Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


“How do you fancy going to Chugach State Park today?” Emmett asked softly, his fingers running down Veronica’s bare violin-curve waist

“That would be awesome! I haven’t taken any photos for the past two weeks,” Veronica nodded excitedly

“Mmm, but you have been occupied,” Emmett murmured, pressing kisses into the side of her neck

But before anything could progress, Alice opened the door and twirled into the room. Veronica squeaked and pulled the sheets to cover her body, Emmett just making sure his lower half was covered.

“Jesus fuck, Alice, you could’ve knocked!” Emmett growled

“What, so you could ignore it? Get up and get dressed. Edward heard your plan to go to Chugach State Park and you need to go – we’re redecorating Roni’s bedroom today and we want it to be a surprise,” Alice grinned, unashamed

“Alright, alright, get out,” Emmett sighed

Alice giggled and left the room, shutting the door behind her. Emmett pressed one kiss to the valley between Veronica’s breasts and one kiss to her lips, before rolling out of his bed, pulling on a clean pair of boxers and jeans.

“Can you get me some clean clothes?” Veronica asked shyly

“I can’t believe we still haven’t debarricaded your room. Or fixed the window. Or repaired anything,” Emmett chuckled, pulling on a plaid shirt and buttoning it up

“Like you said, we have been occupied,” Veronica smirked

Emmett smirked back and pecked her lips quickly before disappearing out of his window. It was true that the two of them hadn’t really left Emmett’s bedroom for the past two weeks, only going downstairs so Veronica could eat, but to be fair there had been a lot of lust built up between them. Not to say that lust had completely gone – it had just become controllable. It didn’t take long for Emmett to reappear holding a bundle of clothes and a few toiletries.

“Thanks,” Veronica grinned, dropping the sheet from her body

Emmett didn’t take his eyes off her as she quickly rolled on deodorant and cleaned her face before slowly dressed in clean underwear, a long-sleeved grey top and black ripped skinny jeans, but she didn’t say anything.

“I took the desk and wardrobe away from your door too. Very clever jamming them so the door couldn’t be opened without crushing them completely,” Emmett commented

“I thought so,” Veronica giggled

She pulled on a pair of socks and her hiking boots, before standing up and pressing a slow, intense kiss to Emmett’s lips. He groaned and pulled away, making her raise an eyebrow.

“If we carry on we won’t be leaving this room today,” Emmett said simply, his voice thick with lust

“Breakfast time it is then!” Veronica said cheerfully

She laughed at the frustration on Emmett’s face, linking their hands together as she pulled him out the room.

[1 hour later]

Jasper pulled the Jeep to a stop in one of the parking lots in Chugach State Park, cutting the engine.

“Emmett, stop eating Roni’s neck, we’re here,” Lucas teased

“At least you weren’t sitting next to them!” Jasper protested, getting out of the car

Yes, Emmett had sat in the front of the Jeep for once.

“I tried to include you in conversation, but someone decided to be anti-social,” Veronica pointed out

“Jeez, just because I have a high sex drive,” Emmett grumbled, helping Veronica out of the car

“It’s all you think of, more like,” Edward grimaced

“Aww does someone not like their power for once?” Lucas taunted

“If you could hear what their minds are screaming, you wouldn’t be saying that,” Edward warned

Veronica giggled, starting to walk up one of the hiking paths, her camera round her neck and Emmett right beside her. Jasper, Edward and Lucas were close behind.

“I’m shocked that you finally got Emmett to let you out of bed,” Jasper smirked

“Oh please, it was Roni that wouldn’t let me leave,” Emmett laughed

“I never imagined Roni as the handcuffs and bondage type,” Lucas snorted

“Don’t ever talk about bondage. I’ve seen enough over the last two weeks that would scar you for life,” Edward grumbled

“You really think that was the worst I could’ve thought at you?” Veronica smirked

Edward grimaced, making the other four laugh. It was true that Emmett and Veronica had spent a lot of their time having sex in the past two weeks, but some of the time they were just sending Edward graphic images for the fun of it. Only some of the time though.

“I just thought that Roni would like a different form of exercise,” Emmett grinned, lacing his fingers through hers

“And at least the house has peace and quiet now. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Rosalie and Bella might actually be able to get some decorating and repairs done,” Lucas chuckled

“Oh please, the only time we were ridiculous was the first time,” Veronica scoffed

“I don’t know how you can cope with all the bruising,” Edward commented, eyeing her, concerned

“It was worth it,” Veronica smiled up at Emmett

He smiled back down at her, squeezing her hand gently.

