Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


December rolled around pretty quickly. Veronica and Emmett were closer still, Veronica having adjusted to finding out the family secret easily, surprising herself and everyone else. But Veronica just realised that now she knew the reason for their strangeness, she liked them even more. Even if they could potentially kill her. It was a good thing she wasn’t a clutz, really! She couldn’t risk even getting a paper cut, because she knew how potent her scent was to Emmett. She really liked him – she didn’t want to mess this up.

Her adoration and trust in Emmett had grown to the level where he thought it was time to make them official. So he started by making her breakfast in bed, a plate of three large pancakes covered in syrup and sprinkles, a glass of fresh orange juice and a side plate of sausages and bacon. How she ate so much was beyond him, but he wasn’t complaining. In his human days he ate more.

“Morning Roni,” Emmett called softly, opening her bedroom door with his free hand

Veronica opened her eyes wearily, but giggled at the sight of Emmett carrying a tray.

“Did you make me breakfast in bed again?” Veronica mused, sitting upright with her back supported by pillows

Emmett loved how she didn’t care that her curls stuck up at all angles.

“Maybe?” Emmett offered, shutting the door behind him, “But this one is special,”

“How so?” Veronica asked curiously

Emmett just smiled innocently, and set the tray down on her lap. Veronica instantly gasped at the sight of the words ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ spelt out in sprinkles on top of her pancakes.

“So will you?” Emmett asked smoothly

“Any man, vampire, whatever you call yourself, that asks me to be official in the form of food gets an instant yes,” Veronica giggled, nodding

“I’d better be the only man, vampire, whatever I call myself,” Emmett grumbled teasingly as he took the seat beside her bed

“You definitely are,” Veronica grinned

She leant over and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, leaving him dazed.

“Good,” he finally managed to smile

Veronica laughed and started on her food.

“I was afraid, y’know,” Emmett confessed

“Why? That I’d say no?” Veronica frowned

“No, I knew your answer,” Emmett said cockily

“Ass,” Veronica retorted

Emmett just laughed, shaking his head in amusement.

“What were you afraid of?” Veronica asked

“That you would eat the pancakes before seeing the message,” Emmett teased

Veronica would’ve replied, but she had just put a large mouthful of said food in her mouth. So she shrugged innocently instead, swallowing it down with a gulp of orange juice.

“That could very well have happened,” she admitted, earning laughter

[15 minutes later]

“That was amazing, thank you Em,” Veronica said warmly

“It’s no problem. I got a pretty amazing thing out of it,” Emmett chuckled, taking the tray off her lap and placing it on the floor

“Oh yeah?” Veronica smiled

Emmett laughed and slipped under the duvet with her, pulling her tightly against his body in a way that made her gasp.

“Oh yeah,” he smirked

Veronica bit her lip as his cold hand travelled up her thigh and over her ass.

“You have such amazing legs,” Emmett sighed happily

“Shut up,” Veronica laughed

“I’m serious. You’re a 6ft girl with a whole lot of leg – that’s pretty amazing if you ask me. And they feel so good,” Emmett purred

“Okay hornball, enough. It’s early in the morning,” Veronica teased

“Actually, it’s midday,” Emmett replied simply

“I swear, I waste so much of the day in this house! You guys never wake me up!” Veronica frowned

“Why would I want you out of bed, when I can do this?” Emmett said softly

Veronica just smiled as he rolled on top of her, supporting his weight with his forearms as he kissed along her neck. She moaned as he sucked on her skin lightly, giggling as he lifted one of her thighs and wrapped it round his waist.

“Emmett! What if someone walks in!” Veronica protested, her breath hitching as he took her earlobe into his mouth

“Then it’s their fault. I’m having far too much fun,” Emmett whispered into her ear

Veronica shivered as his breath hit her ear, goosebumps of excitement rippling across her skin. Sometimes Emmett just made her feel so alive! He kissed his way across her jaw, connecting their lips tenderly. Veronica eagerly responded, making Emmett smile against her lips. Good, that was the reply he wanted. Her breathing became slightly shallower as his hand went to the bottom of her tank top, but she didn’t stop him, and Emmett slipped his fingers underneath the material onto her warm stomach.

Then the door burst open, revealing Lucas holding the house phone to his ear. He froze. Emmett tumbled off the bed in surprise, crashing on the floor in a heap. Veronica had to bite her lip to stop her laughter sounding.

“Er, she’ll be out of the bathroom in a couple of seconds...yeah...okay...”

Lucas pressed the phone to his ear, amusement clear on his features.

“Sorry to interrupt the love fest, but your brother is on the phone,” Lucas smirked at Roni

“Nick?!” Roni gasped

Lucas just nodded, making Veronica scramble out of bed and pull on a hoodie over her pyjamas. As Emmett got off the floor, Veronica grabbed the phone, dashed out the room and down the stairs, heading for the living room.

“Thanks for that, really,” Emmett said sarcastically

“Couldn’t resist,” Lucas winked


Veronica got comfy on the sofa, curling her legs underneath her as she put the phone up to her ear.

Veronica: Nick?
Nick: Hey baby sis
V: How did you get this number?
N: I have my ways
V: Nick...

Her brother just laughed at the warning tone in her voice.

N: You told me you were staying with the Cullen family in Anchorage when we were texting last, and I just happen to work with a guy who’s cousin works with Dr Carlisle Cullen at Anchorage Hospital
V: You’re a sneaky bastard
N: It’s one of my many charms, you know that

Veronica couldn’t help but giggle. She missed her brother’s sense of humour.

V: I haven’t seen you in ages, Nicky
N: 10 months is too long, baby sis
V: Has it really been 10 months?!
N: Sadly, yeah
V: How are our pathetic excuses for parents?
N: I haven’t seen them for longer than I haven’t seen you. I’m actually on my way up to theirs now
V: Gosh, I wish I was you

Sarcasm dripped off her voice, making Nick chuckle.

