Best Friends, Worst Death

You what. . .?

Several minutes later, I pulled out of our long embrace. Maegan tried to hold on to me, but I refused. We had to do something. After all, she only had 6 days to go.
"Come on Maeg, Lets go do something!"
"Like what?" she replied, still on the verge of tears.
"You know that museum exhibit, about the man who invented UNIX?" I replied, trying to sound calm "You said you wanted to see that. Lets go!"
she smiled as I led her down the stairs. We both took turns getting changed, and after we were done, we sprinted outside. After the solitude of being alone in an apartment, the noise of the bustling city took some getting used too. Abruptly, I snapped out of my daydream. Someone had poked me. I spun around. it was Maggy, Lily's best friend.
"Is it true?" she said "Lily told everyone that you and Maegan were making out!! were you really?"
I lost control. rage took over me. The next thing I knew, Maggy was on the ground, her nose bleeding. My hand was bloody too.
I took me a few seconds to realize Maggy was bleeding. I wasn't mad that Mat had punched her though. She deserved it.
"How dare you make a joke like that!" I said angrily. I had to stay in control of my emotions. "I would never. . . . " Well, that was a bit of a lie. But I wouldn't be able too anyway. "Stop thinking about that!" I told myself. But then. . .
Maggy was laughing.
"Oh I guess you were making out!!!" she smiled through bloody lips "MAEGAN THE SLUT!" she ran away. Mat was shaking. I put my arm on his shoulder. He wasn't about to get upset on me.
"calm down" I whispered into his ear."I won't be happy if you get upset" that seemed to calm him down.
"lets go" he said, grabbing my hand. I blushed. He shouldn't have. . . .
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it's kind of short :)