“Alright, enough mush. I’m getting bored of walking human speed,” Jasper groaned

“On my back then,” Emmett prompted

Veronica giggled and leapt onto Emmett’s back, wrapping her legs round his waist and her arms round his neck. The four male vampires checked there were no humans about (there weren’t) before zooming into the forest. They came to a stop in a clearing, and Veronica gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.

“What’s wrong?” Emmett asked, placing her on the ground

“This is where the bear trap was. Right by that tree,” Veronica whimpered

It had been nearly 5 entire months since the accident, but Veronica still remembered the agony she had been in. Jasper frowned at the pain and anguish that rushed through her, Edward sympathetic at her thoughts.

“It’s okay, Roni, it was a long time ago. A very long time ago,” Emmett soothed, rubbing circles on her palms with his thumbs

“I know, I just can’t shake the memory,” Veronica sighed

“It’ll be alright doll, at least you’ve got us now,” Lucas said warmly

“Something good did come from it,” Edward nodded

Veronica smiled gratefully at Jasper as he calmed her down.

“Can we go somewhere else to take photos? I don’t want to do it here,” Veronica quietly

“Of course,” Emmett nodded

He leant down, letting Veronica to climb onto his back again, before they set off going high up the Chugach mountain. Then Veronica spotted something, and tapped Emmett’s shoulder. He slowed to a halt, his brothers doing the same.

“Sheep? You stopped us for sheep?” Lucas scoffed

Dall sheep. They’re famous in the Chugach State Park, y’know,” Veronica smirked

She knew the boys wouldn’t be interested in these animals, but she hadn’t got any photographs of these yet, so she wasn’t going to waste an opportunity.

“Do you mind if we hunt?” Edward asked her softly as she turned her camera on

“Go ahead. But go far away,” Veronica nodded, chuckling

“I’ll stay, I fed yesterday,” Jasper volunteered

Emmett smiled, glad his girlfriend wouldn’t be alone, and pecked her lips before running off with Edward and Lucas. Jasper sat on a rock, watching Veronica as she knelt down, focussing her lens on a small family of the strange-horned sheep, snapping a series of photos. After about half an hour of switching between groups of the sheep, she got a shot that she liked, and smiled, standing up.

“You’re really passionate about your work, aren’t you?” Jasper mused

“I had to be to live. It’s all I had to survive on, so I threw myself into it. Luckily I still love doing it,” Veronica admitted

Jasper smiled at her, to which she smiled back and turned her camera off, replacing it around her neck.

“I’m glad you’re with Emmett,” Jasper said softly

“That’s kind of random,” Veronica chuckled

“Maybe, but it’s true. You’ve really got him back to the Emmett we knew and loved. He’s back to his fun-loving albeit horny self. None of us can thank you enough for that,” Jasper explained honestly

Veronica chewed on her bottom lip, blushing slightly.

“I care about him. A lot. That’s all I can say right now,” Veronica finally said

“That’s all you need to,” Jasper smiled

There was a small pause, the two of them just soaking up the withering-winter atmosphere.

“What will happen when the Volturi arrive?” Veronica asked, changing the subject

“I don’t know. Alice still can’t see any further than Aro touching your hand so he can read your mind. All I can assure you is that we will try to make it peaceful. If they want to attack, we won’t hesitate to fight,” Jasper said softly

“I don’t want any of you to get hurt because of me,” Veronica said sadly

“You’re family, Roni, that’s what we do. But Carlisle and Aro are on good terms again now after the Renesmee ordeal, so that should swing in our favour. And Aro doesn’t look calculating or threatening in the vision,” Jasper explained, smiling warmly

“I hope so. Putting Emmett, or any of you, in danger makes me feel quite ill,” Veronica shuddered

“Everything will work out. Fate brought you to Emmett, so fate will deal accordingly,” Jasper said seriously

“Woah, this is getting too deep for me. Two weeks of sex was kind of void of meaningful conversation,” Veronica snorted

“You are so much like Emmett, it’s scary,” Jasper laughed heartily

“So I’ve been told,” Veronica giggled
♠ ♠ ♠
Dall sheep photo

Just a bit of a filler really. Stayed up late last night to dye my hair turquoise, so I'm kinda wiped! but this leads to important parts, I promise!

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