Status: Completed. Sequel is up

The Only Thing That Should Matter Is Us

Dinner Party

“Father; mother. This is Theodore Nott but you can call him Nott” I said introducing Nott to my parents after we arrived from the train ride.

“Nott” my mother said acknowledging him before my father spoke.

“Ah yes; your father is a good loyal death eater” he said.

Nott nodded; “And I wish to follow in his footsteps in the future” Nott said smiling.

“Now tell me; are you two serious?” my father asked.

“We’ve been together for almost three month’s daddy,” I said smiling softly at my father looking innocent.

“Well then I’m sure you would enjoy being in our meeting tonight?” my dad offered.

“That would be an honor,” Nott said hiding his excitement.

“Yes well you’ll have to tell Draco later that he doesn’t have to attend anymore due to you taking his spot” my father said.

“Well remember dinner tonight is formal,” my mother said before they both left.

“Draco so they won’t need you tonight at the meeting” I said as Nott and I entered the entertainment room.

“What do you mean I’m not need at the meeting tonight?” he asked angrily and confused.

“It means daddy wants my boyfriend there and not you,” I said slowly for him.

“Daddy?” Amanda asked.

“Ya; my dad. I call him daddy since I’m his daughter,” I said simply and slow for her.

She nodded; “oh and by the way dinner is formal tonight,” I added.

“Formal?” Amanda asked.

“You know fancy, dressy dinner tonight will probably be some gathering,” I told her.

“Come on darling I need your help with my dress” I said pulling Nott by the arm. He chuckled; “Didn’t your father tell me not to enter my room?” he asked.

I laughed; “he never said anything about my closet,” I reminded him. He grinned following me out the room.

“Presenting Draco Lucious Malfoy and his Date Amanda Rose Kcomt” bellowed the man who was in charge of presenting to be arriving.

Sure Amanda’s dress looked amazing; too bad mine was still better.

“And now presenting Juliet Selene Riddle and her date Theodore Vincent Nott” the people stopped talking to look at Nott and I walk down the entrance.

Of course I knew the entrance would be more spectacular due to them all being death eaters.

After multiple guests congratulating us on our relationship Nott left to get us drinks; “You know everyone still thought we were going to go down together” Draco said walking next to me as we stood in a corner.

“Yes well thanks to you we didn’t” I replied not looking at him.

“Don’t blame it all on me; you were the one with the idea in the beginning. I was just making you happy,” he said.

“The plan never said anything about you falling for her,” I reminded him.

“I should be equally as mad at you; you were the one to go off with Nott” he responded.

“Your right; you should be mad. Then you would be showing emotions, a human thing to do. To bad you never did show them to me” I said looking at the party.

“Don’t go there. I did everything in my power to show you that I loved you,” he said quickly.

“Oh you did? Cause I just can’t remember when you ever did anything for me like you do to Amanda” I pointed out.

“I don’t love Amanda,” he said quietly. “I’ve tried but I don’t,” he admitted.

I turned my head slowly to look at him; he was still looking straightforward at nothing. “Do you love him?” he asked, his voice wavering from fear and questioning.

“Yes” I said honestly; “he’s been there for me for everything this school year” added.

“You can’t help end up loving someone that stays there for you through that,” I told him.

“But do you still love me?” he asked.

I froze not wanting to answer; “Juliet; answer this please. For my insanity” he begged. I sighed; “Yes Draco I still love you but I’m happy with Nott” I told him.

“You would stay with him even if admitted still loving you?” he asked.

“Draco. Love is a very important word to say to some one. And frankly; I just don’t even know if you would be able to mean it to me after all this” I said before leaving to go where Nott was at the bar.

“Hey” I said as walked up next to him.

“Hello love” he said putting his arm around my waist; “So our drinks?” I asked him.

“The bloody house elf is taking forever,” he said. I laughed; “Tots could you hurry up please?” I asked the house elf. “Right away mistress” he said quickly.

“Why did he just do that?” He asked confused.

“Because I was nice to him during the summer,” I said simply.

He nodded receiving the drinks and handing me one; the music stopped playing as my father walked up to the middle.

“So this dinner tonight is to announce something; after much thinking I would like to announce my heir” he said smiling.

“I know Draco Malfoy was the perfect option for his good ideas and judgment; but I thought. This should go to someone close; like family. So I’d like to say that my new heir is my daughter Juliet,” he said.

I smiled putting my drink down and walking towards him.

“Thank you father” I said once I reached his side.

He nodded; “That means that you’ll be attending the meeting tonight after dinner,” he reminded me.

I nodded before walking back to the bar. “Congrats” Nott said.

I laughed; “I already knew; I mean why would he give the thrown to Draco?” I asked him.

He shook his head; “Well I’m going upstairs to check my make up” I said kissing him softly before walking upstairs to fix my eyeliner.

As I walked down the second floor hallway I was thrown against the wall; I rolled my eyes as the spell came off me.

“What the hell?” I asked Amanda as she walked up to me;

“Why do you get everything? You get to be kept, you have his heart, and you even have the whole school in love with you and now the thrown?” she asked angrily.

I laughed; “You talk like you’re the one that should be announced as heir,” I said

. She glared at me; “Because I am! If they had the nerve to abandon me to some American wizard family, they could at least announce me as heir; I mean really! They haven’t even bothered looking at me during my stay,” she said ranting.

“Ok I’m leaving now because I think you’ve finally gone crazy,” I said turning to walk away.

“You’re not going anywhere” she seethed.

I looked at her smirking; “Yes because I’m scared of you,” I said sarcastically.

“Didn’t you ever bother to wonder why we have the same dark mark?” she asked.

I looked at her staying quiet; “Because you’re my fraternal twin,” I said simply.

“You knew?” she asked confused.

I laughed amused; “Your poor naïve little bitch, of course I knew. There must be a reason you have a bigger obsession with me than Parkinson does.” I told her.

“How long?” she asked. “Eh maybe two, three years” I told her.

“And you never bothered telling?” she asked.

I shook my head; “No because if I showed any sign of wanting to know who my abandoned twin was my dear loving parents would get you back just to have me happy,” I said.

“So you didn’t say anything because you didn’t want me to be part of the family?” she asked her voice quivering.

“Impedimenta” I said softly with out a wand. “Now listen carefully and closely,” I said threatening her.

“I have an amazing life, with amazing loving parents who love their only daughter, an amazing boyfriend and friends. And I don’t need some pathetic excuse for an American witch to come here this year so she can take away my parents and friends” I said slowly.

“So you’ll stay quiet about being my twin because I’m pretty sure MY mommy and daddy haven’t wanted you since the day you were born.” I told her.

“I’m pretty sure no has ever loved you; I mean not even your own boyfriend loves you” I said laughing. “Well I have to go; but enjoy the night,” I said smirking before leaving.

I was not going to lose my perfect life to her, that I was sure of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sort of long; enjoy!

Party Outfitt: