Status: Active.

My Bitter end.

Chapter 4.

I woke up to the stench of my own stale breath, an my mum’s nagging voice; I figured I might as well get used to it, it was going to be the same for quite a while yet.
I didn’t have too many good classes today, which didn’t make getting out of bed any easier. It wasn’t until I smelt the sweet smell of morning Pancakes that I finally decided to rise from my body heated bed.

By the time Tori’s mum got here, I was dressed and ready to face the hardships of a school day. Little did I know that Tori already had plans for this morning, well, plans to make plans. She was odd like that.
“Okay, Okay! Now that we’re finally here... I have an idea!” Her eyes glistened with something close to anticipation. It was so easy to smile around Tori.
“Ooh spill,” I replied,
“Well, I hardly saw you at all over the holidays, and I figured we could make up for it this weekend by you sleeping over! We can watch friends, eat ice-cream and stay up all night!”
I stroked my invisible goatee “hm... I may just like that idea,’ we laughed together and began planning.

First Period today was English, it was probably the best class I would have all day, unless you count Maths I met Emeline in front of the class, taking her arm as we walked in together. I would so wear the pants in that relationship.
Ms Young was late, as per usual. She would be getting her coffee, which without she would be unable to function properly as a teacher. We sat in our seats, we’d been sitting here for the last three years now, with Steve on my left, and a space next to Emeline. This is how we liked it, but as of recently Michael has been making a conscious effort to either wedge himself between myself and Steve, or sit next to Emeline. Michael Had come to our school midway through last year; I had been convinced that he belonged in the year below, and must be in the wrong class. I was wrong on both accounts though, and by now he had thoroughly fit himself into our year’s wave of students, no longer the ‘new kid’. In the back of math, Tori and I would eye all the males in the class, and discuss who, if we absolutely had to of course, would we ask out. A game I like to think all bored and hormonal young teenage girls like to play. I had said Michael.
I leant over to whisper into Steve’s ear.

“So, who’s your new best friend?” I asked, indicating in Michael’s direction.
“Oh, he isn’t here for me...” replied Steve. A look of pure cunning cast over his features as he winked at me, which was all I needed to hear.
We were let out late from English, and I stomped from the class with my head down and earphones effectively plugged in, I was going to be late now. Fantastic.

The heavy beat that accompanied Marilyn Manson’s intoxicating voice is what drowned out everything out. Even the large figure in front me, whom I managed to collide into at full stomping speed. It wasn’t until I looked up, that I realised I knew this person, and could remove the prepared glare from my face.

“Oi, its Amy!” David exclaimed, drawing out the ‘a’ sound. “Haven’t seen you in ages,”
I grunted back, I was late as it is. David laughed and made no signs of moving out of my way. “There’s a party coming up soon. I’m taking you with me. Accept it, embrace it, and love it... whatever. Catch ya.”
He turned and swaggered away with his oh-too-confident stride, taking his beady eyes with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
but cristism is always wanted.