matt asked a bit worried at the last bit.

"Yeah I'm fine I was just off in fantasy land sorry" I replied in a small voice as I just realized what was going on.

Very soon I wouldn't see Matt anymore, I'd never get to graduate, never get married or have kids or get a proper job or do any of that stuff and it just hit me and it hit me like a ton of bricks in the face. Tears began blurring my vision as they formed in my eyes I didn't want to go, not yet and I knew there was nothing I or anyone else could do about it.

"Maegan you are not fine last time I checked crying doesn't mean your fine" Matt said grabbing my arm and pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry it's just that it's only just hit me all that I'm going to miss out on and stuff Matt I don't want to die" I cried and I sobbed into his chest wetting his shirt from my tears.

"Shh Mag it's all going to be okay" he said stroking my hair.

"It's going to be okay? How is this going to be okay? I'm going to die Matt, I'm going to die for god sake! I'm going to miss out on all the good things in life" I cried tears falling from my eyes more then ever as I realized all the things I would miss.
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Also the italics bit is a flashback if you didn't realized
Okay I finally posted my chapter! Sorry it's short I usually write longer stuff then this but I'm really busy and all you readers/subscribers deserve it because each and everyone of you are amazing!

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