Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


“Please don’t be afraid of me. I wouldn’t be able to bear it if you were,” Emmett said sadly

“I-I trust you Emmett. But you’ve got to understand how hard this is going to be for me. Accepting people into my life is one thing, but vampires?” Veronica said softly

“As long as you trust me, I can deal with that,” Emmett smiled

He extended her hand out to her, and after a slight hesitation she took it. Nothing would be the same now, and they both knew that. Veronica just hoped that she could accept what they were going to say.

Emmett kept a firm but reassuring grip on Veronica’s hand as the two of them re-entered the Cullen house. They took their shoes, coats, gloves and hats off, leaving them by the back door to dry. Veronica tried to keep calm, but found herself to be shaking slightly. So Emmett halted to a stop just outside the living room where everyone else was waiting.

“It’s going to be okay. We’re still the same people you’ve known for the last two months,” Emmett murmured

“I-I know,” Veronica stammered

Emmett frowned slightly, but lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it gently. In silence they entered the room, taking the remaining sofa to sit on together. Carlisle and Edward were standing while the rest sat, Alice and Jasper being the closest to Veronica.

“So...vampires?” Veronica said awkwardly

“We understand how unnerving the concept may be, Roni, but you must trust in the knowledge that none of us would ever hurt you,” Carlisle said softly

“Even if your blood does smell like freshly baked waffles covered in honey,” Lucas grinned

Emmett growled, making the family snicker at his protectiveness.

“Lucas is the newest vegetarian, after Bella. He’s only been feeding off animals for 4 years,” Alice giggled

“Since you met Rosalie?” Veronica guessed

“Yeah, she’s my singer – she helped me to be the vampire I am right now,” Lucas said affectionately

“Just like Lucas is my singer,” Rosalie said warmly

Edward fake-gagged, earning a glare from the blonde and hidden smirks from everyone else.

“What’s a singer?” Veronica frowned

“Emmett can explain that later,” Carlisle said with a small smile

There was a slight awkward pause.

“You can ask us anything, you know,” Esme smiled

Veronica looked up at Emmett, who just nodded his encouragement. So she took a deep breath and looked back at the family.

“When Emmett told me...your secret, he asked me how old I thought he was. When I said 20, he shook his head. How old are all of you?” Veronica asked carefully

“Who wants to start?” Carlisle chuckled

“I will,” Emmett said immediately, earning a nod

Veronica turned her head to look up at him.

“My real name is Emmett McCarty. I was born in 1915 and I was 20 in 1935 when Carlisle turned me,” Emmett explained softly

Alice then grinned and turned fully towards the caramel-haired girl.

“Okay, so I was 19 when I was turned in 1920, and I was born in 1901. My real name is Mary Alice Brandon,” Alice beamed

“I didn’t think you looked 16,” Veronica commented

Alice just smiled and turned her head to look at Jasper.

“I was 20 when I was turned in 1863, an officer in the civil war. My real name is Jasper Whitlock,” Jasper said proudly

“Well that explains the confederate army memorabilia,” Veronica chuckled

Next it was Rosalie.

“My name is actually Rosalie Hale, and I was 18 when I was turned in 1933, born in 1915 like Emmett,” Rosalie said with a small smile

“My name is Lucas Shaw, and I was 20 when I was turned in 1960,” Lucas grinned

“Stuck in the 1950s, huh?” Veronica teased

The family laughed, Lucas just shrugging his agreement.

“My original name is Esme Platt, and I was 26 when Carlisle turned me,” Esme said warmly

“My name is Carlisle Cullen and I was 25 when I was attacked and turned in 1665, born in 1640,” Carlisle said, smiling at Veronica’s dropped jaw

“My real name is Edward Masen, and I was born in 1901 like Alice, but I was 17 when Carlisle turned me in 1918,” Edward explained

“My name is Bella Swan and I was 18 when I was turned five years ago,” Bella finished

“So you’re a newbie?” Veronica mused

“I guess you could call it that. Oh, and you know Edward, Emmett and Alice’s cousin Renesmee we’ve talked about? She’s actually mine and Edward’s daughter, from when I was a human. Vampires can’t reproduce with each other,” Bella explained

“So she’s a...half-vampire?” Veronica asked

“Yup, but she’s got accelerated growth, so she looks like a 17 year old. She moved back to Bella’s hometown Forks to live with her shapeshifter wolf boyfriend and his small pack,” Emmett murmured

“Woah, there are werewolves too? That’s a bit too much for one day,” Veronica exclaimed with a weak smile

“Is there anything else you want to know?” Carlisle asked, changing the subject

Veronica thought for a while, before deciding on a question. Edward sighed softly.

