Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


Time came the next day for the Denali clan and William to leave the Cullen household.

“It was good to see you again, old friend,” William said warmly to Carlisle, shaking his hand.

“Send my regards to any other mutual friends,” Carlisle smiled.

Veronica stood next to Emmett, Kate and Garrett in front of her. Over the past 24 hours Veronica grew a strong bond with the fearless adventure-loving couple, one she knew would last for her lifetime.

“Keep Emmett in check, kid,” Garrett grinned, winking at Emmett.

“Hey, I’ll be 20 in April – I’m no kid!” Veronica defended playfully.

“You’re one of a kind, Roni. We’ll see you again soon,” Kate chuckled.

Veronica hugged those two goodbye, before hugging all the other visitors too. She was glad the Cullens had such strong allies. Emmett wrapped his arms round his girlfriend as their ‘cousins’ left, and pressed a kiss into the side of her neck.

“I like them. They’re really fun,” Veronica said warmly.

“I knew you’d get along with those two out of everyone,” Emmett chuckled.

He led her to the kitchen, where everyone was standing or sitting on a stool. Emmett leant against the kitchen side, wrapping his arms round Veronica’s waist from behind. She smiled at leant her head back on his shoulder. She could get used to this.

“Eleazar said we’d have their support when the Volturi arrive,” Carlisle announced.

“That’s good then. More numbers on our side,” Jasper smiled.

“Hopefully it won’t resort to violence,” Esme warned.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Lucas chuckled.

“Besides, if the Volturi see we have support then they may avert violence like last time,” Edward pointed out.

Veronica just smiled. She was glad there were so many people to defend and protect her, although it was a bit of an overwhelming concept.

“Who made the decision to invite Jacob’s pack here for when the Volturi arrived?” Alice gasped suddenly, “I can’t see Veronica’s future any more!”

“What?” Veronica panicked.

“I did,” Bella said nervously.

Emmett growled at her, earning a glare from Edward.

“Why, Bells?” Lucas sighed.

“I was talking to Renesmee the other day on the phone, and she wants to meet Roni. So I was going to invite the pack to come because Jacob won’t let Renesmee go without him and Leah, Seth, Quil and Embry will follow him anywhere, you know that,” Bella explained.

“It’s almost like Veronica doesn’t exist. Because she hasn’t made any decisions upon meeting Aro, she has no future past March,” Alice whimpered.

Jasper quickly calmed both his mate and Veronica.

“Why do the werewolves affect Alice like that?” Veronica asked Emmett.

“Alice’s power doesn’t work around them for some reason. I think it might have to do with the fact we’re natural enemies, but I’m not sure. She just gets a big blank, so we don’t have any idea of what to expect,” Emmett explained softly.

“So I could die,” Veronica said quietly.

“You will not die,” Emmett said fiercely.

Edward’s head suddenly snapped to Carlisle, his eyebrows shooting upwards at what he read.

“Carlisle,” Edward scolded.

The family all looked towards the blonde vampire, who looked guilty.

“Should I say it?” Edward asked with a frown.

“No, I will,” Carlisle sighed.

He looked at Veronica, making her confused.

“When Eleazar and I talked about Veronica’s gift, he told me that Veronica would be a very powerful vampire. One which Aro would desire for his ‘collection’. Aro would stop at nothing to make sure Veronica is changed and joins the Volturi,” Carlisle said gravely.

“What’s so wrong with me being turned into a vampire?” Veronica shrugged.

“No,” Emmett growled.

“My worries are that you’ll accept the lifestyle so willingly that you’ll turn into a vampire like your family,” Carlisle admitted quietly.

Esme gasped, the rest of the family looking a bit shocked.

“I may enjoy the pain of others but I’m not a cruel person,” Veronica frowned.

“I know you’re not, but the Volturi have a vampire called Chelsea that can break the loyalties and ties between people. She could break your moral ties to us and our way of life,” Carlisle told her.

The Cullen family nodded, now understanding Carlisle’s reasoning.

“Then I’ll tell Aro to make sure she doesn’t,” Veronica said confidently, making the others chuckle.

“I won’t let you become like us,” Emmett said angrily.

“Oh boy,” Bella sighed.

Veronica stepped out of his arms, turning to face him.

“I don’t care what you want, Emmett. I’m my own person,” Veronica said simply.

“You want a cursed life like us?” Emmett spat.

“I don’t think of it as cursed. I think it’s extraordinary,” Veronica retorted.

“You’re not becoming a vampire,” Emmett said sharply.

“You’re such a hypocrite, you were all for Bella being changed but now the tables have turned,” Edward scoffed.

Veronica narrowed her eyes at her boyfriend.

“What makes me so different than Bella? What if I want to spend the rest of my life with you? Is that such a crime?” Veronica exasperated.

“Of course I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Roni. But you’re so healthy, you have such a wide opportunity to do so many things – I don’t want you to waste that,” Emmett said firmly.

“I won’t waste it if I’ve got eternity,” Veronica argued.

“What about your brother? You’ll never be able to see him again. Or his children,” Emmett pointed out.

Veronica scowled, her anger rising.

“That was a low blow,” she hissed.

“It’s the truth,” Emmett snarled.

Veronica felt Jasper trying to calm her down, so she glared at him, before returning her glare to Emmett.

“I will be turned to a vampire, Emmett. Even if I have to get the Volturi to change me,” Veronica said coldly.

“If you do that, I don’t want to ever see you again,” Emmett growled.

A pang of hurt shot through Veronica and she clamped her mouth shut. She hadn’t expected him to go that far.

“Emmett,” Jasper said softly, wincing.

Emmett just shook his head, leaving the kitchen and walking up the stairs to his bedroom. Veronica kept her eyes on his closed bedroom door, unable to look at the family that surrounded her. She had never felt so humiliated in her life.

“I’m going to take a walk outside,” she said softly, quickly heading to the front door.

“Do you want company?” Alice asked quietly.

Veronica just shook her head, before leaving the house. Alice chewed her bottom lip and closed the front door, looking at her family.

“I didn’t expect him to react like that,” Alice finally said.

“I don’t think any of us did,” Rosalie said quietly.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, uh, Emmett wigged out a bit, huh!
Justified? Or overreaction?

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p.s. I've got a new Seth Clearwater story out called Everybody's Losing Control - check it out if you're interested!