Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


Veronica was in agony. Just over two weeks into February her body had suddenly decided to start healing all the bruises Emmett had caused, and she could barely move. Jasper, of course, could feel her pain, so he’d carried her from her newly-decorated bedroom down into the living room, so he could keep her as calm as possible while they watched television. There was only the two of them, Carlisle, Bella and Alice in the house, because everyone else had gone hunting, but as soon as Emmett arrived back he ran to Veronica.

“Edward told me that Jazz is having to practically numb you – what’s wrong?” Emmett panicked, cupping her face with his large hands.

Jasper smiled to himself and left the couple alone.

“Well it’s your fault, for a start,” Veronica sighed, mocking him.

“W-What?” Emmett stumbled, eyes wide.

Veronica laughed as he sat down next to her.

“My body has decided to start healing all the bruises from all the sex, and I ache so much that I’m throbbing all over,” Veronica explained.

Deep guilt set across Emmett’s features, making Veronica frown.

“I was only joking when I said it was your fault – the sex was consented, remember?” Veronica teased.

“I know...I just don’t like seeing you in pain,” Emmett grumbled.

Veronica smiled and pecked his lips. Just knowing that he cared so much made her feel all warm and fuzzy like a Hallmark card.

“If it gets too bad I’ll talk to Carlisle, okay?” Veronica reasoned.

“Alright,” Emmett nodded.

“Your cold hands might help a little,” Veronica hinted.

Emmett chuckled and lifted Veronica into his lap. Winding his arms around her, he pressed one hand to the base of her spine and one to the back of her neck. Veronica moaned softly, the relief of pain feeling better already.

“I almost believed you were going at it again then,” Edward commented, walking into the room with Bella.

“You know that my body wouldn’t stand any more,” Veronica chuckled.

“Very true. Carlisle’s just finding some strong painkillers in the supply he has here, by the way,” Edward smiled.

“Gooooood,” Veronica whined.

Over the next couple of minutes, the entire family was seated or standing in the living room. Veronica knew something was up. But before she could open her mouth, Carlisle walked into the room, holding her painkillers and a glass of water.

“Take two every 4 hours. It’ll help,” he recommended.

“Thanks,” Veronica said gratefully, doing so.

“No problem,” Carlisle nodded, walking over to his wife.

Edward! Why are we all in here? Veronica thought loudly.

Edward chuckled, making the family look at him strangely.

“We’ve got some guests arriving, Roni,” he explained.

“Did you just think him a question?” Lucas chuckled.

“Maybe?” Veronica offered with a grin.

“Emmett’s told you about our ‘cousins’, the Denali clan?” Carlisle asked.

“Yeah. I know that one of them got killed during the Renesmee problem time?” Veronica nodded.

“Mmhmm, Irina. I wouldn’t mention her though. Tanya, Kate, Garrett, Carmen and Eleazar should be arriving any minute now,” Alice smiled.

Carlisle could see Veronica open her mouth to ask another question. He didn’t need to be able to read her mind to know what it was.

“I’ve called them here because Eleazar has the power to identify gifts within vampires and humans. I still can’t tell for sure what Veronica’s scream is caused by, what it is or what it does, so I’ve asked for his help,” Carlisle told the family.

“They’ll be in for a surprise then,” Rosalie chuckled.

Then the doorbell rang, and everyone got up, including Veronica. Emmett supported her as she walked, her pain a lot less now she’d taken the painkillers. Carlisle opened the door, and five vampires walked in. They were so beautiful that Veronica’s stomach hurt. 3 women, 3 men. Two of the women had long blonde hair, the other woman had wavy black hair. One of men had long sandy hair tied back into a ponytail, one had black hair with a touch of olive to his skin, and one had curly black hair and wore strange clothing. Only the curly haired man had red eyes, the others having golden.

“William, what are you doing here?” Carlisle asked, his jaw dropped slightly.

“I’m travelling around visiting old friends, and these lovely people mentioned they were coming to see your family. So I had to come along,” the vampire with curly black hair and red eyes smiled, a thick English accent in his voice.

“And you still dress like you’re in the 1800s,” Emmett snorted.

“I tell anyone who asks before I feed off them that I’m an actor,” William shrugged, not ashamed, “I like my past,”

“Veronica, would you come forward?” Carlisle asked, warmth in his tone.

She looked up at Emmett, who nodded encouragingly. Slowly Veronica walked forward, eventually standing next to Esme.

“Wow, your scent!” the ponytail vampire gasped.

Emmett growled lightly, making his family chuckle.

“Freshly baked waffles covered in honey, I know,” Veronica smiled.

“Such an exquisite beauty and Amazonian height,” one of the blonde women commented, making Veronica blush lightly.

“Roni, this is Tanya, Kate, Garrett, William, Carmen and Eleazar. Everyone, this is Veronica Miller,” Carlisle introduced.

“It’s great to meet the girl we’ve heard so much about,” Tanya said warmly, shaking Veronica’s hand.

Veronica shook everyone’s hand, Eleazar staring her strangely after she’d done so.

“You have a strange gift, Veronica. One that I’ll need to talk more about with Carlisle before I decide anything. Very strange. And why do I recognise you?” Eleazar said after a slight pause.

“Roni’s ancestors are Jane and Alec,” Esme said, her voice soft.

The Denali clan and William all looked shocked.

“They even share the same sadistic pleasure of watching other people in pain. No offence, Roni,” Edward apologised.

“None taken,” Veronica chuckled.

“You don’t seem like them,” Kate frowned.

“I do see the physical similarity between you and Alec though,” William mumbled.

