Status: Completed. Sequel is up

The Only Thing That Should Matter Is Us

Room of Requirements

“So your going to make this believable right?” I asked Draco as we walked towards the great hall for lunch.

He sighed; “Do you want me to be cruel enough to make you cry?” he asked not wanting to do this.

“yes; that’s perfect” I said smirking.

He sighed as we walked through the open doors. “But Draco why won’t you come with me?” I asked him about something random.

“Because I don’t have time for your stupid things” he said lying.

I looked at him; “You never want to do anything with me” I said.

“Well maybe you should think about that” he said.

I sniffed fakily with tears in my eyes. “but I just love you so much” I whined.

He looked at me; “Aren’t you going to say it back?” I asked him knowing people were watching.

He stayed quiet; “Draco?” I asked.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you” he said slowly. “I just think we’d be better of as friends” he said so sincerely I almost thought he was serious.

“So just like that? I give you 3 months of my life and you dump me?” I asked him.

“Ya well love hurts” he said.

I glared at him; “Go to hell you man whore” I said walking away from him and sitting between Nott and Leah.

“You ok?” Nott asked putting his arm around me.

“I’ll survive” I said watching Draco sit across Amanda.

So far it had currently been three days and everyone knew that Draco had ‘dumped me’ and was now going out with Amanda and it was killing me. I had to see them kiss all the time in the common room and during classes.

So far Nott was ‘comforting’ me by being there for me. “So I know this is soon but what would you say to go going to Hogsmead with me Saturday?” Nott asked in the common room while trying to teach me a charm.

“That’d be nice,” I said knowing Amanda could hear me.

He nodded smiling; “So I was wondering something,” he said.

I looked at him and watched him as he pressed his lips against mine. I smiled kissing him back and pulled away biting my lip.

“Was I bad?” he asked.

I shook my head before going leaning to kiss him back.

“I’d love to stay but I just remembered that I have detention with Snape” I said getting up.

“But I’ll see you later” I said pecking his lips before leaving towards the room of requirements.

“Why do your lips tastes like men’s breathe spray?” Draco asked after kissing me when I entered the room of requirements.

I looked at him; “Well Nott kissed me in front of Amanda,” I said as if it was not important.

He sighed unhappily; “But you know I love you” I said kissing him forcefully.

“Yes and I love you too” he said.

I smiled before pulling him down to the couch with me in the room. “So since you love me so much you should tell me how it’s going with Amanda,” I told him.

He chuckled; “She’s fallen for the Malfoy charm; give her two weeks and she’ll fall in love with me” he said.

I sighed; “You ok love?” he asked. I nodded;

“I just don’t practically enjoy seeing you two kiss,” I said.

He chuckled; “This was your idea,” he reminded.

I laughed; “I know that’s what stops me when I want to rip her hair out” I said.

He chuckled; “And you say I get jealous” he said.

I laughed before leaning over to kiss him. “I really do love you” I said looking into his eyes. “And I love you” he said sincerely before kissing me back.

“So you need help with your task?” I asked him referring to the task the dark lord had given him.

I only knew about since I was a death eater too; “Didn’t your father say not to help me?” he asked.

“He said not to help you do the other thing,” I said.

He chuckled; “Well actually I wasn’t going to work on it tonight but I’ll tell you next time,” he said.

I nodded kissing him before getting of the couch. “I’ll see you after dinner,” I said pecking his lips softly before leaving the room.

I walked towards the Slytherin common room to meet up with Leah.

“Hey” she said as I entered our dorm.

“Where’s pug face?” I asked her.

She laughed; “Probably with Amanda” she said.

I nodded; “So I have an idea” I told her.

“Yes?” she asked.

“We make it seam like Pug face destroyed all of Amanda’s clothes” I told her.

“Set them up against each other?” she asked.

I nodded smirking; “That is the best plan yet” she said. I smiled sitting up on my bed; “I thought you would think that” I said laughing.

“So how’s it going with Draco and Amanda?” she asked quietly.

She was the only other person that knew; well and Blaise. “Great; he said she’ll probably fall in love with him in a few weeks” I said.

“That’s good; but can you handle it?” she asked.

I nodded; “I’m enjoying my fun time with Nott” I said smirking.

She shook her head before we headed for the common room to meet up with Blaise and Nott to go down to dinner.
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Sorry it's so short; but i'm trying to get all the chapters back to normal