Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


Veronica woke the next morning to Emmett kissing her neck from behind. She giggled sleepily and rolled over so she was facing him, and pecked his lips.

“Good morning,” she smiled, resting her hand on his neck

“Good morning,” Emmett smiled back

He reconnected their lips in a slow, sweet kiss, giving Veronica goosebumps all over. The good kind of goosebumps. When he pulled away, Veronica bit her bottom lip, looking into his eyes.

“You’re affectionate this morning,” she commented, tracing a finger over his bare chest

“Alice came in about half an hour ago to say we only had an hour till Nick woke up. So that’s half an hour now,” Emmett explained, his fingers playing with the hem of her tank top

“And you wanted some Roni-time before Nick steals me for the day?” Veronica mused

“Pretty much,” Emmett shrugged, smirking

Veronica giggled as he kissed way down her neck, nibbling her collarbone. Then he rolled on top of her, pressing their crotches together and grinding gently.

“You’re always so horny in the mornings!” Veronica teased

“Not just the mornings,” Emmett mumbled against her skin

“Emmett!” Veronica giggled as he ran her tongue up her neck

“What? You have an incredible body and I’m finding it very hard to resist you,” Emmett smirked

Veronica gasped as he took her earlobe into his mouth and sucked softly, creating feelings of lust that hadn’t stirred in a very long time.

“Why resist?” she breathed

Emmett faltered slightly, stopping his assault to look into her eyes. Veronica swallowed heavily as she saw they were darker than usual.

“I’ve only just able to control myself when we kiss. If we made love...I wouldn’t be able to control myself at all. I would tear you apart,” Emmett said in a throaty voice

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” Veronica chuckled weakly

“I’m serious, Roni. As much as you forget it, I am a monster and I wouldn’t be able to hold back. So we’ll just have to stick to non-sexual stuff. Even if I want to fuck you senseless,” Emmett said firmly, his voice still holding a gravelly edge

Veronica blushed slightly but kissed Emmett softly, before nodding. She understood why he restrained himself, even if it meant the sexual tension between them grew to an impossible level. Then someone knocked on the door softly.

“Thanks Alice,” Emmett called softly, rolling off Veronica

Veronica looked over at him, raising an eyebrow.

“Alice said she would knock on the door just before Nick woke up. I guess I’d better let you get ready for your day without me,” Emmett explained, sighing dramatically at the end

“I’m sure you’ll live,” Veronica teased, getting out of bed

Emmett pouted, making her giggle. She pecked his lips one last time before grabbing some clean clothes and heading out to the bathroom to get washed. Emmett groaned, running his hands over his face. He didn’t need to be able to read his girlfriend’s mind to know that she was as sexually frustrated as he was. He just hoped he could control himself. Or the outcome would not be good.


A couple of hours later, and Emmett was sitting in front of the television. Seeing as it was still the Winter break, all but Carlisle were home. Alice and Jasper were sitting in the armchair next to Emmett, while Edward and Bella were curled up on the sofa the other side. Esme was cleaning the kitchen and Rosalie and Lucas were in their room.

“I know you miss Roni, but you could at least try to think about something else,” Edward said randomly, taking his eyes away from the movie they were watching

Emmett just grunted.

“It’s true Em. All I’m getting from you is waves of sadness. She’s only been gone a couple of hours, I shouldn’t be struggling to make you peaceful,” Jasper pointed out

“Shut up,” Emmett grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck

The other four Cullens snickered, returning their attention to the film. Emmett sighed softly, trying to focus on the plot of the action film Jasper had chosen. These were Emmett’s favourite kind of films, he should be able to enjoy it. But he couldn’t, not without Veronica. No-one realised that Alice was having a vision until she gasped at the end of it.

“What’s wrong? What did you see?” Jasper frowned

Alice sent a glance at Edward, who’s eyebrows shot upwards.

“What the hell?” he said, confused

“What did you see?” Bella asked, looking at her sister

Emmett looked at his family to see Alice and Edward looking at him. A feeling of dread washed over him and he panicked.

“Roni...” he whispered

Alice could only nod.

“What’s wrong with her? Where is she?” Emmett demanded, his eyes flashing

“There’s nothing wrong. At least, not yet. This won’t happen for a few months yet, I don’t think. At least, that’s what the season says,” Alice reassured

“What did you see?” Emmett asked through gritted teeth

Jasper tried to make Emmett calm, but it had little effect. Alice looked at Edward, asking whether it would be wise for her to say. Edward just nodded.

“I saw Roni talking with the Volturi,” Alice finally said

“The Volturi? What?!” Emmett hissed

“Calm down, Emmett, please,” Edward said firmly

Emmett clenched his fists slightly, knowing it would do no good to blow up at his family. But why the hell was Veronica with the Volturi? Unless...

“They know she knows about us,” Emmett mumbled

“I don’t know. All I saw was Aro touching Veronica’s hand, like he does when he wants to read a mind. She doesn’t look scared and he doesn’t look threatening. It’s really quite strange,” Alice said softly, frowning slightly

“The Volturi involved with a human is never a good thing,” Bella reminded them

Edward squeezed her shoulder slightly.

“Roni can’t know of this. She would freak out,” Emmett said firmly

“She has the right to know,” Jasper argued

“Not until we know more. Carlisle told me he talked to her about the Volturi yesterday and that she panicked about getting us hurt. Until we know more about what’s going to happen, Roni can’t know,” Emmett replied, shaking her head

“I’ll keep a watch,” Alice agreed

“Roni won’t like that you’re keeping this a secret,” Edward warned

“I know you’re as worried as I am, Edward, so don’t give me that. I don’t want the Volturi coming near Roni, and I know you know that she’s worried about them before. So this is for the best,” Emmett sighed

“Carlisle should know. As should Esme, Rosalie and Lucas,” Bella pointed out

“We can tell them while Roni and Nick are out,” Alice replied with a weak smile

“Everything was going so well! Why do the Volturi always have to fuck things up!” Emmett growled

“It’ll be okay, Em,” Edward reassured

“Somehow I doubt that,” Emmett said bitterly

No-one had a reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh...
Is it wise to keep a secret from Roni?
Especially since if she knows, then the Volturi would be coming...and that's never good, is it?
Major drama starts in the next part!

Thank you for all your comments! I love them so much =]
more please?