N: Something about you has changed, Roni
V: Really?
N: Yeah, you’re definitely different. It’s like you’re actually...happy
V: Gee, thanks!
N: I mean it, Roni. Your words are oozing sunshine
V: Well...I have a boyfriend
N: What?! Why haven’t you told me!
V: Well, he only became my boyfriend about 30 minutes ago. But we’ve been close for the three months I’ve been in Anchorage
N: Are you living in his house? Is he one of the Cullens?
V: Chill, bro. Yeah, he’s called Emmett Cullen, and we live on the same floor of the house. Not in the same room though
N: He better not be making any moves on my little sister
V: Babe, you wouldn’t be able to stop him if he was

Nick just huffed, making Veronica laugh. Her brother had no clue how true her words were.

V: So when are you coming to see me?
N: I don’t know, Roni. Work’s crazy at the moment. And Pamela is pregnant with my twins, so she’s got me on a ball and chain. Again.
V: You got your ex-wife pregnant? When?! How?!
N: 6 months ago at a party we both went to. Neither of us were happy when we worked out I was the only possible father, but I’m going to support her and the babies.
V: Jeez, she must be a barrel of laughs! I can’t believe I’m going to be an Aunt! Even if it is an ex-aunt!
N: Mmhmm, Pam wants you to be their godmother
V: For real?
N: For real. You know she’s always liked you, and you’re my baby sister, who else would we pick? Her asshole of a brother is the godfather, but we don’t have to think about him
V: Aww Nick! Thank you!
N: No problem, Roni. Look, I gotta go, I’m getting a call from Pam. I’ll talk to you again soon, yeah?
V: You’d better. I miss you, Nick
N: Miss you too kid. Bye!
V: Bye

Veronica sighed as she ended the call, running a hand through her messy hair. She didn’t realise how much she truly missed her older brother until she heard his voice. They had been best friends for all of Veronica’s 16 years in her parents’ house, and she didn’t like how she barely saw him now. Lifting her head, Veronica noticed Emmett and Lucas standing in the doorway.

“So that was your brother, huh?” Emmett said softly

“Yeah, he got your house number from a work friend, sorry,” Veronica apologised

“No problem,” Lucas chuckled

The two of them entered the room, sitting either side of Veronica on the sofa.

“You really miss him, don’t you?” Emmett said hesitantly

“Yeah, I haven’t seen him in 10 months,” Veronica admitted, nodding sadly

“10 months? Damn,” Lucas winced

Veronica chuckled weakly.

“I never remember how much I miss him till I speak to him. But he’s busy with work and he got his ex-wife pregnant about 6 months ago, so I’m not going to be able to see him for a while still,” Veronica sighed

“I’m sure something will work out, don’t be sad Roni,” Emmett said reassuringly

“Yeah, I’m sure something will,” Veronica said as cheerfully as she could

“Come on, cheer up doll. You go get dressed and we’ll think of something fun to do today,” Lucas said warmly

“Okay,” Veronica chuckled

She pecked Emmett’s lips in a kiss before leaving the two men alone. Emmett was deep in thought, which Lucas didn’t break him out of. He had a plan.


[Later that evening]

Veronica was eating dinner in the kitchen, Alice and Jasper filling her in about the gossip of their school day, completely distracting her. Which was perfect for Emmett, because he had a phone call to make. He sent Lucas a pointed look, meaning keep Veronica in the kitchen, before leaving and grabbing the house phone. He quickly walked upstairs, going into his bedroom and shutting the door. Veronica’s brother had been the only person to call the house all day, so Emmett used the call back function to ring him. The phone was picked up after 4 dials.

Nick: Hello?
Emmett: Nick, right? This is Emmett, Roni’s boyfriend
N: Oh, hi. Is something wrong?
E: Oh no, nothing like that, don’t worry. I just wanted to talk to you about something
N: Er, okay?
E: After your call today, Roni was really upset. Well, not crying because Roni doesn’t cry, but really quiet and melancholy. She misses you, man
N: Damn, I didn’t realise she would be that bad
E: Mmhmm, she wants to see you
N: I don’t know when I’m next free. I really want to see her too. I mean, she’s my baby sister!
E: I’m guessing you’ll be busy for Christmas, but why don’t you try to come down after that? I know she’d appreciate it
N: I’ll look in my schedule

Emmett tapped his foot impatiently as he heard shuffling pages. He really hoped this would work out.

N: I’m free from the 27th right up until New Years Eve apparently!
E: Why don’t you come and stay with me and my family for that time? We don’t mind and I know Roni would be ecstatic
N: It’d take 3 days to drive from Boston to Anchorage though, so I wouldn’t get to yours till the 30th
E: Even two days would be great for Roni
N: Are you sure you don’t mind?
E: Hell no! As long as Roni’s happy we don’t mind anything
N: She’s got you wrapped around her little finger, hasn’t she?
E: Pretty much, yeah

Emmett said this with a grin, not ashamed to admit it.

N: Nice one. Well, it looks like I’ll be seeing Roni in three weeks time then! I’m guessing this’ll be a secret?
E: Only my family will know. Not Roni
N: Hah, okay. Sure. Well, I guess I’ll see you soon then. Treat my baby sister good, yeah?
E: You got it. See you
N: Bye!

Emmett ended the call with a smile on his face. He might’ve just made this Christmastime the best one Roni’s had in a while. Now, to keep it a secret from her...
♠ ♠ ♠
So Roni's older brother is coming to visit?
That should be interesting...
But it won't be for a couple of parts ^_^
And they're finally together! Yay!!

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