Status: Complete.

It's Been a Lifetime Waiting


It had been nearly a week since Veronica and Emmett’s date, meaning October was drawing to a end. If everyone thought Veronica and Emmett were close before, they were proved wrong. Now, the pair were even more inseparable, Veronica always in Emmett’s arms or sitting on his lap. It was like they couldn’t bear to be physically parted, and although they hadn’t kissed again, Edward was getting tired of the amount they each replayed it in their minds. They belonged together, that was obvious to everyone. There was still one person who was opposed to them, however.

“Why the fuck is she still here?” Rosalie hissed to Lucas, angrily slammed their bedroom door

“Rose, don’t be harsh. She’s a boss girl, and Emmett adores her. If you got off your high horse for two seconds you’d realise that too,” Lucas grumbled, walking down the stairs to the foyer

Lucas was the one that took the majority of Rosalie’s moaning about Veronica, and he was reaching his peak point.

“So she’d converted you too, fucking fantastic,” Rosalie said angrily

“Just quit, Rose. Veronica isn’t high-tailing any time soon, so just get used to it,” Lucas said wearily

“We were fine before her, but she had to come and ruin everything,” Rosalie retorted

“Can’t you just be happy for Emmett?” Lucas sighed

“No! Not when he’s with her!” Rosalie exasperated

Lucas froze as he spotted Veronica, Emmett, Jasper and Alice behind Rosalie, obviously having heard every word. Rosalie turned on her heel but instead of being ashamed, she just sneered.

“Oh, it’s you,” Rosalie drawled

“Yeah, it’s me,” Veronica retorted, narrowing her eyes

Edward had heard the thoughts in his family’s minds and joined the small group, Bella and Esme behind him. No-one was getting in the way of these two girls; it was time for the showdown that had been inevitable from the start.

“Why don’t you just leave, huh Veronica? This family was fine before you showed up,” Rosalie said fiercely

“It was fine? Really? Because from what I could see, Emmett was barely leaving his room, let alone smiling. Where I come from, that isn’t fine,” Veronica scoffed

“Oh please, don’t give yourself so much credit. The world doesn’t revolve around you,” Rosalie sneered

“The world sure as hell doesn’t revolve around you, either. I’ve tried to be nice to you, but I can’t do it anymore. You are nothing more than a self-centred, destructive, attention whore!” Veronica spat

The entire Cullen family froze. Sure, they’d seen Veronica get angry before, but this was a whole new level of anger. This was pure and utter loathing.

“How dare you!” Rosalie hissed

“How dare I? I dare because all you’ve done to me since I’ve been here is sneer, scowl, insult, verbally abuse and make me feel like I’m not worthy of being in your fucking presence. I haven’t done shit to you, apart from try to heal Emmett from where you ripped his heart out,” Veronica said angrily

“Don’t bring Emmett into this,” Rosalie growled

“Why not? He is the reason you’re such a bitch towards me, isn’t it? Is it so wrong that he likes me? Are you jealous that he’s finally moved on from you, and that you no longer hold any meaning more than a sister to him? What is it that makes you hate me so much?” Veronica exasperated

“You’re so fucking perfect! Everyone loves you and you don’t even have to try! Everything comes easy for you, and you don’t even brag about it! You have no idea how hard I have to try, and then you waltz in here like you’re walking on sunshine. I can’t fucking take it anymore!” Rosalie shouted

Veronica’s face crumpled at the hurt in Rosalie’s words. She’d never meant to give anyone that impression. And hearing it from the most beautiful confident woman that Veronica had ever seen only made the sting worse. Rosalie shook her head angrily and stormed out of the house. Lucas flashed Veronica an apologetic look before running out after his fiancé. Veronica looked at the ground, unable to bear the stares of the Cullen family anymore. Slowly she walked up the stairs to her bedroom, intent on sleeping.