“Well as long as you don’t use your gift for fun, then I’m down,” Garrett shrugged.

“Ah about that. Roni, would you mind?” Carlisle mused.

“Not at all,” Veronica grinned.

“Brace yourself,” Jasper chuckled.

The visiting vampires looked confused as the Cullens put their fingers in their ears.

“I’m not angry,” Veronica commented.

Rosalie rolled her eyes, taking her fingers out of her ears.

“You’ll never be able to satisfy Emmett like I did,” she sneered.

The Cullens chuckled and the Denali clan looked appalled. But Veronica’s blood boiled and her nose flared. She knew that Rosalie had only said that to get her angry, but it had worked. Taking a deep breath, Veronica opened her mouth and screamed as loud as she could. All of the Denali clan and William collapsed to the floor, writhing in pain with their hands over their ears, while the Cullen family just doubled over, their finger plugs softening the pain a little. Veronica stopped when she had calmed down, breathing heavily as the visiting family shakily stood up.

“Now that is impressive,” Kate grinned.

“Thousands of tiny little knives mixed with bat sonar and nails on a chalkboard,” Carmen shuddered.

“Told you,” Alice giggled.

“Carlisle, if you please,” Eleazar urged.

The two men disappeared into Carlisle’s study, locking the door.

“Sorry,” Rosalie apologised.

“Accepted,” Veronica just nodded.

“You’ll need to practice your scream to work like that without having to be angry,” Edward told her.

“Like any of you would let me practice on you,” Veronica chuckled.

“I’m always up for a challenge,” Garrett shrugged, making his family laugh.

“You always are, babe. If he’s in, I’m in,” Kate chuckled.

No-one else volunteered, making Veronica shrug.

“Why don’t we practice outside? That way we can test how far your range is before the effects become weaker,” Garrett grinned, his enthusiasm clear.

“Sure,” Veronica smiled.

“I’ll come as well then,” Emmett announced.

He linked his hand with Veronica’s, giving it a small squeeze. She just smiled up at him.

“Looks like we’ll be catching up then!” Tanya smiled to the Cullens.

Veronica, Emmett, Kate and Garrett all headed outside.

“This might hurt a little,” Veronica smirked.


“So what is her gift, Eleazar?” Carlisle asked softly, sitting down in one of the chairs in the office.

“I’ve never seen anything like this. Sure, there are vague similarities to Jane and Alec’s powers, but this is on another level,” Eleazar sighed.

He sat down in the other chair and faced his long-time friend.

“Veronica’s scream is a paralysing sonar. There are actually sound waves that come from her mouth and they travel in a circle pulse around her. Unlike Jane’s, who’s is an illusion of pain, Veronica’s scream actually pierces the ear drums. I think if she practiced with it, she could make it powerful enough to cut off all senses,” Eleazar explained.

“Like Alec’s?” Carlisle gasped.

“A deadly combination of the two. Veronica would be a very powerful vampire. One which Aro would desire for his ‘collection’. If the Volturi ever heard about Veronica...”

“That’s the problem. Alice had a vision of Aro and Veronica together, him touching her hand to read her mind. They were both smiling,” Carlisle interrupted, his tone grave.

“Then she’s doomed,” Eleazar said simply.

“I really don’t want to think of it like that,” Carlisle frowned.

“If Aro knows of her power, he will stop at nothing to make sure she is turned and joins the Volturi. If not, you will all be sentenced to death, including her. You know this,” Eleazar warned.

“What I’m afraid of is that Veronica would welcome the vampire way of life with open arms. What I’m afraid of is that she’ll become like her ancestors,” Carlisle sighed.

“She’s really that similar to Jane and Alec?” Eleazar asked, surprised.

“Scarily. The sadism, the lack of trust, the unparalleled instinct to protect herself, the strength of mind and the way she lived independently for so many years are only a few of the characteristics they share. But what makes Veronica different is that she loves Emmett. She would do anything to protect him, that much I can tell,” Carlisle explained.

“So there is hope for her,” Eleazar mused.

“If she stays with us, then yes. If she goes with the Volturi...I dread to think,” Carlisle sighed.

“I think you should have more faith in her feelings for Emmett. Love is a powerful emotion,” Eleazar said, passion in his eyes.

“I only pray that it’s enough. She’s become a daughter to me and I know it would tear my family apart to see her like her family,” Carlisle said with a weak smile.

“No-one knows how much you worry, do they?” Eleazar chuckled.

“Not even Edward,” Carlisle confessed.

“Relax, old friend. I can assure you that you have my family’s support when the Volturi arrive. Let us know when they are on their way, because we can get to your side in an hour. Veronica seems like a sweet girl – we’ll help protect her,” Eleazar reassured.

“Thank you, Eleazar. I knew I could count on you,” Carlisle said, grateful for his friend's advice.

“Do we tell William? He’s been friends with each of us as long as we have,” Eleazar asked.

“I don’t think so. You know what his mouth is like. Can’t keep it shut if his life depends on it, especially if he is visiting old friends around the globe. We can’t have too many people knowing the full truth about Roni,” Carlisle laughed.

“Very true. Come, we’d better go and join them,” Eleazar encouraged.

“Indeed,” Carlisle smiled.

Carlisle pushed the nagging feeling that something was going to go wrong to the back of his mind. It would do no good to anyone to dwell on that thought, that was certain.
♠ ♠ ♠

So we know a little bit more about Roni's scream!
But is Carlisle right? Will she become like Jane and Alec?
At least the Denali clan have been introduced!!

I have a new original slash co-write out called Save Me, so if you could, check it out!

Comments please!