Status: Completed. Sequel is up

The Only Thing That Should Matter Is Us

7th Years

I laughed as Draco tickled my sides during dinner where everyone was socializing talking excitedly about tomorrow’s quiditch game.

“You know what sucks?” I asked Draco after he stopped tickling me.

“What?” he asked smiling. I smiled at him; “That’ you didn’t do quiditch this school year,” I told him.

He sighed; “No” he said.

I sighed; “But would you play in the game tomorrow for me?” I asked him biting my lip.

He looked at me; “You didn’t,” he said worried.

“Please? The original seeker is sick and can’t play and the only other good seeker is you,” I told him.

He sighed; “Fine; you owe me” he warned me.

I smiled kissing him softly; “I’ll sleep in your room for a week,” I told him.

“Good” he said kissing me softly as I pulled away.

“I’m still auditioning tomorrow morning before the game for the party right?” Miranda asked butting into the conversation.

I looked at her; “Miranda you flirted with my boyfriend which means you messed with me,” I told her.

“But I can still audition?” she asked.

I laughed, “Have fun tomorrow,” I said before getting up.

She looked at me; “And no you can’t audition, Leah already got the job” I said walking away from the table.

I felt Draco running up to my side as I walked downstairs towards the Slytherin common room.

I turned around a corridor before we reached the entrance to the common room and looked at Draco who stopped walking abruptly.

I chuckled softly, “So Miranda flirted with you; what did she say exactly?” I asked him.

He looked at me nervously, “Just that she thought I was attractive and not the usual guys she went for” he said nervously, his voice faltering.

I smiled; “Oh really?” I asked him.

He nodded; “But I didn’t listen to her” he assured me.

I laughed, “You know you’re cute when you get nervous?” I asked him as I pinched his cheek.

He swatted my hand away; “What’s gotten into you?” he asked looking at me.

I looked at him smirking; “Oh nothing, I just want to have some fun,” I said grinning.

He chuckled; “Didn’t you already have fun in my room a little bit ago?” he asked.

“Not that type of fun, more like trouble for someone” I said.

He sighed; “This means I’m stuck with you until you plan something?” he asked.

I looked at him, with an eyebrow raised. “What’s wrong with YOU? You never pass up a chance at making someone feel like shit,” I said looking at him harder.

“Oh well, your probably busy in the room of requirements.” I said looking at him.

“Alright, well since your doing that I’ll go find someone else to help” I said.

“Who?” he asked.

I laughed aloud, echoing in the empty halls.

“You know those seventh years, the ones you tell me to not go near? Those” I said smirking.

He was going to say something but I walked away before he could and walked into the common room to see the Seventh years.

Seventh years never had dinner with the rest of the house; they went of on their own during dinner and had their food delivered to the common room.

Only the seventh years in Slytherin did that though.

“Oh look it’s the 6th year house whore,” Michelle said glaring at me.

I laughed to myself; “How’s that medication going? Sucks to get a muggle disease, I heard that’s why Justin broke up with you” I said.

She glared at me; “At least I haven’t slept with half the boys in my year” she pointed out.

“At least I wasn’t desperate enough to sleep with a muggle like you did. Such a pity to know that only a muggle would sleep with you” I said.

She glared at me before shutting up and leaving to another part of the common room.

“Hello boys” I said sitting on Adams lap. He chuckled putting his arm around my waist.

“So what makes you grace us with your presence?” he asked.

“Eh I felt like ruining someone’s life; particularly the new sixth year girl” I said.

“That Miranda girl? She’s hot,” Jared said.

I glared at him, “For uhm a ogre” he said.

I rolled my eyes; “Jared shut the hell up before I hex you,” I warned him.

“Alright so who here wants to help Me.?” I asked.

“Come on doll face, I’ll do it this time” Matthew said.

I smiled getting of Adam. “Oh come on Mathew! You could have stayed quite!” Adam complained.

I laughed hugging Adam; “I’ll visit tomorrow,” I said before leaving the common room with Matthew.

Before I could say anything, he pushed me against the wall and eagerly kissed me. I laughed pushing him away.

“Ah ah ah no, sorry buddy. Draco’s girl” I said.

“You could be with any seventh year boy in any house and you’re with the weasel,” he pointed out.

“Yes I know,” I said as we walked. “Alright doll face; what do you want me to do?” He asked. I laughed.

“Alright, ask her out for a date” I said.

“And then?” he asked.

“Have her dress in Red and Yellow,” I said.

He looked at me; “Gryffindor colors?” he asked.

I nodded smirking. “Have her meet you in the common room and I’ll do the rest,” I said.

“Why Gryffindor colors?” he asked.

I smirked; “What happens if a Slytherin girls ends up with a crush on the Harry Potter?” I asked.

He nodded understanding, “Social suicide” he said.

I nodded smirking, “Well thank you Matthew; I’ll tell you what day” I said before walking away towards the room of requirements.
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