Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


“Veronica, I have a proposition to make,” Aro announced.

“Okay?” Veronica frowned, allowing Emmett to wrap an arm around her waist.

“Return with us to Volterra...”

“No!” Emmett exclaimed.

“I don’t believe you were being spoken to,” Caius sneered.

Emmett growled and tightened his grip on Veronica’s waist.

“As I was saying, return with us to Volterra, and get to know your family. And if you choose, I will turn you myself,” Aro said warmly.

Veronica’s jaw dropped. Getting to know her family and be turned? But what about...Emmett?

“I-I don’t know what to say,” Veronica said softly.

“We’ll need an answer soon. We’ll be returning to Italy in a few hours,” Aro pointed out.

“Can you give me a little while to think about it?” Veronica pleaded.

“Of course,” Aro smiled.

Veronica let out a soft sigh, turning her head to look up at Emmett. He looked mad.

“You already know what you want,” Alice whispered in her ear.

Veronica smiled sadly at the short girl, before looking up at her boyfriend. He just stared down at her.

“Why don’t you two go and talk inside?” Carlisle prompted.

Emmett just nodded and took Veronica’s hand, slowly walking with her back into the Cullen house. As he slammed the front door shut behind them, Veronica realised this was a serious problem with Emmett.

“Are you going to say anything?” Veronica asked quietly as they walked up the stairs.

“I don’t think there’s anything I need to, is there? I know you want to be turned and Aro’s offered it to you on a fucking golden platter,” Emmett grumbled, letting go of her hand as he opened his bedroom door.

“That’s not fair, Emmett,” Veronica frowned.

“No it fucking isn’t. You’re going to leave me for a bunch of Italian power-hungry animals!” Emmett snapped, slamming his bedroom door shut behind her.

“If you don’t want me to go, I won’t,” Veronica said softly.

“What happened to I’m my own person, it doesn’t matter what you think?” Emmett sneered.

Veronica glanced up at him, tears in her eyes.

“If I go, I’ll lose you. I’d rather stay human than lose you,” Veronica whimpered.

Emmett felt a pang of guilt at the hurt on her face, and sighed.

“I don’t want to lose you either, Roni. I want you to be happy but I don’t want you to leave,” Emmett admitted.

“I guess my ancestors won’t be going anywhere for a while,” Veronica mumbled, running a hand through her caramel curls.

“What do you want, Roni? If you want to leave with them, then fucking leave,” Emmett said sharply, his anger rising again.

“Don’t talk to me like that. Why is it so wrong that I want to get to know my family?” Veronica said coldly.

“Because you already have a family right here!”Emmett retorted, his voice rising.

“I know I do! But I want a blood family, Emmett! I’ve been given a opportunity that I will never get again!” Veronica said angrily.

“I don’t want you to leave,” Emmett growled.

Veronica growled back, and used her entire body weight to slam him against the wall, crashing their lips together. Emmett groaned and wasted no time in picking her up, wrapping her legs round his waist. As soon as Veronica threw her arms round his neck, Emmett’s hands travelled all over her body, memorising her every curve. Clothes flew everywhere until they were just bare skin on bare skin.

“I want you so badly,” Emmett said hoarsely, running his tongue up her neck.

“I’m yours,” Veronica moaned.

Emmett lost it, pushing her firmly against the wall as he slammed into her, groaning at her scream.

[2 hours later]

Veronica pulled her boyshorts back on, picking her bra off the curtain rail. Emmett sat in his boxers and jeans on the end of his bed, watching her get dressed. When she had all her clothes on, Veronica took a deep breath and turned to face her boyfriend. He immediately growled.

“You’re still going to leave, aren’t you?” Emmett shouted.

“I don’t know. I really don’t anymore,” Veronica said softly.

“It should be an easy choice, Roni. But I’ll help you out,” Emmett spat, standing up.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me,” Veronica said angrily.

“I think you’d like that, really. I think you’d like having the easy option made for you,” Emmett retorted.

“I love you, Emmett,” Veronica insisted.

“Maybe that’s not enough,” Emmett laughed dryly.

“What are you saying?” Veronica asked, her voice cracking.

