Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


Emmett stayed true to his word about making it up to Veronica. For the last week of September, the two of them were inseparable. Wherever Veronica was, Emmett was. Veronica couldn’t help but feel...whole. Never had any guy ever put so much time and effort into getting to know her, and she couldn’t deny that she liked how special he made her feel. It was hard getting used to attention like he was giving her, but she found herself unable to resist flirting back, even just a little.

Emmett was just ecstatic that Veronica was giving him a chance to be in her life, even if it meant he was having to feed a lot more. He brought her breakfast in bed every morning, he helped her choose what to wear, he took her into Anchorage to take photos on the coast as well as upload them onto the family computer and email them to her boss, he stayed outside in the garden with her for hours, they watched sports together, they argued about what sports team was best, he helped her into bed every night and he always kissed her forehead goodnight. Unbeknownst to Veronica, Emmett also spent every single night watching her sleep.

The entire Cullen family could see how happy Veronica and Emmett were, especially Emmett. They’d been so worried for the three years Emmett had spent miserable, but he finally seemed to be getting back to his old self. Even Rosalie noticed how much happier Emmett was. She just wasn’t happy about it being because of a human.

Veronica had been in the Cullen home for 5 weeks now, but today was the day her cast was getting removed. So she was at the hospital with Emmett, as Esme was at home with Lucas. Apparently Lucas didn’t like hospitals? Emmett teased that he wasn’t good around blood, so Veronica understood why he didn’t want to come. Emmett helped Veronica onto a chair, and Carlisle lifted her leg up.

“I warn you, your leg will feel very strange. Also, the smell will be quite bad,” Carlisle mused

“The smell?” Veronica frowned

“Well you haven’t washed your leg for 6 weeks, have you?” Carlisle chuckled

Veronica just grimaced and wrinkled her nose, making the two Cullens laugh.

“And after Sheila,” (the nurse) “shaves your leg, I’ll check to make sure the scar tissue is sealed properly and that you’re ready to start physical therapy,” Carlisle explained

“Can’t I just have Emmett and Lucas help me walk on it?” Veronica begged

Carlisle was about to protest, but he saw the pleading look in Emmett’s eyes.

“Sure,” Carlisle nodded

Veronica beamed up at Emmett, letting Carlisle know he’d done the right thing.

[30 minutes later]

“Okay, everything seems to be in’re free to go. Put as little pressure on your leg as possible for now, okay?” Carlisle ordered

“Yay!” Veronica said happily

Emmett chuckled and helped Veronica stand up.

“See you later Carlisle,” Emmett called as the doctor left the room

Veronica leant her weight against Emmett’s arm, gingerly taking a step on her cast-free leg. But pain shot straight up, and she crumpled, Emmett having to hold her upright.

“Fuck,” Veronica grumbled, frustrated

“You’ll get it, don’t worry. You’ve got a month of physical therapy to go yet,” Emmett said reassuringly

“I just hate relying on people,” Veronica sighed

“I know,” Emmett said quietly

Veronica sighed, not meaning to offend the boy she’d become so close friends with,

“I’m sorry,” Veronica mumbled

Emmett smiled slightly to himself. He knew she didn’t apologise very often.

“Don’t worry about it. Want a piggy back?” Emmett offered

“Well I can’t walk, so why not!” Veronica shrugged, defeated

Emmett chuckled and leant down, allowing Veronica to climb onto his back. He held on tightly to her thighs as she wrapped her arms round his neck.

“Do you mind if we go somewhere before we go home?” Emmett asked as the two of them left the building

“Sure,” Veronica nodded

Emmett smiled to himself and walked a little faster. Hopefully if all went as planned he wouldn’t be saying goodbye to Veronica any time soon.

[20 minutes later]

“And here we are!” Emmett smiled

He helped Veronica off his back, linking his arm with hers so she could lean the weight off her healing leg.

“’s an empty street,” Veronica said confused

“I wanted to show you something,” Emmett shrugged

Veronica looked up at the street sign.

“We’re on Fourth Avenue...exciting,” Veronica teased

“Ah, you speak too soon, Roni. This is actually the starting place of the Iditarod,” Emmett grinned, knowing she wouldn’t have a clue what he was talking about.

“The what?” Veronica frowned

Looks like he was right.

“The Iditarod. The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is an annual sled dog race in Alaska, which starts on the first Saturday in March. Mushers and teams of 16 dogs cover 1,161 miles in eight to fifteen days,” Emmett said simply

“Wow, so you can be smart when you want to,” Veronica giggled

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Emmett chuckled

“Where does the race go?” Veronica asked with a smile

“The ceremonial start is in the city of Anchorage. The trail goes from Willow up the Rainy Pass of the Alaska Range into the interior, and then along the shore of the Bering Sea, finally reaching Nome in western Alaska. Most of the route passes through widely separated towns and villages, and small Athabaskan and Inupiat settlements,” Emmett explained

“Sounds cool. Got any more fun facts for me?” Veronica mused

“I have actually, yeah. The trails alternate each year -- every even year they take the north trail and odd years they take the south trail. And the Iditarod began in 1973 as an event to test the best sled dog mushers and teams, but it’s now just a huge competition,” Emmett grinned

“I’m impressed,” Veronica smiled

“Thanks,” Emmett grinned

If he could’ve blushed he would’ve.

“Did you learn all that for me?” Veronica asked bluntly, but with a smile

Emmett was speechless for a second. Of course he’d learnt all that for her! He just didn’t expect her to guess so. Veronica laughed at his embarrassment.

“It’s cool, Em. Kinda sweet actually,” Veronica said honestly

“You think I’m sweet?” Emmett smirked

Now it was Veronica’s turn to be embarrassed. Emmett smiled, taking her silence as an opportunity to take her hands in his. He was only glad that his heart wasn’t beating so that his nerves didn’t show.

“If you stay, I’ll take you to the Iditarod,” Emmett said softly

“I’ve got to get back to work, Emmett, you know that. And besides, I can’t mooch off your family for much longer,” Veronica replied, shaking her head

“I don’t want you to leave,” Emmett blurted

He wanted to regret his words, but he couldn’t. Emmett just wanted Veronica to know how he felt.

“What?” Veronica asked, shocked

“I like you, Roni. I don’t want you to leave,” Emmett said sincerely

He watched her face intently as she processed his words, wishing that he could read her mind like Edward could. For any form of encouragement.

“I-I don’t know what to stay. I mean, you’re a sweet guy Emmett, but I hardly know you,” Veronica said weakly

“You’ve got to stay for physical therapy for at least another month anyway. Give me at least that long to show you how much you mean to me,” Emmett pleaded quietly

The old Veronica would’ve immediately scoffed and said no, before catching the first flight out of town. But the old Veronica had disappeared the day her leg was mangled by the bear trap. The new Veronica felt vulnerable and unsure of herself, and only around Emmett did she feel right. Never had she felt such a pull towards someone as she did him. But it was far too early to figure out what these new feelings meant.

“1 month,” Veronica said simply

Emmett grinned wildly, his eyes lighting up. Euphoria shot to his very core at the mere thought of Veronica giving him a chance to show his feelings.

“I promise you won’t regret it, Roni,” Emmett said happily

Veronica prayed with all her guarded heart that he was right.
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I'm back!

All I can say is England is amazing! My new house is incredible, and although I've got a lot of work to do from transferring University, I'm stoked to be back on Mibba updating!

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