“Where are you going?” Emmett asked worriedly, catching up with her

“I need some time alone, Em,” Veronica said softly


Veronica placed a finger on his lips, silencing him.

“Please. I just want to be alone,” Veronica repeated

Emmett stopped walking, defeated. Veronica nodded her thanks, and walked into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. She locked it for good measure. She needed to reflect on the damage she’d caused.


[Later on; the evening]

Rosalie finally re-entered the Cullen home, Lucas right behind her, only to be met with a furious Alice.

“Get up to Veronica’s room right now,” Alice hissed

It was unusual for Alice to get mad with anyone, let alone Rosalie.

“And why would I do that?” Rosalie asked dryly

“Because Roni’s packing to leave. You and your stupid mouth have made her so upset that she’s planning on leaving tonight. If you don’t go and apologise right now, this family will never forgive you. Emmett will never forgive you,” Alice said angrily

Rosalie eyes flicked upwards to Emmett’s figure, standing not far away from them. He looked so...broken. Even more than she herself had made him. Pressing her lips into a tight line, Rosalie just pushed past her sister and walked up the stairs, knowing what she had to do for the sake of her family.

Veronica lifted her head at the sound of three knocks on her door. For about an hour, she’d had Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Esme...hell, every one of the Cullens in the house knocking on her door. But she hadn’t answered. She knew she didn’t belong here, so she was going to leave. It was best for everyone.

“Veronica, open the fucking door,” Rosalie growled

Shocked, Veronica got to her feet. What the hell did Rosalie want? Veronica opened the door, met with a pissed off Rosalie.

“Why are you packing?” Rosalie asked bluntly

“I don’t belong here. All I’m doing is causing fights. You’re part of this family, not me, so I’m leaving,” Veronica explained softly

“You really believe you’re not part of this family?” Rosalie scoffed

Veronica frowned, and Rosalie pushed her way into the caramel haired girl’s room, sighing at the sight of clothes piled into a rucksack.

“Look, you can’t leave,” Rosalie said firmly

“What?” Veronica asked, confused

“You’re as much a part of this family as I am, if not more. Hell, I think they like you more than me. can’t do this to Emmett. He would be lost without you,” Rosalie sighed

Veronica sat down on her bed, shocked by the blonde’s words. Rosalie sat down next to her.

“I’m going to put this bluntly. I don’t like you, and I doubt I ever will. But you’ve made Emmett whole. He will always hold a place in my heart, but I’m in love with Lucas, and I know when I chose Lucas over him, Emmett was a wreck. It’s killed me for four years to see Emmett so miserable, but since you turned up, he’s getting back to the way he was. Back to the way I loved him. I want to thank you for that, because he deserves to be loved in the way I couldn’t,” Rosalie said honestly

“I still think you’re a self-centred bitch but I’m sorry for giving the impression that everything comes easy to me. Because it sure as hell hasn’t. The only love I’ve ever known is from my brother, and that was only because our parents hated me so much that I only had him. I haven’t had an easy life in the slightest, so I don’t know how you see it that way,” Veronica admitted

“I guess we’ve got a lot to learn about each other, huh?” Rosalie laughed bitterly

“Yeah, we do,” Veronica smiled

“Can you hold off leaving for a while? I don’t want Emmett hurt again,” Rosalie confessed

Veronica chewed her bottom lip, but nodded.

“Sure. I might need some help unpacking my stuff again though,” Veronica sighed mockingly

“That I can do,” Rosalie said with a small smile

As much as they each said they didn’t like each other, Veronica and Rosalie had bonded, unspoken but strong. This friendship wasn’t going anywhere.
♠ ♠ ♠
EEK, that was close, huh?
Rosalie was really that jealous of Veronica?

On a completely other note, I've written a one-shot slash about Alex Gaskarth and Tom Sykes, called A Touch Too Much. If you can, read and comment!

Also, I'm considering changing my username, so my work won't be available for a day or so after Thursday.


p.s. 104 subscribers and 49 comments?