Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


About an hour later, Alice wandered outside the house. Veronica hadn’t come inside and Emmett hadn’t left his room, and the family were getting worried. They knew it was best to let Emmett stew alone, but Veronica was unpredictable. So Alice decided to go and find her. It didn’t take long, because Veronica was round the back of the house, leaning against the wall. She had her head tilted back and her eyes closed. There were visible tear tracks down her cheeks too, breaking Alice’s heart. Veronica didn’t realise she wasn’t alone until Alice threw her arms around her. Veronica quickly sniffed, trying to dry her cheeks, but only made the smudged make-up worse.

“I don’t even want to know what I look like,” Veronica sighed, looking at the black streaks on her fists.

“Emmett shouldn’t have said what he said,” Alice said softly, expertly wiping the smudged make-up from her friend's cheeks.

“Don’t apologise for him,” Veronica said sharply.


“No, if he wants to apologise he can do it himself. I doubt he’s even left his room though,” Veronica interrupted, her tone cold.

Alice’s lack of response confirmed her statement. Veronica laughed dryly, shaking her head.

“Maybe this is a good thing. We’re both far too stubborn and have too much pride for our relationship to last,” Veronica said softly.

“No, don’t say that. I know how much you like Emmett. Give him a chance to cool down,” Alice begged.

“Why should I? He told me that if I got turned into a vampire by the only people who would turn me, he doesn’t even want to see me. He doesn’t want to be with me long-term, Alice, that much is obvious,” Veronica said bitterly.

“Yes he does! He’s just scared,” Alice insisted.

“Emmett scared? Yeah, right,” Veronica scoffed.

“He’s scared of how strong his feelings are for you. Emmett doesn’t want you to have to die to be with him forever, and the more you argued with him the more it scared him you were willing to end your life to be with him. He’s not a very complex guy, and high emotion scares him,” Alice said softly.

“If that’s true, why is he still sulking in his room and not out here saying it himself? He knows full well that I could go to the Volturi right now because he’s not here to stop me, but yet he’s being a stubborn ass up there,” Veronica muttered.

“You promised you wouldn’t talk about leaving anymore,”

Veronica and Alice turned their heads to see Emmett standing at the back door, anger evident on his features.

“You promised you would never hurt me, so I guess we’re even,” Veronica shot back.

“Alice, can you leave?” Emmett said impatiently.

“Do you want me to leave?” she asked Veronica.

Veronica thought about it for a second, before nodding. So Alice walked back inside the house, leaving Veronica and Emmett alone outside. Emmett walked over to Veronica and sat down beside her, turning his body so he was facing her.

“I heard everything you said, y’know,” Emmett said simply.

“Good. Did you hear the part where I said you were a stubborn ass? Because I was being nice,” Veronica said angrily.

“Why do you always have to be so infuriating! Can’t we just talk about this without insulting at each other?” Emmett scowled.

“Doesn’t look like it,” Veronica muttered.

Emmett shook his head in disbelief.

“You didn’t even want to come out here, did you? Was it Edward, Lucas or Jasper that made you come out? My bet is Jasper. He can actually feel how much you hurt me,” Veronica sneered.

“It was Jasper but that’s not the point,” Emmett growled.

“Then what is the point?” Veronica scoffed.

“I don’t want you to throw away your life for me!” Emmett exasperated.

“I wouldn’t be throwing it away – I’d be spending it with you!” Veronica retorted, her anger rising.

“You won’t be able to go in the sun, you won’t be able to work for the National Geographic, you won’t be able to see your brother and you sure as hell will miss all the food you love,” Emmett shouted angrily.

“But I love you! That’s all that matters, asshole!” Veronica shouted back.

Emmett faltered and Veronica’s breath hitched in her throat. She hadn’t meant to say that.

“You love me?” Emmett smiled softly.

“I said nothing of the sort,” Veronica said stiffly.

“Yes you did. You said you love me. You love me!” Emmett grinned.

“Yeah, yeah, shout it off the top of a fucking mountain,” Veronica growled.

