Status: Completed. Sequel is up

The Only Thing That Should Matter Is Us


I groaned waking up the next morning from the wild night with Leah, Blaise, Draco and I at several different night clubs.

“Morning sunshine” Draco said chuckling.

“How many fucking shots did I take?” I asked him, my voice hoarse from all the drinking.

He shook his head, rubbing the sleep from them.

“Me and Leah lost count after ten” he said.

I groaned; “At least I didn’t have to puke” I pointed out as I stood up.

He laughed as I put on his school shirt to cover my body, “I’ll see you at lunch?” he asked.

I shook my head; “I’m skipping classes today, I’d look like shit at class” I told him.

“Spend the day with me?” he asked softly.

“You have work to do” I told him simply as I put my hair up.

He looked at me; “You still haven’t forgiven me have you?” he asked worried.

I looked at him; “I’ve grown to get over it. You never change, so I’m not going to fret over something that will just happen again.” I told him.

“This time it was a mistake” he insisted.

I looked at him; “It’s fine Draco. I’ve gotten over the pissed off part; I just don’t care anymore. As long as I keep being your number one priority I don’t give a fuck who you sleep with. Just don’t get any diseases and get me infected” I told him as I left him room.

“Have fun?” Leah asked entering our bedroom to get her books.

“Eh, it’s too early to think” I told her as I got comfortable on my bed.

“What do I tell the professors?” she asked softly.

“Say I have food poisoning or something like that” I told her as she left.

I spent half my day in bed before deciding to get up and change into my uniform.

I smirked as I made the skirt a few inches higher than permitted so it reached a bit higher than mid thigh and unbuttoned the first three buttons of my blouse before walking out of my dorm and heading to the common room.

“Nice to see your alive” Blaise chuckled as I sat next to him.

I nodded laying my head on his shoulder, “So have fun last night?” I asked him.

He chuckled nodding, “very much, you and Draco were amusing once you were drunk” he admitted.

I groaned, “Don’t remind me. Please, I don’t even want to think about what ever I did last night” I told him.

He laughed, “Alright then. No more talk of what ever the hell you and Draco did last night. So are you coming to potions?” he asked standing up.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Sure; we all know I’m going to use my book as a pillow” I told him.

He just laughed walking with me to potions.

“Hey you ended up coming to classes?” Draco asked coming up to me.

I nodded as he kissed the top of my head,

I just shook my head as I wrapped my arms around his neck before kissing him forcefully.

He grinned back as he kissed back with even more lust.

“Want to skip potions?” I asked him grinning.

He chuckled; “I’d want to but you already missed half your classes” he pointed out.

I groaned, “Really? You’re going to go to potions?” I asked him.

He nodded,

“Alright. What ever” I told him pissed off as I entered the potions dungeon.

I smirked as I confounded Professor Sloughorn to get him to switch our seats in the classroom.

“Leighton sit next to Potter. Granger with Weasley, Malfoy with Zabini, and Kummins with Nott” he instructed with a daze in his eyes.

I smirked sitting next to Harry and watched him roll his eyes.

“Ammirare” I murmured pointing my wand at him.

I smirked enjoying finding him infatuated with me,

“I’m H-H-arry Potter” he stuttered.

I smiled, “Alright Harry. I’m Juliet” I told him.

“That’s a nice name” he said chuckling.

I nodded as the lesson began.