“Leave. Get out my life and don’t come back. If you can’t choose being with me over going to Italy with a bunch of cruel murderers, then I don’t want anything to do with you,” Emmett said coldly.

“You don’t mean that,” Veronica whimpered.

Emmett just walked past her out of his room. A sob tore up Veronica’s throat and fat tears fell from her eyes. She ran out the room, but couldn’t see Emmett anywhere.

“Emmett!” Veronica shrieked.

She knew right then that he wasn’t coming back to her. So she sank down the wall, curling into a ball as she continued to sob, continued to cry. Seconds later, a pair of arms picked her up, and Veronica lifted her head weakly to see Lucas carrying her.

“He t-told me go get out of his life. He told me n-not to come back,” Veronica choked, her body shaking.

“It’s okay, Roni,” Lucas soothed, kicking open the door to his and Rosalie’s room.

He laid her down on the bed, frowning as she curled into a ball, wrapping her arms around her body as if to hold it together.

“I’ll be right back,” Lucas murmured.

When Veronica didn’t respond by anything other than sobbing, Lucas grew angry and stormed out of the room. He left the house, ignoring people walking up to him, only wanting to talk to one vampire. Lucas spotted Emmett sitting motionlessly on the ground in front of the house, and stormed over to him, wasting no time in kicking him harshly in the head.

“WHAT THE FUCK!”Emmett roared.




Emmett growled and launched himself at Lucas, only to be knocked out of the way by Jasper. The entire gathering was now outside, looking at them in horror.

“What the hell is going on?” Carlisle asked angrily.

“Emmett told Veronica to get out of his life and to never come back,” Lucas spat.

“You what?” Garrett gasped.

“I don’t have to explain myself to anyone,” Emmett retorted, jumping up from the floor.

“How could you?” Rosalie spat.

Emmett just glared at his former mate, before running away into the forest.

“This is far too much drama over a human,” Caius sneered.

“She’s not just any human,” Alice said sharply.

Alice ran inside the house, Embry going after her, and they both followed the sound of sobbing up to Lucas and Rosalie’s room where they found Veronica.

“Oh Roni!” Alice gasped.

Veronica rolled over as the two people ran to her, letting Alice scoop her into her arms.

“He hates me for wanting to know my family,” Veronica whimpered.

“Emmett just needs to cool down,” Embry insisted.

“No, this was different. He meant it,” Veronica replied, her bottom lip shaking.

“I can’t even tell what you’re going to do anymore. You keep changing your mind,” Alice said weakly.

“I don’t know what to do,” Veronica confessed, wiping her face dry.

“What does your heart tell you to do?” Embry asked softly.

“My heart is torn between my blood family and the family that took me in as their own. I want to get to know Jane and Alec, but I love Emmett. Even if he doesn’t love me anymore,” Veronica sighed.

“He does love you,” Alice said desperately.

“I can punch him for you, if you want?” Embry offered.

“No, it’s okay,” Veronica laughed weakly.

“Lucas already beat him up anyway,” Alice muttered.

“He what?” Veronica whimpered.

“Don’t worry about that for now. You need to decide what you’re going to do. The Volturi will be leaving soon,” Embry said hesitantly.

Veronica groaned, closing her eyes. She what she wanted to do but she knew what was right. And now that Emmett no longer wanted anything to do with her, the situation was even more complicated. But eventually she opened her eyes, looking at her two closest friends with a blank expression.

“Okay, I’m ready to say my decision,” Veronica said softly.

Alice and Embry nodded, helping Veronica stand up. She tidied her appearance before leaving the bedroom, heading down the stairs to where everyone was waiting outside. No-one said anything, although the Volturi was looking at her expectantly. They could all see that she was breaking down inside.

“Sorry for taking so long. It hasn’t been easy to make this decision at all, but my final decision is...”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Emmett.
Would you believe I started this on the 3rd of March? That seems so long ago!
The next chapter is the last chapter...and then the sequel will start.
Sorry for the cliffhanger. I would've written more, but my kitten decided it would be a great game to wake me up by bringing me a mouse. And then when I tried to take it to bury it, he ran around the house. Not impressed! So yeah, I'm running late this morning, hence the cliffhanger.

Oh, I've entered a contest recently, check the entry out, and I've got a new story starting tomorrow. That is all!

Comments please!