Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


It was a Saturday, one day before New Years Eve. This had been Veronica’s best Christmastime ever, especially on Christmas Day. Esme and Carlisle had made Veronica her own Christmas Dinner, and the whole family had sat round the table as she ate, giving her a feeling of warmth and happiness. It had been years since she ate a proper Christmas dinner, especially with a family she felt part of. And the presents they’d given her! Extortionate was the word for it. The most extortionate being Emmett’s present of a pair of diamond earrings, genuine and beautiful.

Today the whole family were home, but Emmett had gone out on an errand nearly an hour ago, so Veronica was left to her own devices. Once she was washed and dressed, Veronica left her bedroom and walked downstairs, looking around for something to do. Then she saw Carlisle’s office. She knew he was in there and since she had never actually been in there, she was curious. Veronica knocked on the door of Carlisle’s study three times.

“Yes?” Carlisle called

“Hey, mind if I come in?” Veronica called back

The door opened, Carlisle standing there with a smile on his face.

“Of course not. I’m surprised you haven’t asked to come in my study before – I know how much secrets bug you,” Carlisle chuckled

Veronica grinned and walked past him. Carlisle shut the door, returning to his seat in front of the large oak desk. Veronica silently walked around the room, her fingers running along the bookshelves, her eyes dancing of the hundreds of old books in front of her.

“You have quite an impressive collection, Carlisle,” Veronica said with a smile

“Thank you, Roni,” Carlisle chuckled

Then Veronica’s eyes landed on a painting of three men standing on a balcony, wearing clothing from centuries ago, including capes. They had really beautiful faces. Like, impossibly beautiful. Veronica realised they must be vampires. Then she squinted and saw another figure in the background. A blonde man who looked like...

“I see you found The Volturi,” Carlisle mused, spinning around in his chair

“You knew them?” she frowned, pointing at his face in the painting

“I stayed with them for a couple of decades, yes. After I was attacked in England in the 1665, I got on the first boat to the New World – America. When I learned more about my abilities, I travelled across Europe, eventually ending up in Volterra, Italy. I found shelter with the Volturi. They tried to persuade me to follow their diet, but I stayed true to only animals. I’m still close friends with Aro, though. I’m assuming Emmett’s told you about them?” Carlisle asked

“He mentioned that they were royalty, or something,” Veronica shrugged

“They are, in a way. The Volturi leaders, Aro, Caius and Marcus, are over 3000 years old, and keep the peace of our species. They protect our secret from the human world and destroy any vampire that reveals the secret to humans,” Carlisle explained

“But...I know the secret...I don’t want Emmett to be killed! Or any of you!” Veronica panicked

“Calm yourself, Roni. We’ll cross that bridge when it comes. Bella knew when she was human, didn’t she?” Carlisle smiled

“But she’s a vampire now,” Veronica emphasised, frowning

“Let’s not talk about this right now. Would you like to see what I looked like as a human?” Carlisle asked, changing the topic

Veronica sighed impatiently at the blatancy of what Carlisle did, but nodded. So he reached into a drawer and pulled out a small painting, handing it to her. Veronica giggled at the ruffle-collar shirt and old-style jacket Carlisle wore, as well as the strange trousers and boots.

“Wow, late 1600s, huh?” Veronica teased

“The fashion in both England and America at the time,” Carlisle chuckled

“You might’ve known my ancestors then,” Veronica smiled, handing Carlisle the photo back

“Your ancestors?” Carlisle asked curiously, looking up at the 6ft girl

“Mmhmm. You said you went to America in the late 1600s for a while before Italy, right? And then came back again? Well, there’s a ‘legend’ in my family history. In the late 1600s or early 1700s, I had family members in Salem, Massachusetts, that held magical powers. Bullshit really, they were probably just a little kooky. Two members of my family got burnt at the stake, but as the flames were lit, the village was attacked and massacred. Those two family members were never seen or heard from again. They were most likely killed,” Veronica explained with a smile

“If your family members got attacked, how did your family line carry on?” Carlisle frowned

“The mother of the family ran when the two were captured, and settled in the next town up. It turns out she was pregnant with a boy, and the family have always lived in that town ever since,” Veronica chuckled

“Boston, Massachusetts?” Carlisle guessed

“You got it,” Veronica mused

“Doesn’t it upset you knowing that your ancestors were murdered, or that the whole village was massacred?” Carlisle asked, raising his eyebrow

“Nah, I just find it...kind of...amusing. That’s another charming family trait – we get kicks out of the pain of others, apparently. I probably shouldn’t be proud of it, but at least I’ll never be accused of being a sissy or weak,” Veronica shrugged

Carlisle’s mind raced. Where did he recognise that trait from?

“Besides, that was hundreds of years ago, so no use dwelling in the past, eh? I don’t have much of a family, so I don’t like talking about them,” Veronica said briskly

“It’s a shame you haven’t experienced what a real family is like. I’m hoping you’ll be able to learn with us. With Emmett,” Carlisle said with a small smile

Veronica blushed slightly.

“We’ll see,” she said simply

Then three knocks came on the door, and Esme walked in.

“Roni, would you come with me for a second? There’s something I want to show you,” Esme smiled

“Sure,” Veronica nodded, thinking it was a new painting

Carlisle raised an eyebrow at his wife, who just nodded. So Carlisle and Veronica both followed Esme out. As they entered the living room, Veronica froze, her eyes wide in shock at who she saw. Was she dreaming?