“Have you always been ‘vegetarian’?” she asked hesitantly

Now the Cullens understood Edward’s sigh.

“Everyone except myself, Esme and Bella has fed off humans at some point,” Carlisle said cautiously

Veronica couldn’t help but swallow heavily, her heartbeat increasing rapidly. But when she felt her body rush with calmness, she frowned.

“Did someone something to me?” Veronica asked, confused

“Jazz,” Edward coughed, earning laughter

“It’s my power, if you will. I can control emotions,” Jasper explained with a small smile

“Okay, that’s kinda cool,” Veronica smiled back, before biting her bottom lip, “does anyone else have a power?”

“I can see the future. That’s how Esme and I found you in Chugach State Park, I saw you in a vision. I saw a lot of visions of you before your accident too,” Alice grinned

“I’m a mental shield,” Bella said with a shrug

“I can read minds,” Edward said with a smirk

Veronica blushed slightly, which got a grin from Emmett and chuckles from the others.

“Is that everyone?” Veronica asked, clearing her throat

“I have advanced advanced strength, Rosalie has her looks, Esme loves unconditionally, Carlisle’s a great doctor with supreme control of his thirst, and Lucas...well, he’s just a bit of a loser really,” Emmett laughed

“Hey!” Lucas protested

Everyone laughed as well, including Veronica. Emmett was just so relieved that she wasn’t freaking out any more.

“I can’t believe all this is real. I keep expecting to wake up from it all,” Veronica admitted

“I think it’s time for Emmett and Roni to talk alone now,” Carlisle said with a small smile

“We’ll leave,” Emmett announced

Veronica let him guide her out of the room and up the stairs to his bedroom, shutting the door behind the two of them.

“Are you okay?” Emmett asked softly

Veronica sat down on his bed, crossing her legs in a yoga-style. Emmett sat down in the same way, anxious for her reply.

“Surprisingly I am. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m a bit overwhelmed...but I’m not frightened. Like you said, none of you are as dangerous as you could be, so I trust you,” Veronica said slowly

“I’m so happy you said that. Come here,” Emmett smiled, beckoning her with the crook of his finger

Veronica giggled and crawled into his lap, resting her head on his chest.

“So no heartbeat, huh?” Veronica asked softly, resting her palm next to her head

“Well I have been dead since 1935,” Emmett chuckled

“This is so weird. Who’d have thought that I’d be crazy about an old guy who technically isn’t alive,” Veronica mused

“The best looking old dead guy you know,” Emmett pointed out

“Very true,” Veronica grinned

Emmett laughed and lifted her head up with a finger under her chin, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

“I can’t ever lose control around you. I would never forgive myself,” he murmured against her lips, eyes still closed

“I smell that good huh?” Veronica teased

“It sings to me,” Emmet said quietly, looking into her eyes as he lifted his head back slightly

“It what?” Veronica said, confused

“Your blood sings to me, beckons for me to drink it. You are my singer, Roni. Just like Lucas and Rosalie are for each other, just like Bella is for Edward,” Emmett said nervously

“S-So what does it smell like to you?” Veronica gulped

“What?” Emmett asked surprised

“My blood. Lucas said it smells like freshly baked waffles covered in honey – is that what my blood smells like to you?” Veronica asked softly

She didn’t like the look of sadness in Emmett’s amber eyes, so Veronica placed a hand on his cold cheek, connecting their gazes.

“It’s okay. I’m not afraid any more,” she said encouragingly

“You should be though. When it boils down to it, I’m a monster. Do you want to know what the first thing I thought was when I saw you lying in that bed?” Emmett grumbled

Veronica didn’t answer.