Emmett just whooped and cupped Veronica’s face, pulling her lips down on his. Veronica punched him repeatedly in the chest but didn’t stop the kiss, letting out all her frustration with her lips. When Emmett pulled away, her lips were slightly swollen and her cheeks were flushed. He moved his hands from her face to covering her fists.

“I love you too,” he murmured, resting his forehead against hers.

“I don’t have to like you right now though, do I?” Veronica sighed.

“Of course not. This isn’t over by the way,” Emmett smirked, “I still don’t want you to die to be with me,”

“I’m just as stubborn as you, babe, so of course it’s not over,” Veronica mused.

“Good,” Emmett grinned.

He pecked her lips one last time before pulling her into his lap, winding his arms around her to keep her close to his chest.

“I love you,” he said softly.

“I love you too,” Veronica said in the same tone.

“Are we going to be one of those couples that always fight?” Emmett asked with a goofy grin.

“We are if you don’t give in to what I want,” Veronica shrugged, smiling slightly.

“Oh please, you love to be dominated,” Emmett smirked.

“Keep being cocky and there’ll be no sex for a month,” Veronica taunted.

Emmett opened and closed his mouth, unable to speak. Veronica just looked smug.

“You’re a cruel person, you know that?” Emmett whimpered.

“So I’ve been compared,” Veronica sighed, looking down at her lap as her mood changed.

But Emmett lifted her head, brushing her curls out of her eyes.

“I don’t think you’re like Jane and Alec. Sure, you’re all sadistic when it comes to other people’s pain, but you would never hurt someone just for the fun of it. And neither Jane or Alec have a mate, while you have me – you love, whereas they don’t. You are very different from them, so don’t get it into your head that you’ll end up like them,” Emmett insisted.

“I don’t want to be like them, Emmett, but what if I can’t help it? What if, when I get turned I turn into an uncontrollable monster?” Veronica said with a frown.

If you get turned,” Emmett corrected.

When,” Veronica shot back.

If. And you won’t turn into a monster because you’re with me and I won’t let you,” Emmett smiled broadly.

“Eurgh, I guess I’ll have to trust you,” Veronica grumbled.

“Love and trust me? All in one day? Are you feeling okay, Roni?” Emmett teased.

“I can quite happily take back the love y’know,” Veronica warned.

Emmett shook his head, pressing a flurry of soft kisses into her neck. Veronica squealed and squirmed but Emmett held firm.

“You’re not taking back the love,” Emmett murmured into her ear, nipping the earlobe.

Veronica giggled and rested her forehead against Emmett’s, closing her eyes. Emmett deeply inhaled the scent of her blood, moaning slightly. She laughed and pecked a kiss on the end of his nose.

“Go and hunt,” Veronica urged, amused by his reaction to her scent.

But Emmett shook his head, opening his eyes to look at her.

“I’m alright, I’m just really horny,” Emmett said bluntly.

Veronica blushed slightly but laughed.

“Well you hurt me by saying you didn’t want to see me again, so you’re not getting any today,” Veronica said simply.

“I didn’t mean that,” Emmett said softly.

“You still said it,” Veronica pouted.

“I love you, Roni. There isn’t a day where I don’t want you by my side. I’m sorry for hurting you,” Emmett said honestly.

“I love you too. I’m sorry for being a stubborn bitch,” Veronica smiled.

Emmett chuckled and pressed his lips to hers. Veronica kept the kiss short, resting her head against his shoulder when she pulled away.

“Jeez Emmett, it’s like I’m sitting on a flash light,” Veronica complained, circling her hips lightly.

“Not helping,” Emmett groaned.

“Think of Edward in a mankini or something,” Veronica smirked.

Emmett froze and grimaced.

“That was horrible,” he shuddered.

“Glad to help,” Veronica grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Roni can cry!
And she finally told Emmett how she feels about him!
so many emotions in this chapter my head is spinning ^_^

Please comment! I love your feedback!
Oh, and I kept a poll of everyone's reactions to the last chapter.
Readers on Roni's side: 4
Readers on Emmett's side: 2
Readers who were half and half: 1