“Nice to see you too, little sister,” Nick chuckled, standing up

Nicholas ‘Nick’ Miller looked a lot like his sister. Sparkling blue eyes, a wide smile, high cheekbones, and very tall – Nick was the same height as Emmett at 6ft 5. There were a few differences though, with Nick having a slight tan to his skin, dark brown hair that was straight, and a stocky build in comparison to his sister’s slender one. Veronica squealed and ran over to her brother, throwing her arms round him in a hug. Nick didn’t hesitate to hug her back, burying his face in her curly hair as she buried hers in the crook of his neck. The two of them stayed like that for a couple of seconds before, pulling apart.

“Would you like a drink, Nick?” Esme asked kindly

“A glass of water would be great,” Nick said gratefully

Veronica and Nick sat down on the sofa, the rest of the Cullens either sitting of standing around them.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Veronica said happily, tears in her eyes

“Well when your boyfriend called and said you were upset after we’d talked, we arranged for me to come up here. I drove and he met me in town to give me directions up to the house. I’m only staying for today and tomorrow though, because it’s a three day trip and I need to get back for a baby appointment with my she-beast ex-wife,” Nick chuckled

Veronica narrowed her eyes at Emmett, but he just smiled innocently.

“I bet mom and dad weren’t happy you got her pregnant. I remember what they were liked when you split with her at 23,” Veronica mused, thinking back to exactly a year ago

“Mm they weren’t. Speaking of mom and dad – they’re getting a divorce,” Nick grinned

“Ah yes – divorce. From the Latin, meaning to rip out a man’s genitals through his wallet,” Veronica snickered, earning laughter

“Yeah, dad’s gonna pay dearly, even though it was him that initiated the divorce,” Nick nodded

“He did? Wow, finally grew some balls then did he?” Veronica chuckled

“He caught mom cheating on him with his business partner. Needless to say he got rid of the business partner and kicked mom out on the street,” Nick smirked

“Good on him, at least he’s free of that harpy,” Veronica grinned

If there was one thing Veronica had admired about her father, it was his pride. Esme returned with a glass of water for Nick, before standing next to Carlisle.

“So introduce me to the family crazy enough to take you in,” Nick smiled

“Oh, my bad. Okay, well I’m guessing you know Emmett, my boyfriend. Everyone’s adopted by Carlisle and Esme, by the way. This is Alice Cullen, Emmett’s sister, and Jasper Hale, who’s her boyfriend. Then there’s Rosalie Hale, who’s Jasper’s twin, and Lucas Swan, who’s Rosalie’s fiancé. Next to Lucas is his sister, Bella Swan, and then Edward Cullen, who’s Emmett and Alice’s brother as well as Bella’s boyfriend. And this is Esme and Carlisle Cullen. Carlisle was the doctor that treated me after the bear trap accident,” Veronica introduced, indicating each family member as she retold the story that she had originally been told

“It’s great to meet you all. I can’t thank you enough for taking my sister in. She needed somewhere stable,” Nick smiled

“It’s been our pleasure. She’s a special woman,” Carlisle said warmly

“Nick, you don’t mind if I make a bed up for you on the couch, do you? It pulls out onto a double bed,” Esme asked

“Of course not,” Nick replied, shaking his head

“You can always have my room? It’s technically the guest room,” Veronica offered

“And have you share with Emmett? No. The sofa’s fine,” Nick said sharply, making the family laugh

The stubborn streak was clearly something both siblings shared.

“Why don’t we leave the two of you to catch up?” Carlisle announced

Slowly the Cullens trickled out, Emmett kissing Veronica quickly before leaving. Human or not, her 24 year old brother was intimidating.

“Good to know the older brother tactic still works,” Nick said playfully

“You’re such a douche,” Veronica scowled, but she had a happy glint in her eyes

“Your relationship with Emmett is serious, isn’t it?” Nick asked curiously, resting his forearms on his knees

Veronica bit her bottom lip, but nodded.

“How could you tell?” she asked softly

“The way Emmett talked about you in the car, for one. He clearly loves you, Roni. And how you look at each other, for two. It’s like each of you wouldn’t exist if the other was alive. And your eyes – they’re so alive and sparkling. Emmett obviously has a good effect on you,” Nick smiled

“He’s made me a better person, if anything. I’m less angry at the world, y’know? And I’m able to trust people a lot easier, which is a shock, I know,” Veronica chuckled

“Wow, who’d have thought the day would come when Roni Miller would start acting human,” Nick teased

“Shut up you. At least I haven’t got an ex pregnant with twins,” Veronica shot back

“I’d be worried if you did,” Nick laughed

Veronica couldn’t help but laugh too. She’d missed her brother, deeply and truly, and seeing him in the Cullen house was like a dream come true for her.

“I missed you, Nick,” Veronica said softly

“I miss you too, Roni. Now, I know you must’ve had some adventures since you’ve been here – so spill!” Nick said excitedly
♠ ♠ ♠
Nicholas 'Nick' Miller

So Roni knows about the Volturi...her brother Nick has arrived...their parents are getting a divorce...and the Cullens have been formally introduced...
Important things for later on =]

Thank you to all that commented! I really appreciated them =] more please?