Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


“Tell her, Roni. Tell Esme how you’re related to two of the most sadistic vampires ever created!” Emmett shouted

“Don’t insult my family!” Veronica hissed fiercely

“Oh, so you’re happy to be related to such monsters?” Emmett snarled

Veronica went to lunge at Emmett, but Edward and Lucas firmly pinned her to the wall. Just then the front door opened and Carlisle stepped into the house, his eyebrows shooting upwards at the sight in front of him.

“I think we all need to talk,” Carlisle ordered

“I want answers,” Veronica said harshly

“And you’ll get them if you’re rational,” Carlisle promised

“Let me go then,” Veronica prompted Edward and Lucas

“Are you going to stay calm?” Lucas asked softly

Veronica fixed her stare on Edward, sending him intense images of his body being on fire, his skin slowly melting off. He winced and let her go, Lucas not hesitating to do so too. With a final glare at Emmett, Veronica stormed into the living room, quickly followed by the Cullen family.

“Keep her calm at all costs. Her anger is volatile. I haven’t seen anger like this before,” Edward whispered to Jasper

Jasper nodded. He could feel her anger, he didn’t need to be told. Veronica sat in the armchair, Jasper sitting on the sofa closest to her so his control would have better effect. Veronica scowled, knowing exactly what he was doing. Emmett stood across the room, furious at her and furious at himself.

“Okay, explain to me what’s happened,” Carlisle said to Veronica

“You know the story of my ancestors, the two burnt at the stake?” Veronica said simply

Carlisle just nodded.

“I showed Emmett, Alice and Jasper the sketch of them today. Emmett exploded and I want to know why,” Veronica said, her voice verging on anger

“Who are they?” Carlisle asked Emmett

Emmett just shook his head, refusing to acknowledge them.

“Jane and Alec,” Alice said softly

Carlisle, Esme, Lucas, Rosalie and Bella’s jaws all dropped, Edward obviously having read the minds of the ones who knew.

“H-How is that possible?” Esme stammered

“It does all add up,” Carlisle admitted quietly

“How does it all add up?” Emmett asked angrily, “They’re sadistic monsters who enjoy nothing better than the pain of others,”

“Can’t you see though? Can’t you see the links? I can’t believe I didn’t before,” Carlisle insisted

“The shared amusement in the pain of others,” Edward said weakly, sending Veronica a wary glance

She shot him the same image as she did before, only more intense. Again, he winced.

“Stop that,” Edward grumbled

“And your fascination with must be from the burning at the stake,” Carlisle said softly, almost to himself

“Would anyone tell me who my ancestors are!” Veronica demanded

The entire family looked at her, but she stayed strong.

“Who are the two children?” Veronica repeated, trying not to fight the calm that Jasper enforced on her

“Your ancestors appear to be Jane and Alec, two of the highest members of The Volturi,” Carlisle finally said

“So...they are vampires?” Veronica concluded

“Yes, and they are quite extraordinary ones at that. Aro favours them greatly,” Carlisle nodded

“I want to meet them,” Veronica said firmly

“No,” Emmett said sharply

“Like you have a say,” Veronica retorted

“I am your boyfriend and I know what’s best – Jane and Alex are cruel! They will not hesitate to kill you!” Emmett scowled

“They are family,” Veronica said, her voice low, almost dangerous

“They’re dead!” Emmett exasperated

“I want to meet them!” Veronica repeated, her eyes blazing

“That would explain why I saw Aro and Roni together,” Alice sighed

“Alice!” Emmett hissed

“You what?” Veronica growled

No-one said anything and no-one caught her eyes.

“Alice had a vision about me and the Volturi and no-one told me?” Veronica said angrily

“It was for the best,” Emmett defended

“That’s all you say, it’s for the best. Would locking me up in my bedroom with bars across the windows be even better for you?” Veronica snapped

“That’s not what I meant,” Emmett retorted sharply, “I’m trying to protect you,”

“I don’t need your protection,” Veronica scoffed

“I told you Roni wouldn’t be happy,” Edward moaned

“Stay out of this,” Emmett said angrily

“Don’t speak to your brother like that,” Esme frowned

“Edward and I were right, you should’ve told her,” Jasper added

“Emmett was trying to help,” Alice protested

“Emmett was trying to be an overprotective ass!” Lucas exasperated

“Oh don’t play the hero, you didn’t tell her either - we all knew about it,” Emmett snarled

The shouts continued back and forth, getting louder and more violent, making Veronica’s head throb. She needed the shouting to stop. She just needed it to stop. So she took a deep breath. Edward’s head shot towards Veronica, his eyes going wide. But he couldn’t stop her. Veronica opened her mouth wide, letting out the most blood-curdling scream she could muster. But it wasn’t just blood-curdling. Something in that scream felt like piercing waves, causing the Cullens to cry out in pain and drop to the ground, holding their ears and writhing. Veronica stopped when her breath ran out, panting heavily as the Cullens slowly uncovered their heads.

“Thank you,” Veronica said crossly

“What the fuck was that?” Rosalie hissed

“I screamed?” Veronica frowned

“That was no ordinary scream,” Lucas said uneasily

“Have you always screamed like that?” Edward asked, helping his mate off the floor

“I guess so, yeah. I mean, I don’t get angry like this often at all, but I just assumed I just had a loud scream. What was wrong with it?” Veronica asked, confused

“It felt like thousands of knives were stabbing my ears, mixed with bat sonar and nails on a dry chalkboard,” Alice said softly

“What?” Veronica gasped

“I think I need to do some research,” Carlisle said suddenly

“I’ll help,” Esme said quickly

Veronica sat with her eyes wide and her head in her hands as the Cullen family quickly left the room. But Emmett stayed and walked towards her. Veronica lifted her head sharply.

“No,” she spat

“Roni,” Emmett murmured

“Just no, Emmett,” Veronica repeated angrily

Emmett sighed as Veronica ran past him and up to her room. This was too much drama in one day for him. He just hoped Carlisle could figure out whatever the hell Veronica just did without alerting the Volturi. Only that could possibly make everything worse than it was. And that was saying something.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sketch of Veronica’s ancestors, Jane and Alec
I had a little fun editing that for y'all =]

There will be more on this little 'family' as the story goes on, but the information will come as the story develops =]
Not looking for Roni and Emmett, is it?
But I think you'll like the next chapter ;)

Comments please!