“I wanted to drain you of every drop of your blood. You smell of warm honey, and spices, and fresh peaches, all blended into one mouth-watering scent that drives me crazy,” Emmett sighed

“Is that why you left the room? And why you were such a jerk to me?” Veronica asked with a frown

“If I had stayed in that room a second longer, you wouldn’t be here right now. But I left and camped in the woods for 4 days to avert my hunger, hunting bears, deer, rabbits and foxes. And I thought that if I pushed you away, it would be better for everyone. Better for you,” Emmett explained guiltily

“So what changed?” Veronica asked simply

“I couldn’t resist you anymore. I had to get to know you, even if it meant drawing the animal out from inside me. And I would do anything to protect you, Roni. Without you, I am nothing. You gave meaning to this cursed life of mine and I can’t be without you,” Emmett said fiercely

Veronica smiled shyly, blushing lightly, and crawled out of Emmett’s lap. He frowned, confused, until she laid down on her back. He didn’t hesitate to join her, lying on his side with his head propped up by his hand so he could look at her.

“How come your bed is so perfectly made?” Veronica asked randomly

“I don’t sleep in it,” Emmett chuckled

“Where do you sleep then?” Veronica frowned

“I don’t sleep. At all. None of us do,” Emmett admitted

“What? What do you do instead then?” Veronica asked, confused

“I watch you sleep, mainly,” Emmett smiled

If he could’ve blushed, he would’ve.

“That’s kinda creepy,” Veronica giggled

“I used to tease Edward about watching Bella sleep when she was human, but he’s right – it’s fascinating. Your dreams are very entertaining, I’d do anything to have Edward’s power at night,” Emmett smirked

“My...dreams?” Veronica squealed, blushing

She knew exactly what he was talking about.

Oh Emmett...Oh God, Emmett...harder Emmett!...Oh!,” Emmett moaned and breathed, imitating her

Veronica groaned, blushing deep scarlet, and buried her face into Emmett’s pillow. Emmett just laughed.

“I happen to find it very sexy,” Emmett grinned, running his fingers along her waist

“You would! Fuck, this is embarrassing,” Veronica grumbled, returning to lie on her back

“I don’t care. If it makes you feel any better, my thoughts match yours exactly,” Emmett whispered huskily

Veronica’s breath hitched as Emmett pressed light kisses into the pale flesh of her throat.

“Gets easier every time,” Emmett groaned, inhaling deeply through his nose along her pulse.

Veronica smirked and rolled onto her side, lifted his head and connected their lips firmly. Emmett groaned again, holding her tightly to his body as the kiss quickly turned hungry and full of lust. Veronica’s lips curled into a smile when Emmett’s hands travelled down to her ass, cupping and squeezing slightly. The moan that slipped from Veronica’s lips into Emmett’s mouth did nothing but heat up the situation.

Then someone banged harshly on the door three times.

“Keep it PG! I can’t ignore both your disgusting thoughts when you scream them like that!” Edward yelled

“Just because all you and Bella do is play scrabble!” Emmett retorted

Veronica giggled and pressed a soft kiss to Emmett’s lips, before rolling onto her back once more, her breathing slightly erratic.

“You drive me insane, you know that?” Emmett sighed happily

“I think Edward just confirmed that you have the same effect,” Veronica chuckled

“I like that you have just as much of a dirty mind as me. That’s a rare find in a woman,” Emmett teased

Veronica laughed, swatting his chest playfully.

“Will you sleep in here tonight?” Emmett asked softly, tracing fingers along her jaw

“So you can creepily watch me sleep from the comfort of your own room?” Veronica mused

“Pretty much,” Emmett grinned, unashamed, “and you haven’t slept in here yet too,”

“I’m not even your girlfriend officially, so should I really?” Veronica pointed out

“I don’t see a problem with it because, if you must know, I’m waiting for the right moment. But it will be soon,” Emmett said warmly

“Then it looks like you’ve got a bed buddy for the night,” Veronica smiled

Emmett smiled broadly and pressed a kiss to the caramel curls on her head.

“Want to have some fun with Edward’s mind before I eat dinner?” Veronica said innocently

“You are my perfect woman,” Emmett chuckled
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so Veronica accepts their secret...and knows their pasts...
So everything's going to okay now, right?
Besides, who wouldn't want a little fun with Edward's mind? =]

My new Michael Guy Chislett story? Never Regret

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